One of the subjects that holistic vets and other advocates of alternative practices get really passionate about is the evils of commercial and conventional diets. They promote a laundry list of myths about pet food, many of which I’ve addressed before:
- Raw is better than cooked-
2.Vets know nothing about nutrition-
This is particularly hypocritical given that the claims made about the evils of commercial food and the virtues of alternative diets are generally made by—yup vets!— and these folks have no more training or expertise than the rest of us. In fact, the most reliable source of expertise on pet food are board-certified veterinary nutritionists, veterinarians with extensive training in nutrition. However, their claims are casually dismissed with innuendos or accusations about financial bias by vets who themselves make their living selling the stuff they advocate for.
What do Vets Know about Nutrition?
3. You can tell the quality of a food from reading the ingredients on the label-
Sorry, you can’t. Partly this is the fault of regulators, who don’t require truly important information to be put on pet food labels in a clear and understandable way. And partly the uselessness of labels as a measure of food quality comes from the meaningless vagueness of the concept of “quality” and all the myths and misconceptions about specific ingredients promoted by these vets.
Pet Food Nutrition Myths
Nutrition Resources for Pet Owners
Dog Food Logic
A recent article from the ever-unreliable Dogs Naturally Magazine gave some alternative vets a platform for repeating some myths and misconceptions about what are often called “prescription diets,” though this is technically incorrect. These are better referred to as “therapeutic diets” because they are intended to be useful in treating or preventing specific medical problems, not simply provide good overall nutrition, but they do not actually require a prescription, merely oversight from a qualified veterinarian.
The evidence for these diets varies from strong (e.g. kidney diets for cats with kidney disease) to weak (e.g. some of the diets for cognitive dysfunction in older dogs), but while there are some good arguments against some of these foods, none of the ones made in this article are worth taking seriously.
The article begins by asking a bunch of holistic vets to rank a few foods based only on the ingredient lists, with one food being a prescription diet. Not surprisingly, the vets tended to rank this diet quite low, based on these sorts of arguments:
Dr Marty Goldstein, author of The Nature of Animal Healing [said] Food #3 ranked last, based on the use of corn for its first ingredient, followed by by-product meal.
Dr Jodie Gruenstern: “This food was the lowest quality in the list. It contains GMO corn, soy (lots of it!), which is a common allergen, synthetic vitamins/minerals, shavings (if you didn’t know, the ingredient cellulose is literally sawdust), natural flavors, which usually mean MSG.”
Dr Jean Dodds: “Poor quality food: the first ingredients are corn, which is often GMO, and chicken by-product meal rather than whole chicken. Flax and soy are phytoestrogens.”
Dr Judy Morgan: “This is a Pet Store Food. Corn is the first ingredient, no muscle meat used, only by-product meal, synthetic vitamin/mineral supplement, corn and soybean are GMO, waste fillers are abundant. Overpriced in my opinion, considering the poor quality, cheap ingredients used).”
Dr Dee Blanco: “This one starts with corn to increase inflammation, then adds lighter fluid to it with soybean products and poor quality protein. Then it tries to make up for the poor quality foundational ingredients by adding synthetic supplements of the poorest quality, such as calcium carbonate, folic acid, ‘generic Vit E supplement’, etc. Looks like they added l-tryptophan to calm the nervous system down after putting the body into overdrive inflammation. Natural flavors?? Could be an entire cadre of carcinogens, allergens and toxins. Argh!”
So we have a long list of villainous ingredients supposed to cause inflammation and other health problems. Any truth in this fear mongering?
Corn and Soy are Evil–
Obviously, this sort of simplistic characterization of foods as inherently good or evil is not scientific in tone, and in the case of the particular claims she makes about these ingredients they are not consistent with mainstream opinion or the evidence. Veterinary nutritionists agree that particular sources of protein and carbohydrate in canine diets are not intrinsically harmful or beneficial and that the health effects of diet are a complex set of interactions between many factors. Duck and bison are no more nor less likely to trigger food intolerance than chicken or beef, and tapioca or potatoes or green peas are no better nor no worse than corn and wheat and soy as carbohydrate and protein sources.
