Author Archives: skeptvet

Coconut Oil for Pets?

Healthcare and nutrition fads are an unfortunate fact of life. People are always looking for miracle cures and for clear, defined villains they can blame for illness and try to avoid. The media contributes to the process of fads coming … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 27 Comments

Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine: What is it & Why Does it Matter?

The Equine Veterinary Journal and Equine Veterinary education journal have just launched a new open-access evidence-based medicine resource, including systematic reviews, critically-appraised topic reports (CATs) and editorials. This includes my most recent editorial on the subject, which I can now … Continue reading

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SB277- Eliminating Personal Belief Vaccine Exemption in California

I’m stepping outside of my usual territory as a veterinarian to raise a human healthcare issue– vaccination exemptions. In my state of California, it is very easy for misinformed parents with unfounded concerns about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations … Continue reading

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John Maddox Prize for Promoting Science & Evidence in the Public Interest

A great science advocacy group from the UK called Sense About Science offers annual prize to recognize individuals who are publically promoting the importance and use of science and evidence. Here is how they describe the award: 2015 John Maddox Prize … Continue reading

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In addition to my work on this blog, I do write for the professional veterinary literature and lay press as well, so I thought I’d list some of those publications for anyone who is interested. Professional Literature McKenzie, BA. Evidence-based … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | Leave a comment

Science Through the Looking Glass- The Integrative Veterinary Care Journal

While much of so-called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), also referred to by the latest marketing buzzword “integrative medicine,” is clearly inconsistent in theory and practice with science and science-based medicine, nevertheless practitioners of CAM like to assume the trappings … Continue reading

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FDA Reviews Its Regulation of Homeopathy-Now is Your Chance to Comment!

The FDA is reviewing its regulation of homeopathic products, both prescription and over-the-counter. The current regulatory structure essentially no evidence of safety or efficacy since the products were grandfathered into the legislation in 1938 by its author, a Senator who … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 3 Comments

Evidence Update- Ocu-GLO for Prevention of Cataracts in Diabetic Dogs

About a year ago, I wrote a review of Ocu-GLO, an oral supplement marketed for a variety of purposes: Ocu-GLO Rx™ is needed when your dog is showing any of the following signs: – Diminished vision at night or in … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 38 Comments

What Do Holistic Vets Say About Science and Evidence-based Medicine?

I’ve written several times about how proponents of alternative therapies appear to view science and evidence-based medicine. (1, 2, 3)  I think it is critical in evaluating these practices, as pet owners or  veterinarians, to understand the philosophy and approach … Continue reading

Posted in General | 10 Comments

Evidence Update- Neutering and Cancer Risk in Danish Dogs

One of the “hot topics” in veterinary medicine right now is the balance of risk and benefits to neutering. Even though I completed an extensive review of this subject in 2010, and updated it just last year, the new evidence … Continue reading

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 10 Comments