I received some exciting news today. As always, I am very grateful to everyone who has been supportive of my advocacy and science communication work over the years and who has found it useful (that means all of you!!).

The VIN Veritas Award – from the Latin for truth – honors those who serve science and truth through courage and integrity.
This year, I’m pleased to announce another worthy recipient to join their ranks.
Brennen McKenzie, VMD, MS (Physiology and Behavioral Biology), MS (Epidemiology), is a small animal practitioner, instructor in evidence-based medicine, and author of the Skeptvet blog. Brennen has long been admired by colleagues for his dedication to promoting evidence-based veterinary medicine, and I am delighted that the 2022 VIN Veritas Award judges saw fit to honor his work.
Brennen will be presenting a VIN/VSPN Rounds, “Evidence-based Medicine & Science Communication for Vets: Getting through the Latest Age of Endarkenment,” on July 20 at 9 pm ET. Save the date!
Paul D. Pion, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology)
Co-founder, VIN
Congratultions! Well deserved.
cudos to paul pion. he did the right thing with this award. This website is the closest thing to sciencebasedmedicine.org we have in veterinary medicine.
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