GMOs are Evil–
This is a hot-button issue these days, and while it is complex, the evidence to date does not support the sort of hysteria about GMOs these vets promote. This is, of course, a topic which deserves multiple posts on its own. Dr. Dodds and others regularly list GMO ingredients as unhealthy, promoting inflammation and food intolerance, and there is no evidence to support this. While there is always the potential that particular modifications of food crops and animals could lead to health risks, the anxiety about genetically modified organisms is generally ideological and based on misconceptions or poor understanding of the relevant science. It is part and parcel of the Appeal to Nature Fallacy, and the existing evidence does not support most of the hysterical fears about GMO. Dr. Dodd’s claims are not based on research from nutrigenomics but are simply part of her own beliefs and prejudices, and she provides no compelling scientific evidence to support her claims. Relevant discussion of this issue and the evidence can be found here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
By-Products are Evil–
Here’s what one nutritionist I’ve talked to has say about by-products:
A by-product only means that it was not the intended main product of the industry. It gives no indication on nutrient profile, digestibility and bioavailability, etc. Many people who dislike by-products will happily buy wheat bran (a by-product of the baking industry). Moreover, by-products vary according to country and culture. Liver, an excellent source of nutrition, is considered a by-product in the US because skeletal meat is the primary product of slaughtering an animal and many people do not eat organs any more. By-products can be excellent ingredients in pet food and it would be wasteful (and terribly self-centered) to not use it to nourish humans or animals.
The concept is meaningless, and used to demonize foods that people think of as “icky” without any reference to their real nutritional value.
Let’s look at some of the other claims. he idea that corn is a major cause of inflammatory diseases is an unproven hypothesis. The claim that phytoestrogens in soy used in pet foods have negative effects on health is an unproven theory. Both of these are presented as facts when they are just personal beliefs.
“Natural flavors” usually means hydrolyzed animal tissues, not MSG, so this is just false. And “synthetic” vitamins are identical to those extracted from plants, so the idea that they are somehow less useful or more harmful is just the Naturalistic Fallacy in action.
The bit about “sawdust is particularly silly. Cellulose is a natural part of the wall of plant cells. Sure, it is present in wood, but it is also present in all the fruits and vegetables that these vets would laud as healthy for our pets. The usual source of cellulose as a dietary fiber in pet foods is the bran from cereals such as wheat, not “sawdust.” Such hyperbole is clear evidence of a preference for ideology over facts.
The article also uses a bit of drama to suggest that therapeutic diets are poor-quality or identical to over-the-counter diets and the designation only serves to justify charging more.
Now, a 30lb bag of the regular food is $47.99 at Petsmart. The prescription diet dog food can also be purchased at Petsmart for $84.95 for a 27.5lb bag. It’s twice as expensive!
Now, you might be thinking this is because the prescription diet was formulated and tested with a specific condition in mind. This is completely false.
While an over-the-counter food with a health claim (such as controls weight) is subject to FDA regulations and enforcement, the FDA practices “enforcement discretion” when it comes to veterinary diets. Put another way, this means the FDA has not reviewed or verified the health claims on any veterinary diet. Did you catch that? There are very few ingredients in veterinary diets that aren’t also in other regular diets.
In the example above, I’d say the pet store brand is a better quality food, wouldn’t you? The prescription diet contains by-product meal (which comes straight from the rendering plant), lots of soybean and corn products (a cheap replacement for animal protein) while the regular food contains more expensive, higher quality ingredients.
Again, here’s the response of a nutritionist who actually knows something about veterinary diets to this claim:
This is a misrepresentation. Veterinary diet claims do have to be substantiated as well. The FDA did have some leniency regarding veterinary diets regarding the extent of their health claims because they are usually used under the guidance of a veterinarian to improve the life of the pets. However, the FDA is concerned about many so called therapeutic diets now marketed directly to the consumer, so they might start enforcing legislation if they are not used properly, i.e. under veterinary involvement
Regarding price, good companies invest in research, that goes into designing the food, sometimes funding basic research that would further our knowledge on particular diseases (without an immediate product to market and sell) plus trials in healthy and diseased pets, etc. So, I understand why a veterinary diet from a responsible company costs more money, not because the ingredients are more expensive, but due to the knowledge invested behind it.
These holistic vets are so ideologically biased against commercial diets that they even claim that ingredients they routinely recommend as beneficial for many health conditions magically become harmful when included in such foods:
And fish oil is a terrible addition to pet foods. It’s much too fragile to be added to processed foods and as soon as the bag is opened, it will oxidate and cause inflammation in your dog. Ironic isn’t it, when the food is supposed to be treating inflammation in the first place?
