Author Archives: skeptvet

Ignorance is not a Virtue

The focus of this blog is the relationship between science and medicine, with an emphasis on skepticism, not politics. However, larger cultural problems in our attitudes towards science and reason are relevant in that they impact how people perceive science … Continue reading

Posted in General | 3 Comments

Acupuncture Fails to Qualify as a Specialty Area in Veterinary Medicine due to Lack of Adequate Scientific Evidence

I have written extensively about acupuncture and the scientific evidence concerning it, even going so far as to complete a certification course in acupuncture myself. This extensive examination has convinced me that while there are a few effects of electrical … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 8 Comments

John Oliver Nails It! How the Media Misreports Science.

With his usual humor and also very clear, accurate explanations, John Oliver talks about how scientific research is misrepresented in the media, and how this not only misleads the public about important health issues but undermines confidence in science.   … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 4 Comments

Dogs are Still not Wolves: Human Feeding Practices Have Shaped the Dog Genome

I have written many times about the argument, often made to support raw meat feeding or other alternative dietary practices, that dogs are basically carnivores and that because they were derived from wolf ancestors their optimal diet should be as … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 9 Comments

Teaching Integrative Medicine in Veterinary Schools: Part of an Evidence-Based Curriculum or Trojan Horse for Alternative Medicine?

I recently came across an interesting paper that cited some of my previous writing about the relationship between evidence-based medicine and alternative medicine. M.A. Memon, J. Shmalberg, H.S. Adair III, S. Allweiler, J.N. et al. Integrative veterinary medical education and … Continue reading

Posted in General | 4 Comments

Clinical Reasoning

One subject I am especially interested in is the ways our inherent reasoning processes can lead us to develop and defend mistaken beliefs. Many features of human observation and thought have evolved for quick judgments and efficient approximations under conditions … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 1 Comment

SkeptVet Talking about Alternative Medicine for Pets on the Prism Podcast

Had a great time chatting about alternative veterinary medicine on the Prism Podcast. You can download the mp3 below if you like or listen on the web or on iTunes.

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 8 Comments

SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- The Hand’s On Training and Wrap-Up

After nearly 100 hours on online instruction and independent study, my acupuncture training has concluded with a 5-day hands-on practicum and both a written and practical exam. All that remains to do to finish my certification in Veterinary Medical Acupuncture … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 11 Comments

Evidence Update- Cranberry Extracts and Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

I’ve written in the past about the subject of cranberry extracts used to prevent or treat urinary tract infections. (1, 2) There is some in vitro and lab animal research that suggests these products might reduce the ability of a … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 11 Comments

Possible Risk Factors for Kidney Disease in Cats

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common and important cause of illness in older cats. It is a frustrating disease for many reasons, especially the lack of a clear understanding of what causes CKD and the absence of a proven … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 16 Comments