Category Archives: Aging Science

Posts related to aging biology and research.

Aging in the Dog: Presentation at the Fetch Kansas City Conference

Aging in the Dog:Foundations of Canine Geriatric Medicine What is aging?How we define aging depends on our goals and our frame of reference. From the biomedical perspective of the veterinary clinician, the important elements are: The passage of time Deleterious … Continue reading

Posted in Aging Science, Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 8 Comments

Facebook Live Interview on Canine Aging with Dr. Hannah Capon of Canine Arthritis Management

Posted in Aging Science, Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 3 Comments

Book Review- Age Later by Dr. Nir Barzilai

Dr. Nir Barzilai is a well-known researcher and advocate for longevity studies. He is an MD and the founder or driving force behind many geroscience institutes and initiatives. In 2020, he also became one of a growing number of scientific … Continue reading

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Recent Canine Aging Science Articles

If my posts have seemed few and far between lately, one of many reasons is I have been busily typing away producing some scientific publications in my new focus area- canine aging science. My collaborators and I have produced several … Continue reading

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Book Review- The Forever Dog: Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier, and Longer

Regular readers may have noticed I’ve become a bit obsessed with canine aging biology lately.  I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on, from journal articles and textbooks to popular science books. I’ve also been writing about the subject … Continue reading

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Book Review- Why We Age: What science is discovering about the body’s journey through life by Steven Austad

Today’s review is of my favorite book about aging so far, Steven Austad’s Why We Age: What science is discovering about the body’s journey through life. Dr. Austad’s style is clear and approachable, even a bit folksy. He creates the kind … Continue reading

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Book Review- Ending Aging: The rejuvenation breakthroughs that could reverse human aging in our lifetime

Today’s review involves another influential book by a prominent figure in the anti-aging field. This one is considerably more problematic than my review of David Sinclair’s book Lifespan. While Dr. Sinclair is somewhat controversial for his salesmanship and for claims and … Continue reading

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Book Review- Lifespan by Dr. David Sinclair

As part of my efforts to learn as much as I can about both aging biology and also the effective communication of geroscience research, I have been reading popular books on the subject by influential figures in the field. While … Continue reading

Posted in Aging Science, Book Reviews | 7 Comments

Cone of Shame: 30-year-old Dogs? The Science of Pet Aging

I recently had another chance to visit my friends Dr. Andy Roark on his Cone of Shame podcast. We talked about my favorite subject–aging in dogs and what we can do about it. Enjoy!

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Do Fit Dogs Live Longer?

It is well established that exercise has health benefits in humans. Regular physical activity can significantly reduce the occurrence of age-associated diseases and help maintain function. Exercise is also a powerful anti-aging tool which can extend both healthspan and lifespan. But … Continue reading

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