Author Archives: skeptvet

A Discussion of Evidence-based Arthritis Management for Dogs

I had the enjoyable experience of participating in a Facebook Live Discussion with Dr. Hannah Capon of the Canine Arthritis Management Project about evidence-based arthritis management for dogs. We talked about how to evaluate treatments for arthritis and whether or … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 17 Comments

Food is Love- Veterinarians and Nutrition

Food is LoveAs a child, I was a big fan of the Peanuts cartoons. One of my favorite characters was Snoopy, a suave, bipedal beagle who wrote novels and engaged in breathtaking aerial combat with his nemesis, the Red Baron. … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 19 Comments

From SkeptVet TV- “Natural” Remedies & Placebos in Pets

I’ve added a couple of short videos on the subjects of “natural” remedies and placebo effects in pets to my YouTube channel, SkeptVet TV.

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The Latest on Dietary Risk Factors for Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) & Misleading Media Spin by Grain-free Diet Manufacturers

Along with many in the veterinary profession, I have been following the concerns about diet-associated heart disease in dogs since 2018. A type of severe disease known as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has been reported in dogs not previously thought prone … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 1 Comment

Evidence Update: The Latest on Pheromones for Behavior Problems in Dogs and Cats

I have been following the research literature investigating the use of pheromones to manage behavior problems in dogs and cats since my first post of the subject in 2010. Here is a rough timeline of my conclusions over that period: 2010- … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 8 Comments

The SkeptVet Visits the Body of Evidence Podcast

I recently had a chance to chat with Jonathan Jarry and Dr. Christopher Labos on the Body of Evidence Podcast. We covered a wide range of subjects, touching on both evidence-based pet care and alternative medicine. Check it out here! … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 7 Comments

Disdain for Science and Expertise is a Cancer Killing the United States

I have spent many years fighting pseudoscience and trying to explain how science works, why it is of value, and what its role should be in decisions making, on both personal and public-policy levels. I can’t say as I’ve seen … Continue reading

Posted in Law, Regulation, and Politics | 2 Comments

Anti-science vets and COVID-19

Veterinary medicine is ostensibly a science-based profession. The Veterinarian’s Oath taken by veterinary graduates in North America begins, “I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society.”1 The centrality of science and scientific evidence is similarly acknowledged … Continue reading

Posted in General | 7 Comments

Prism Podcast Take Two: Placebos for Pets

My first appearance on the Prism Podcast was way back in 2016, but the hosts, Dr. Grant Ritchey and Dr. Clay Jones were kind enough to ask me back recently to talk about my book: Placebos for Pets? The Truth … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | Leave a comment

Fecal Microbiome Testing- Anything to It?

New Ideas in ScienceOne of the most exciting aspects of science is the discovery and development of new ideas and insights that lead to new ways of understanding and manipulating the natural world. Theories that seem preposterous at first can … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 8 Comments