Homeopathy Swims With the Fishes

In case you were wondering, and I’m sure you were, the Australian homeopathy practice Homeopathy Plus has finally answered the burning question, “Can fish be treated with homeopathy?” Not surprisingly, the answer is “Yes.”

Now the principle of potentization, in which a homeopathic remedy gets more powerful the more it is diluted and succussed (aka whacked on a leatherbound book), would seem to present a problem for treating aquatic animals. One would think that a potentially helpful remedy diluted to, for example, 30C (meaning there is no conceivable chance of a single molecule of the original ingredient remaining) could become a devastating poison wiping out all life if dropped into the ocean and diluted so much more. However, there is no need to worry as homeopathic remedies are not only able to cure the true underlying cause of diseases modern medicine can’t touch, but they are completely safe as well. As the experts say,

Homoeopathy works with any living thing, so fish can also be successfully treated by it. Remedies can even be used preventatively for certain fish diseases.

Rather than trying to drop a pill down the mouth of a wriggling fish, though, there is an easier way – just medicate the water in which it swims.

There is a caution to bear in mind, however.

The only thing to remember is that your fish should not swim forever in the medicated water as they, just like us, can experience an aggravation.

To avoid this, make sure the water is exposed to sunlight as it weakens and eventually destroys the effects of homeopathic remedies.

Good to know. The magic memory of water is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. However, an “aggravation” does sound bad. I thought homeopathy wasn’t supposed to have side effects? Oh, here’s how the folks at Homeopathy Plus describe what to expect with homeopathic treatment.

Once you have taken your first dose of a homeopathic remedy, one of the following seven things will happen

  • A curative response – your symptoms get better and go away.
  • A similar aggravation – your symptoms first worsen and then improve.
  • A dissimilar aggravation – new symptoms appear for a short time but your old ones stay the same.
  • Accessory symptoms – your symptoms improve but in the process a new one appears for a short period.
  • Return of old symptoms – your existing symptoms improve but in the process, old symptoms from the past return for a short period.
  • A surrogate discharge or eruption appears for a short time.
  • Absolutely nothing happens.

What do they mean? Plenty to a homeopath! Each response reveals whether or not the correct remedy has been prescribed and provides valuable information your homeopath will use to adjust your treatment and help return you to health.

Ok, so your symptoms can go away, get worse, be replaced by new ones, or not change in any way, and all of these are ok! In fact, for all of these responses, except new symptoms and no change, the homeopaths conclude that the correct remedy was applied. And it may have been the correct remedy even if nothing changes at all, but you might simply be “insensitive” to it. But no matter what happens, nothing is ever a sign of failure, since we know,

Homeopathy is an amazing system of medicine with all the necessary checks and balances to guide both patient and practitioner on their journey to improved health. Used with skill and wisdom, it triggers deep healing, strengthens vitality, creates immunity, and improves resistance to future disease. It is God’s gift to a suffering humanity, waiting for us to take advantage of it.


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7 Responses to Homeopathy Swims With the Fishes

  1. Peter says:

    Well, of course! If homeopathy works, that’s proof that it works.

    And if it doesn’t work then that’s also proof that it works.

    Why is it so difficult for sceptics to grasp this?

  2. v.t. says:

    regarding sunlight on water (or not): “all the effects (of the treatment in the water) will be gone in three days”.

    Funny! Wonder how they know that.

    Thanks for this, I needed a laugh today 🙂

  3. Austin Bouck says:

    I haven’t heard that much about homeopathy before reading skeptvet, now my head hurts.

  4. art malernee dvm says:

    regarding sunlight on water (or not): “all the effects (of the treatment in the water) will be gone in three days”.

    Funny! Wonder how they know that.>>>>
    Every homeopath knows that special
    medical water in a amber medicine bottle has a better long term memory than the water in a fish pond water which only has short term memory.
    art malernee dvm

  5. Pablo says:

    My vet has an ad on his notice board for a study on the efficacy of a homeopathic treatment for cat allergies (in humans of course). I only noticed it on the way out, next time I’m there I’ll ask him what he thinks of it. If I discover he’s into woo I’m going to another vet.

    I took a picture of the ad: http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/391851_10151040846450397_853145396_21872015_1917778084_n.jpg

  6. skeptvet says:

    I can’t quite read the details of the flyer due to the resolution of the photo. omeopathy is often mistakenly taked about as being similar to allergy hyposensitization, but it is not equivalent. I haven’t looked into the specific evidence for clais that homeopathy can reduce allergy symptoms, but given the failure of homeopathy to provide convicning evidence of any benefit, or any active ingredient, for any other ailment I have investigated, I’m, well, skeptical.

  7. nicthevet says:

    HAHA! Thx for brightening up a grey January day : )
    I’m always open to ways to convince pet owners (and people in general) that ideas need to stand up to scientific scrutiny before they are taken as fact.

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