Actually, it’s not ironic, it’s just a bit of ignorance and prejudice masquerading as an informed opinion. Fish oils can be added to foods in a manner that has all the same health benefits of giving them separately, if this is done properly by a company with real nutrition experts who know what they are doing.
Bottom Line
I usually write brief summary of my conclusions for these posts, but in this case I could not write anything that makes the point better than the following, again from a nutritionist knowledgeable about these issues:
All these arguments are just guilt trips and not based on reliable science and assume the quality of a final product depends solely on certain random criteria form the individual ingredients rather than in deep knowledge of the current state of nutritional science, excellent quality control during formulation, reception of ingredients, extrusion, and storage conditions.
What we have here is unsubstantiated belief presented as fact. And this kind of fear mongering has real dangers. There is, for example, very good evidence that feeding commercial diets for cats with kidney disease can reduce suffering and prolong life. Yet I have seen clients feeding unbalanced and completely inappropriate homemade concoctions instead because they have been frightened and misled by this kind of propaganda and are unwilling to feed diets with proven benefits.
As I’ve said many times, no one knows the perfect diet for any given patient, and I am open to the possibility that there are benefits to feeding alternatives to the usual canned and dry commercial diets. But these benefits must be proven, not simply invented out of whole cloth or wrung out of twisted misrepresentations of nutrition science.
Wouldn’t the enzymes (or most of them) in Power Pro Plus be denatured in the stomach before they could carry out their functions in the small intestine?
Quite likely.
This is the best dog food article that I have ever read. The comments too. Thank you, SkepVet.
Is canned commercial food bad for a cat since it is cooked and the ingredients like taurine are diminished?
No. The essential nutrient levels are calculated and measured with the effects of cooking taken into account, so a properly formulated commercial canned food should be nutritionally complete.
I totally agree! All this nonsense about commercial dog food is ridiculous. It’s not rocket science. Dogs eat meat, fish and various other foods found in nature. They require little more. Don’t beat your head against the wall trying to understand all this BS. Give your dog a good quality commercial food (just use a well known brand that doesn’t have lots of chemicals listed as ingredients) and supplement with raw red meat and fish. Give them whatever fruit and vegetables they will eat as well. An omega supplement is good for them too such as linoleic acid. Make them bone broth once in a while and your animals will be healthy and happy…..
I have a dog weather liver count of 400 Alt for the last 4 months it was 800 Alt when I took her in 6 months ago the vet said she had elevated liver and slow slow heartbeat what should I feed my dog she is on denamarin I was wondering if I should give her Dr Marty’s propower on top of the denamarin or what else would you recommend for her liver and heart
I would recommend finding out what the problem is through appropriate diagnostic tests rather than using unproven supplements without knowing what they are supposed to be treating. If your regular vet is stumped, consider seeing an internal medicine specialist.
Good luck!
I love your comments. I have no idea to the facts that you speak but just like everybody; if you make sense then you are right. Thanks for your input though
I saw Dr. Marty Goldstein’s advertisement for cat food today and it didn’t sit right with me, leading me to Google search to check reviews, recalls, etc. That search led me to this site. I found it very informative and I appreciate that the author cites their sources and the author’s rhetoric is logical, using facts and figures instead of emotional appeals in these articles and in responses to comments.
I will likely return to this site frequently in the future, I hope this will be a valuable resource in being a responsible pet owner and so will make this request: I am currently only a cat owner and would appreciate a filter or search perimeter on the site to locate articles specific to cats, dogs, and other species of pets.
I do hope Ms. Adair returns with another update. If it helps, my finicky cat developed a vomiting problem last year that was resolved by several modifications to her diet: she no longer has free access to dry food and has access to small portions of dry food every 2 hrs excepting the two hrs before and after a small portion of wet food (we bought an automatic portion feeder), we mash her wet food over a larger surface and set a clean heavy ball in the dish to prevent her from gulping, and we buy multiple flavors from the same brand, rotating the flavor once she finishes the previous can. The brand we buy offers a discount on a box set of several flavors and the nutritional value doesn’t fluctuate greatly between the flavors (about +/- 100kcal). Now the only time we have issues with vomiting is when she naps through a portion and the next portion is dispensed before she goes back to eat. By the way, if anyone knows of a feeder that can dispense a portion of food on a timer basis and won’t dispense more food if there is already a portion in the dish that would be appreciated!
