Search Results for: avma homeopathy

AVMA Homeopathy Resolution Defeated-Politics Trumps Science Yet Again

In a shock to no one, the resolution before the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates acknowledging homeopathy is ineffective was defeated by a wide margin. Sources say the vote was 90% against the resolution despite the report of … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 20 Comments

Response to Comments from the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association on the AVMA Homeopathy Resolution

Detailed evidence supporting the AVMA resolution on homeopathy is available in The Case Against Homeopathy, and the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy’s attempted counter arguments are examined in detail in The Evidence for Homeopathy-A Close Look. What is presented here is … Continue reading

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British Veterinary Body (RCVS) Accepts the Reality about Homeopathy that AVMA Couldn’t- It’s Nonsense!

Regular readers night remember a few years back when I was involved in promoting a non-binding policy statement from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) that would have acknowledged a simple and obvious principle: Vets should base their treatments on … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 5 Comments

AVMA Leadership Fears Slippery Slope if Homeopathy is Publically Identified as Ineffective

The leadership of the American Veterinary Medical Asociation (AVMA) has recommended the House of Delegates (HoD) reject a resolution discouraging the use of ineffective therapies and identifying homeopathy as ineffective. While not disputing that there is no clinical evidence to … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 6 Comments

Discussion of Homeopathy Continues in the AVMA

Over the last few months, I have followed the progress of a resolution introduced to the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates identifying homeopathy as an ineffective therapy incompatible with evidence-based medicine. The story can be traced through several … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 8 Comments

Growing Support for the AVMA Resolution Declaring Homeopathy is Ineffective

As I discussed last month, the AVMA House of Delegates will soon vote on Resolution 3, declaring that all veterinary therapies should be judged by the same standard, the standard of scientific evidence, and that homeopathy has consistently failed to … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 3 Comments

AVMA Considers Resolution Acknowledging Homeopathy is Ineffective

A recent article in the Veterinary Practice News (VPN) revealed that the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is considering a resolution, proposed by the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), relating to homeopathy, specifically, and to the role of science and … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 23 Comments

AVMA Asks for Comments on Draft Code of Conduct

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) functions mostly as a lobby and PR organization for veterinarians. It is a membership organization and, as such, is beholden to whoever its members are, and the organization is very keen to avoid conflict … Continue reading

Posted in General | 4 Comments

Veterinary Homeopathy: Why Are We Still Talking about This?

IntroductionIn two years of writing my Veterinary Practice News column about evidence-based medicine, I have largely managed to avoid the subject of homeopathy. It is the classic example of a medical practice developed before a scientific understanding of the basic … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 14 Comments

European Scientists Join Chorus of Government and Scientific Organizations Acknowledging the uselessness of Homeopathy

The evidence that homeopathy is ineffective for any and all medical problems and is nothing more than a placebo has grown steadily for over a century. Many reviews of the scientific research have been done, and despite hundreds of studies, … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 3 Comments