Author Archives: skeptvet

Make Medicine Better: Support Registration of All Trials in Veterinary and Human Medicine

Scientific research is the most powerful tool we have to discover and improve the therapies we offer our patients. However, research only helps us if the studies are well-conducted and the results are available for other researchers and clinicians to … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | Leave a comment

More Misuse of Science as Propaganda Tool by Mercola and the AHVMF

I’ve written quite a bit about the problematic relationship between advocates of alternative medicine and scientific research. While I’m all for appropriate, high-quality research into any therapy with reasonable plausibility, which would include many alternative treatments, I object to the … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 9 Comments

SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 6: Neuromodulation of Cranial Nerves

The latest lectures in my acupuncture course have covered the use of acupuncture (and, incidentally, massage and laser therapy) for “neuromodulation” of the twelve cranial nerves. “Neuromodulation” is a somewhat vague term often used to suggest some clinically relevant and … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 8 Comments

Ahhh, Dr. Google

I’ve always made it a point to remind people that expertise is low-level evidence. Plenty of folks with advanced scientific training hold blatantly untrue, anti-science views. The notion that who you are is sufficient to prove what you claim true … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 7 Comments

Are Homeopaths Innocent Victims of Skeptical Attacks?

Homeopaths often claim they are being unfairly “attacked” when skeptics point out that homeopathy is irrational, pseudoscientific, or simply ineffective. They portray themselves as innocently minding their own business until we spontaneously attack them. This ignores the reality, however, that … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 6 Comments

Two New Campaigns in the UK to Protect Patients & Clients from Veterinary Homeopathy

A couple of years ago, I was very involved in an effort to get the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to publically acknowledge that homeopathy has been proven to have no value beyond placebo effects and to discourage its use … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 12 Comments

Lysine Doesn’t Help Cats with Viral Upper Respiratory Infections

A new systematic review has appeared discussing one of the most widely and longest used supplements in small animal medicine, the amino acid lysine, which is used to prevent and treat upper respiratory infections in cats caused by Feline Herpesvirus. … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 74 Comments

Your Dog Ate Weed

Marijuana toxicity in dogs has always been a fairly common problem seen in veterinary emergency medicine. With the increasing availability of pot due to changes in various state laws, there are reports of an increase in these cases coming to … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | 1 Comment

Generating Evidence in Private Practice

This is the proceeding and slides from a talk I gave at the ABVP Symposium in 2015. GENERATING EVIDENCE IN PRIVATE PRACTICE INTRODUCTION “…the practitioner is an essential part of the total research effort undertaken by our profession and, further, … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | Leave a comment

Pragmatic Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine in Private Practice

These are the proceedings and slides for a lecture I gave at the 2015 symposium of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. PRAGMATIC EVIDENCE-BASED VETERINARY MEDICINE IN PRIVATE PRACTICE  WHAT IS EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE (EBVM)? Evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) is the … Continue reading

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