I was looking at Dr. Marty Nature’s Feast and while it sounds great, 1 pouch of 12oz freeze dried food that converts into 6 cups of food when water is added will last ONLY 6 days. It cost $35 a pack. I would have to buy 5 packs a month which is $175 per cat, per month. I have 3 cats which would cost me $525 per month.
I think Dr. Marty is on the right track but the price is way out of my budget. Does Skekptvet recommend any good cat foods that are high in protein and meet the cats needs without the extra bad stuff they throw into most cat foods?
The idea that there is “extra bad stuff they throw into most cat foods” is simply a myth propagated by people like Dr. Marty who are selling some alternative ideas or products. The differences between brands are almost entirely marketing and not based on real evidence, so it is impossible to effectively evaluate most claims. Any food that meets AAFCO requirements and is produced by a company with board-certified veterinary nutritionists on staff and with an established track record is likely to be adequate. The food that achieves the best result for an individual cat will have to be determined by trying out such foods and monitoring important outcomes (weight and body condition, stool quality, coat quality, etc.). There is no magic rule of thumb that guarantees a food will work for an individual cat.
I fairly recently started giving my 2 eight year old cats raw kangaroo from pet stock store. They love it. However I read about toxoplasmosis which is prevalent in roo. What impact will this have?
Does this mean you do not recommend dr Marty’s probiotics or any probiotics at all for my dog, I have an 8 year old german Shepherd
Raw foods significantly increase the risk of parasites and infectious diseases, and since there is no demonstrated health benefits to them, I wouldn’t take the risk!
My analysis of the evidence concerning probiotics for pets can be read here. There is evidence to support some probiotics for some issues but it is complex, and many of the claims Marty makes are without real evidence.
Mary Ellen Hartung, most dogs that are dropped off in the woods don’t go hunting for their food, they just starve while waiting for their human to come back. I have no problem with the idea of raw feeding but I don’t understand why people try to convince everyone that it’s because this is what all dogs are supposed to eat because they’re like wolves.
Anyone can look up the list to see if
your source is a certified veterinary nutritionist. There are around 100 of them. One is involved with nomnomnow. So why don’t you wish to disclose who she is?
Thank you for this! My 13 year old dog has severe acid reflux and my vet started him on Royal Canine GI low fat canned food. So far it’s working ?. But you should hear how people bash this food online and it was making me nervous feeding this to him. Thank you for so much for this article!!
I asked a nutritionist for input and did not ask permission to use his/her name, and since the name is irrelevant to the information and the credentials, I’m not going to disclose it.
The point of the quote was to challenge the myth that “by-product” means something is not nutritious or healthful in pet food. I can provide you with many comments from nutritionists to support this point, so if that is what you want then here you go:
Tufts Veterinary Nutrition Service:
Don’t be bothered by by-products
Dr. Rebecca Remillard:
Deciphering Pet Food Ingredients
Angela Rollins:
Susie, this is only an anecdote, but my elderly dog was kept going by the kibble version of that product. Her coat was shiny, she was happy and lively and loved her life. I’m still grateful both to those who developed that food and the other brand she could tolerate for giving me a good bit of extra tume with her.
Thanks for your reply v.t. I have not tried an ex diet, because I am not sure what that is. Is that a certain kind of food that I can purchase? Or is that something that a vet would have to prescribe?
So, are you saying Dr. Marty is not the way to go as far as cat food?
Vicky, do you mean “Rx”? An Rx diet is a veterinary prescribed diet.
Yes, they are more expensive, but they are formulated to meet the needs of the pet with a specific health condition. It isn’t normal for a cat to vomit often, which is why I recommend talking to your vet about a prescription diet (either a novel protein/limited ingredient diet, or a gastrointestinal diet that is easily digestible) – you’ve tried several brands and types already, the true goal is for your kitty to not have any vomiting episodes at all (which right now, could indicate food sensitivity, to certain ingredients, to a certain protein, which in cats, is often a culprit).
A veterinary prescribed hypoallergenic, or, limited ingredient diet, contains only one source of protein the cat has never been exposed to before, you feed it for a recommended amount of time, (up to 4-6 weeks, and if no progression of symptoms develops), and if favorable results are obtained, then feeding that diet permanently is preferred (or a suitable alternative with the same protein source, your vet can discuss this with you). Sometimes the vet will recommend re-introducing the previous diet after the trial hypoallergenic/limited ingredient diet, and if symptoms reoccur, then chances are, the cat is sensitive to that previous protein source and should be fed the prescription diet long-term.
