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Five Most Dangerous Alternative Therapies for Pets- From SkeptVet TV
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Hi Skeptvet,
Thank you for the informative video. I asked a question on another thread, but I think it’s better suited here. Is there any scientific research on the supplement called Cholodin for CCD and seizures? Thanks in advance.
Hi Angie,
Yes, I did see your question, I just hadn’t gotten a chance to respond. Cholodin is a hodgepodge of different substances each of which has some theoretic al rationale or lab animal evidence to suggest it could be useful for various neurologic conditions. There is, unfortunately, zero reliable research evidence for the product itself, nothing but anecdotes. It’s been around for many years, and I suspect if it was dramatically effective we would have seen that by now, but perhaps someone will do a proper study one day.
I remain skeptical of dismissing any large category based on scattered evidence that some members of the category are fraudulent. My Dad (long dead) was an excellent medical doctor and an iconoclast (also head of class at Harvard) said of traditional medicine, ‘there are pearls among the trash’. It’s hard to find the pearls, but it is premature to assume, for example, that ALL raw feeding is bad because SOME raw diets are problematic. You (and anyone seriously studying the evidence) acknowledge that natural plant based medicines may be efficacious.
I don’t really see the issue being “all raw feeding is bad because some raw feeding is bad.” There is no evidence for any benefits of any raw feeding, and there is significant evidence for some risk from some raw feeding. The issue, then, is when do we choose to feed raw and why? My answer is that until there is some evidence of benefits, it is mere guesswork that there are pearls to find, and there is no reason to take accept the known risks. Of course, the decision will change if the evidence changes. Unfortunately, people feed raw quite often based on false or unproven promises of benefits that we don’t know exists and despite the risks we know do, and I think the net balance is towards more harm than good for our pets.
Thank you so much and happy new year to you.
wish you had added arsenic, natural element 33 to the list. At least some of the profession like is now saying its ok not to use arsenic wormers. Fda needs to take arsenic used as a wormer off the market or at least show arsenic is safe and effective vs no treatment.
Great video! I love your blog and didn’t know you also had a YouTube channel! If people like Dr Becker and “Veterinary Sectets” Dr Jones have channels spreading misinformation, I’m glad someone who is much more credible than them has a voice in the video sector. In checking out their channels recently, Dr Becker is trying to say dry food can cause cancer (I don’t think that’s been proven) and a very disgusting, scary video by Dr Jokes (Jones, but I’m going to keep that typo) who says putting things like diluted honey, tea, and *colloidal silver* (linked to kidney damage…) into your or your pets eyes will help heal conjunctivitis, and it’s just awful. I tried commenting that these are dangerous and unproven, and his cult of sheep really tried to tear into me. Anybody putting drops of silver into their eyes or their animals eyes are in for a bad time, in my opinion. Sigh. I hate that we live in a world like this. I’m glad I found your blog, as it seems the most reasonable and realistic than much of what’s out there about pet health that isn’t written anecdotally but actually written with some scientific proof. Great job, as always. And you’re very handsome!
To finish, are there any fish oil or pro/prebiotic brands you recommend? Do you think they will help with a CKD cat? Also, what brand of wet and dry food do you recommend? If you don’t have time to answer the questions, that’s ok.
Thanks for all that you do!
Hello Callie, may I say I agree with you about all the misinformation out there and people believing it, is outta control. The most recent nonsense I’ve come across is people feeding their dogs not just raw meat but the freaking bones! My god dogs were breed as domesticated,not wild. Canine’s in the wild do not eat bones, they eat their prey’s organs. Feeding your dogs raw meat even if organic, free of hormones and antibiotics etc… most likely still has dangerous additives like sodium nitrite & sodium nitrates etc….it’s a far cry from prey in the wild. With carrageenans & the nasty gums etc…in all the dog food options, it has many pet parents searching for healthy solutions. I currently feed my fur babies canned chicken/turkey with the lowest sodium count and canned boneless skinless salmon.
I have a German Shepherd who was doing very well with his spinal arthritis and hip dysplasia on Cholodin. Not sure what this has to do with raw food diet, but since there are no “good stories” about the effectiveness of Cholodin. I didn’t feel the need to post a good story just the bad ones. Now because Cholodin is no longer available and Duke been off it for 4 months now, he Neurological issues in his back and hips has declined to the point where he chronically on Carprofen and Gabapentin. Thanks a bunch to whoever made that crappy decision.