Category Archives: Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

What Is It? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is marketed as a set of theories and practices developed over centuries in China. In reality, it is a label applied to a varied and inconsistent set of practices drawn from a variety … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture, General, Herbs and Supplements | 36 Comments

A Review of Reviews of Acupuncture for Pain: Might Work, Might not; Could Kill You, Probably Won’t

A new review of systematic reviews of acupuncture treatment for pain was recently published in the journal Pain. Basically, a systematic review is a study which looks at primary clinical research studies selected in a comprehensive and pre-determined manner and … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 3 Comments

From SBM: How Popular Is Acupuncture?

From Science-Based Medicine: How popular is acupuncture? One argument that often comes up when skeptics and proponents of so-called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) debate is the question of the popularity of various CAM practices. Advocates of CAM often claim … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 7 Comments

Another Acupuncture Study Shows It’s a Placebo

Acupuncture is one of the CAM modalities most widely accepted as scientifically proven to be effective, at least for pain and maybe nausea. Even providers skeptical of the mystical roots and language of the practice will often suggest that it … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 13 Comments

The History of Veterinary Acupuncture: It’s Not What You Think

One of the most common arguments made in support of using acupuncture on animals is that veterinary acupuncture is an ancient art practiced and refined in China for thousands of years. On one website providing referrals for acupuncturists, the claim … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 9 Comments

JAVMA Article on Electroacupuncture for IVDD

A couple of readers have asked me to comment on a study that appears in this month’s Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Comparison of decompressive surgery, electroacupuncture, and decompressive surgery followed by electroacupuncture for the treatment of dogs … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture | 19 Comments