Author Archives: skeptvet

NextGen Podcast-Vaccination & Vaccine Hesitancy in Veterinary Medicine

Here is a podcast interview I did recently talking about vaccination and vaccine hesitancy in veterinary medicine. Enjoy!

Posted in Vaccines | 1 Comment

More Good News on CBD and Canine Arthritis

I have been trying to keep up with the clinical trial literature evaluating cannabis (primarily CBD) in veterinary patients. There is a lot of research happening right now, so it is challenging to keep current even on this limited subset … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 8 Comments

Are Unconventional and Raw Pet Diets Becoming More Popular?

One of the most popular subjects for discussion and debate in pet health for many years now has been the relative merits of commercial pet foods and unconventional diets of various types, including homemade cooked and raw diets, commercial raw … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 10 Comments

Rabies Challenge Study Results Are In–What Do They Mean?

The subject of vaccination is one of the most common, and sadly most controversial topics I address on this blog. As I have said many times, vaccines have both risks and benefits, and the balance between these must be assessed … Continue reading

Posted in Vaccines | 9 Comments

New DogRisk Study Compares Risk of Allergies in Dogs Associated with Raw and Processed Foods

The subject of raw diets is a constant and controversial one in veterinary medicine. The controversy stems mostly from the fact that some people are passionately committed to the idea that raw diets have health benefits, but there is no … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 7 Comments

Racism in Veterinary Medicine

This post is a bit outside the usual topics I discuss on this blog, and I have no doubt I will get angry responses and admonitions to “stay in my lane.” But at a time when America is, once again, … Continue reading

Posted in General | 17 Comments

Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine in the Real World

Vets and vet students often get the idea that evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) is a purely academic thing or isn’t practice in general practice. As a GP firmly committed to this approach, I like to debunk those myths whenever possible. … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 5 Comments

Our Veterinary Hospital Experience with the COVID-19 Pandemic

This an article I wrote for Veterinary Practice News about our hospital experience with the COVID-19 pandemic. Every veterinary clinic and hospital will have their own unique experience of this time, but I suspect much of this will look familiar … Continue reading

Posted in General | 13 Comments

John Oliver Nails Coronavirus BS!

John Oliver has often taken on anti-vaccine nonsense and pseudoscience of various kinds. His latest show provides a great takedown of some of the burgeoning myths and misinformation about SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19.

Posted in General | 3 Comments

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for Pets- Does It Work?

A reader recently asked me to take another look at a product for producing and administering platelet rich plasma (PRP). This is a subject I haven’t covered since 2013, when I wrote about a small study looking at the use of PRP for arthritis … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 2 Comments