Please talk to your vet about this – I worry about a frequently vomiting cat without explanation beyond what diagnostics you’ve done thus far. Perhaps a change to a prescribed diet could help determine if it is a dietary sensitivity.
I think you are on the right track feeding your cat small meals throughout the day. And for dry food you can get bowls with deep ridges in them that were designed so that cats and dogs would eat slowly. They have to manipulate around the ridges to get small amounts of food. Cats will also use their paws to scoop some kibble out onto the floor and eat it a few pieces at a time. My daughter uses those bowls because her one cat throws up alot and has been checked out thoughly by her vet. Ask your nearest pet store about them. I hope that will help you. God bless you for caring so much about your furry companion that you put your needs second. I hope things will resolve themselves so that you can get back on your financial feet. It may pay for you to get a small amount of pet insurance to help you pay for any future medical emergencies. Some policies can be as low as $10 a month for pretty good coverage. Check it out with your vet. Some vets also have resourses so that you can charge your bill and pay it off gradually. There would be an interest fee but it would at least give you some breathing room and you could eat more than beans for weeks. All the best to you and you kitty!
Is there any evidence, clinically or anecdotally, that cat food can affect the mood of your cat? Specifically, my cat which I had from a kitten, is quite friendly and cuddly at night, but downright skittish during the day. Virtually impossible to pick her up and hold her without squirming and running away. Can pet her but not for more than a few seconds. Ready to consider Prozac for cats!
She’s two years old and spayed and the only pet in the house.
Not a lot of visitors so no apparent reason for her to be unfriendly all day.
I just feed her the same supermarket dry food, nothing else.
It is theoretically possible that some aspects of the diet could influence anxiety or other behavioral issues, but there is little reliable research on the subject, and diet is not near the top of the list for approaches to managing such problems. I would consult your vet or, if possible, a veterinary behavioral specialist in your area.
Maybe she’s lonely (if you work all day away from the home), and needs her environment enriched (with a kitty tree, scratching posts, sunny spots with bed/blanket near safe windows, lots of toys, and of course, your interaction in playtime and activity when you’re home. Even leaving a radio or tv on low volume during the day can help.
The problem with some of the Prescription diets is this;
1. Vets often take a short cut and prescribe these without making a full investigation of the cause.Intermittent diarrhoea, buy this very expensive diet.
We have a boarding kennel and have far too many dogs with expensive prescription diets which simply needed things like a muzzle when exercising. Labradors take note!
2, You can buy very similar foods much more cheaply.
I’m afraid that #2 is simply not true. While some vets may not use therapeutic diets properly (though I suspect most do), there are no alternatives that have the formulation or research evidence to support their effects. Therapeutic diets are regulated because they make medical claims and they have to prove these are accurate. While I understand everybody wants pet food (and everything else) to be less expensive, there is a reason therapeutic diets are different, and more costly, from other foods.
I cannot agree. Since so many vets have been taken over by corporates, we have noticed a huge increase in dogs arriving with prescription diets. A bit like monthly flea treatments ! We have done a pretty careful analysis of the ingredients of some of them. Unfortunately in the U.K. the labelling isn’t great hence H—— ID diet starts with cereals, meats and meat derivatives. It takes some research to find out what those are. That company( Proctor and Gamble ) used to sponsor my show dog team. I never used the food. I works estimate that at least 80% of dogs that come here with the ID diet don’t need it and indeed they don’t. Most dogs don’t like it but that’s another story.
Unfortunately, all of that bis anecdotal, as is my own experience at a non-corporate hospital with 30 vets in which therapeutic diets are used appropriately. Without some kind of objective evidence, we can’t say for sure if these diets are being commonly misused or not, so any arguments based on claims about that are tentative at best.
Yup! I think u correct sir!
Jo, you keep posting as if you have some authority/special knowledge but you’re not a veterinarian or a veterinary nutritionist. Another someone might do the same exact work that you do with the same number of animals and have completely different results, experiences and opinions. Theirs too, would only be anecdotal.
Prescription diets wouldn’t be available today if they didn’t work for a huge number of pets. Urinary tract issues, GI tract issues, and weight management are probably the most common health issues for which these diets are successful (although it ALSO requires commitment from the owner).
