Author Archives: skeptvet

Dietary Carbohydrates are NOT “Toxic” to Cats

Folks who are critical of commercial pet foods or advocates for raw diets and other alternatives often rail against the evils of carbohydrates. The idea that dietary carbs cause disease is a central thesis of the recent “Truth About Pet … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 31 Comments

Tramadol for Pain in Dogs and Cats

Introduction Awareness of the importance of analgesia for veterinary patients has increased significantly over the last couple of decades. It is widely considered important, for medical and ethical reasons, to provide effective pain relief for dogs and cats, whether their … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 11 Comments

Evidence Update: Anxitane (L-theanine) for Anxiety in Dogs (and Cats)

In late 2014, I reviewed the evidence for Anxitane (l-theanine), an amino acid from the tea plant reported to have benefits for dogs with anxiety. At that time, my conclusion was: The theoretical reasoning behind the potential value of l-theanine … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 31 Comments

Is the SketpVet Blog Driving Veterinarians to Suicide (Seriously?!!)

One of the most common criticisms of this blog has been that it is mean, unkind, or unfair of me to critique claims about conventional and alternative medicine made by vets and others. I have addressed this subject before: Are … Continue reading

Posted in General | 24 Comments

Who’s Behind the The Truth About Pet Cancer?

I have been asked several times in the last few months to evaluate a new series of videos called The Truth About Pet Cancer. I actually purchased the full transcript of this series and am in the process of investigating … Continue reading

Posted in General | 39 Comments

Low-level Laser Treatment does not Improve Healing after TPLO Surgery in Dogs

I have been covering the subject of low-level, or “cold” laser treatment for many years. While there is some plausibility to the idea that laser light might have beneficial effects on tissue, very little convincing evidence of actual benefits in … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 22 Comments

Lysine for Feline Herpesvirus: A Therapeutic Zombie

Introduction Science is a process for developing and refining our understanding of nature over time. The work of a community of scientists, often with vigorous competition and conflict between individuals, gradually improves the accuracy of our understanding. Perfect comprehension of … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 9 Comments

Ethics and Evidence-based Medicine

The relationship between evidence-based medicine (EBM) and ethics may not be immediately apparent. EBM focuses on facts and data, safety and efficacy, and determining what we know and don’t know. Veterinary ethics is about what is right or wrong to … Continue reading

Posted in General | 7 Comments

Veterinary Practice News Evidence-based Medicine Column

Last summer, I was asked to take over the Evidence-based Medicine Column (previous the Alternative Medicine Column) in the trade magazine Veterinary Practice News from Dr. Narda Robinson. This was an excellent opportunity to  illustrate the principles and techniques of … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 10 Comments

SkeptVet Gets Hate Mail 2018

It will come as no surprise to readers that I receive a steady stream of hate mail in the form of email and comments on the blog. Occasionally, someone calls me up at work, sends me a snailmail letter, but … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 20 Comments