Author Archives: skeptvet

Dr. Christina Chambreau: Another Homeopath Giving Bad Advice about Heartworm Disease

Dr. Christina Chambreau is a veterinary homeopath about whom I’ve written before (1,2) because she is both an advocate for magical, pseudoscientific nonsense and against science-based medicine. I have also written about the dangerous advice alternative practitioners, especially homeopaths, often … Continue reading

Posted in General, Homeopathy | 25 Comments

Oximunol is now Vivamune, and Still More about Marketing & Profit than Science

The faux science journal Integrative Veterinary Care has recently been pushing a supplement called Vivamune on their Facebook page, so I thought I’d investigate and see what the product was about. It turned out to be an interesting look into … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 4 Comments

SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 5: Anesthesia and Analgesia

Introduction The latest lecture in my acupuncture course concerns the use of acupuncture in patients undergoing anesthesia and surgery. Most of the lecture focuses on the potential role of acupuncture in reducing pain or mitigating some of the undesirable effects … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 4 Comments

Antioxidants for Pets- It’s Complicated

The subject of anti-oxidants comes up fairly often on this blog. This is largely because the oxidation and free-radicals are often viewed as fundamentally destructive forces responsible for aging and many types of illness, and preventing the malign effects of … Continue reading

Posted in Topic-Based Summaries | 1 Comment

Unregulated Herbal Products and Supplements Send 23,000 People to the Emergency Room Annually in the U.S.

Many times, I have written about the risks of herbal remedies and dietary supplements, and about the folly of not regulating these and requiring the scientific testing for safety and efficacy that is required of real medicine (e.g. 1, 2, 3, … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 10 Comments

Happy National Veterinary Technician Week!

It can’t be said enough that we vets would be worthless without veterinary nurses/technicians, and most people will never understand how hard and important their job is. But this brilliant song from one of the technicians I’m lucky enough to … Continue reading

Posted in General | 1 Comment

Science & Reason Triumph Over Fear and Misinformation in California: Again!

Examples of the victory of fear and misinformation over science and reason in public policy are easy to find, and I find myself writing about them often. But occasionally the pendulum swings in the right direction for a bit, and … Continue reading

Posted in Law, Regulation, and Politics | 1 Comment

More Evidence Antioxidants May Increase Cancer Risk

I’ve written before about why the near magical status of antioxidant supplements, supposed to be miraculous in preventing or treating disease and aging, is inconsistent with science and not supported by good evidence. Antioxidants in general, and specific supplements like … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 9 Comments

SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 4: Spinal Cord Injury

Introduction This lecture had surprisingly little information about acupuncture itself. It began with a review of the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury and the typical steps for evaluating and stabilizing patients presenting with acute spinal cord injury. Most of the … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | Leave a comment

Evidence Update- Evidence-based Canine Allergy Treatment

In 2010, I reported on the evidence-based guidelines for treatment of allergies in dogs put out by the International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis. This extremely useful document reviewed the evidence concerning many different treatments for allergies in dogs, … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 6 Comments