Will someone explain why my Labrador (and all my previous dogs) love to munch on long, green crab grass every summer? Is this good for them? It seems to come out much as it was when it went in.
No one really knows, but it is common in both domestic and wild canids, and it has not been consistently linked to any health problems as either a cause or a treatment. More info
Reading all this i’m afraid to get another kittie – he said/she said. Just lost my kittie due to cancer. I miss her.
Thanks for taking an evidence based approach. It’s difficult to be an informed dog owner when you don’t know what sources to trust. Assuming facts not in evidence seems to be an epidemic these days.
When did Americans leave their brains beside the roadside? They’re DOGS and CATS, people! Amazing how they successfully survived for thousands of years without anything more than meats, fish, grains, veggies and clean water! It’s not rocket science! What happened to America? People will listen to the yardman before their own physicians! We deserve to lose what we have, imo. We’ve gotten TOO DUMB to deserve what we have!
I saw this being promoted via Facebook––which, if you look at the fine print at the bottom of the page, is “an advertisement and not an actual news article, blog, or consumer protection update.” The Facebook post starts out, “Did you know that the world’s oldest cat lived until age 38?! So what can you do to help your kitty live a longer, healthier & more energetic life?”
I’m skeptical, but I’m not closed-minded, and I wanted to see what he says–without sloughing through a video. Those of us who are able to read can get the information we’re looking for much faster by reading a transcript. Your readers might be interested in a transcript of his propaganda, which turns out to be available on the same site:
I assumed that there would be grains of truth to what he says (perhaps “grains” is not the right word here, though), but I would have predicted a lot of exaggeration. Seeing the Facebook teaser, some cat owners would likely think that their cats, too, will now live to be 38 if only they were to do what Dr. Marty says–which, nobody would have EVER guessed, turns out to be an infomercial for his own brand of food. Apparently, the reason that everybody’s cats don’t live to be that old is because of that evil of evils, regular commercial cat foods. One would have to guess that, in the wild, cats must live to be hundreds of years old, just because they only eat raw foods.
I’m not going to claim that store-bought pet food is without fault, but, on the other hand, there’s a field of science, called “biochemistry,” which, it appears, has failed to imping on Dr. Marty’s consciousness. For instance, he says, “synthetic minerals and vitamins are not bioavailable to your cat.”
His product might actually be good–it doesn’t look bad, for humans, that is–but, on the other hand, I do find it bizarre that one would complain about the unnaturality of “commercial” cat diets, then turn around and start filling one’s own cat’s diet with flax, ginger, chicory root, sweet potato, carrots, blueberries, cranberries, etc. Maybe that’s what the cats on his home planet eat.
Yes, Dr. Marty is a pretty unreliable source of information. Here is what I found about him in connection with an alternative medicine propaganda film he was involved in:
I have had cats most of my 70+ years of life. I have always fed them Purina products. Why? Because literally hundreds of millions of pets have been fed by Purina over the past many decades. Pet food is not a side-line for them, and I cannot imagine a company that has more experience and research. (No: I don’t own any stock in them either.) Certainly I have my doubts when comparing that track record to Johnny-come-lately companies whose pitch is to ignorance and advertise means that look like they are fit for humans, served on fine china.
Why would I not choose a food from the single company with more experience than any other on the planet?
Plenty of water; a combination of wet and dry food = healthy cats. Call a vet for an annual checkup. Don’t be a sucker for clever advertising.
A couple of points: I often encounter sites like this one where I arrive via a link for “cat” then find “pet” and have to dig through a multitude of dog specific information to find a morsel or two actually about cats. When did the nutritional needs of cats (obligate carnivore) become equal to dogs’ (omnivores with a meat preference, maybe)? These days when I read ingredient labels or open a cat food can it looks as though companies smack a label with a cat on it on a can with the same stuff in it they put in their dog food. So what’s up with cats supposed to be veggie lovers, all of a sudden? Sure I’ve had cats craving the craziest foods over the years. There was one who’d go wild for beans and had to be locked up when my folks were canning those. I had one that ate elderberries and acted like she’d found catnip when we brought in a branch. I often wonder whether the chocolate lover my mom had was naturally suicidal, since chocolate is toxic to cats. But usually cats stay away from harmful foods. And most I’ve had didn’t like veggies. They’d carefully chew out peas and carrots when they were mushed into their foods. The now more spoiled generation just sits in front of the bowl and waits for the human servant to pick the veggies out for them, or won’t eat till a food they like appears in their bowls. Ironically that food they like might also list veggies as ingredients. Cats are just finicky. I’ve tried and thrown away very expensive, uneaten “fresh”, “raw” and “scientific” (?) foods and then have the same sick cat eat meat baby food and ordinary cat food.
