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Category Archives: Acupuncture
Skeptvet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 7: Emerging Themes
I haven’t updated my acupuncture adventure in a while, largely because I’m past the part of the course making general claims and justifications of acupuncture and into the portion that consists mostly of memorizing individual points and associated anatomical and … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
Another Study Shows Acupuncture is a Placebo Treatment
One consistent theme in acupuncture research is that it has proven very difficult to show any difference between the effects of acupuncture intended to treat a symptom or disease and the effects of various kinds of fake or sham acupuncture … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 6: Neuromodulation of Cranial Nerves
The latest lectures in my acupuncture course have covered the use of acupuncture (and, incidentally, massage and laser therapy) for “neuromodulation” of the twelve cranial nerves. “Neuromodulation” is a somewhat vague term often used to suggest some clinically relevant and … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 5: Anesthesia and Analgesia
Introduction The latest lecture in my acupuncture course concerns the use of acupuncture in patients undergoing anesthesia and surgery. Most of the lecture focuses on the potential role of acupuncture in reducing pain or mitigating some of the undesirable effects … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 4: Spinal Cord Injury
Introduction This lecture had surprisingly little information about acupuncture itself. It began with a review of the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury and the typical steps for evaluating and stabilizing patients presenting with acute spinal cord injury. Most of the … Continue reading
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SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 3: Acupuncture and the Evidence
Acupuncture and the Evidence I have spent several hours, now, listening to lectures discussing scientific evidence and acupuncture. I have also made an effort to find and read many of the specific papers discussed so that I can evaluate their … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 2: Points and Channels
Having begun the online portion of my acupuncture course, I am beginning to get into the work of identifying, remembering, and locating the main acupuncture channels and points that are used for clinical treatment in several varieties of acupuncture. This … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
SkeptVet’s Acupuncture Adventure- Part 1: Introduction
I have written extensively about acupuncture since it is one of the most widely used and accepted of the alternative therapies. It is also complex, with many different definitions, associated theories, and a huge body of relevant research evidence. Sorting … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
The Best Acupuncture Study EVER!
I have previously discussed in detail the reasons why, despite a fairly large and often positive research literature, I believe the evidence is strong that acupuncture works almost entirely as a placebo. Shortly after posting my most recent discussion of … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture
Acupuncture is All Placebo
Acupuncture is among the most popular alternative therapies in the mainstream medical community. There appears to be a widespread belief that it has been scientifically proven to be a safe and effective therapy, at least for pain and nausea, and … Continue reading
Posted in Acupuncture