My issue with “prescription” cat foods is that despite years of customer comments asking for smaller cans, industry is insisting on offering only 5.5 oz to 6 oz cans. Then the cat will eat a teaspoon or two, you cover and refrigerate the rest and kitty won’t touch it once it’s been refrigerated/open for a while. Microwaved, heated in a water bath, taken out of the fridge to warm, mixed with hot water, kept out of the fridge in a cool place, tried it all and threw out as many cans 3/4 to 2/3 full of leftovers. He does that with other canned foods, too. But those don’t come at $7 or $8 a can. Plus after a while he gets tired of the taste and won’t even eat the two teaspoons full. So he’ll get food he will eat, passed through a sieve if it has “morsels” or “shreds” in it, I will go that far to keep him going, but then, when I grew up our “house” cats were retired barn cats. They got table scraps, and caught what they could to supplement their diets.
BTW A surprising number of bugs and spiders rather tan small mammals wonder whether the back-to-nature crowd would put bugs in their foods. Those cats lived to be eight to ten years old. Our previous two lived to 13 and 14 years. This one is 18 or 19 (not sure). So we’re doing something right. P.S. @George Butel I enjoyed reading your comment.
E. Michler, sorry, I laughed at your comment…because it’s pretty much true
A few of the prescription diets do have 2.5 or 3 oz cans available, but those are somewhat limited – and of course, they are usually the “stew” type with… yep, you guessed it, peas and carrots – although the “pate” type (if available) can be ordered if you request it of the staff.
I agree with the veggies and other ingredients that are unnecessary, cats hate them, pick them out, refuse to eat it and walk away, thereby defeating the purpose of the food (when’s the last time you saw a cat eat peas and carrots, blueberries, and other things in the backyard garden). Manufacturers have and continue to steer toward what HUMANS want in pet foods, it’s all about appearance, “natural” ingredients, getting away from those awful chemicals, preservatives etc. And yes, manufacturers have now decided that bugs will now be the hottest thing and the ultimate ingredient in your pet’s food, it’s about that special protein, you know.
Science is observation. And there are times when humans( even Drs. Vets) can come away with faulty analysis. I find that there is a good balance in this thread of conversation by both the Vets and pet owners.
What about a cats dental health? I’ve had to have one of my cats teeth pulled due to gingivitis, which is caused mainly by eating pasty dry or mushy wet food. A cat should chew on the sides of their mouth with good, raw meat to clean their teeth like nature intended.
Sorry, but it’s not true that gingivitis is “caused mainly by eating pasty dry or mushy wet food” or that raw meat will “clean their teeth.” Those are just claims made up by promoters of raw diets, and there is no real evidence they are true. In nature, carnivores often suffer broken teeth, dental disease, malnutrition, and many other negative effects from their “natural” diet.
Loved reading all your advice, comments and knowledge about pet food and holistic Vets. The Kitties we have now are so far removed from wild cats, they don’t even know what raw meat from rats, gophers, ground hogs, rabbits, ducks or other bird, etc, are…get the picture. Their stomachs don’t either.
I had an Angora/Persian that loved corn bread. The one I have now, loves pizza crust. Didn’t try to feed them those foods—-they love the smell and demanded a taste and that was all it took. Didn’t feed it all the time, just a bite. Ido believe Organic preparation are best. My husband and I eat organic and we eat grass feed meat, wild caught fish and free range fowl. Nothing GMO. That we won’t eat!
What do you feed your cat? Mine is 14yrs old now and is getting fussy on food!! Not sure if I should start feeding her cheap food, like Friskies. Been buying her premium foods up till now, both wet and dry.
Generally, a quality life-stage food (some senior cats are able to tolerate and do well on adult formulas, but this all depends on their general health) – Most important is regular checkups with your vet to determine any age-related issues that may necessitate treatment and/or appropriate diet (don’t forget oral health as well). “Getting fussy” may mean she may require something specific for GI health, oral health, renal health, etc – don’t abruptly switch to any food without knowing her true health status and per your vet’s advice.