Category Archives: Aging Science

Posts related to aging biology and research.

How Long Do Dogs Live?

Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.Agnes Sligh Turnbull How long should a dog live? The obvious answer for any dog lover, of course, is “Forever!” Unfortunately, since this does not appear possible, we must settle for trying … Continue reading

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The Young Science of Dog Aging

Here is a brief talk and Q&A I participated in recently at Petminded. Hope you find it interesting!

Posted in Aging Science, Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 1 Comment

Can Your Dog’s Face Tell You How Old They Are?

Age-associated changes in appearance are readily recognized by clinicians and dog owners. We can often identify an old dog of any breed through a gestalt assessment of appearance, movement, and demeanor without being able to detail all the specific features … Continue reading

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Lifespan and Healthspan

The goal of longevity therapies is to prolong both lifespan (the number of years an individual lives) and healthspan (the number of years free of significant disease or disability). Current preventative medical interventions, such as vaccines, have greatly increased lifespan, … Continue reading

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Telomeres & Aging

Each new discovery in aging biology generates a lot of excitement. Newly discovered mechanisms are sometimes enthusiastically promoted as dramatic breakthroughs that will transform the field and lead to powerful clinical therapies. Over time, our understanding of these new elements … Continue reading

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Measuring Aging: Epigenetic Clocks

Aging involves physical changes over time, but time is not the primary driver of these changes. Large-breed dogs age faster than small breed dogs, and there is great individual variation in the manifestations of aging. A key lesson we have … Continue reading

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Lifespan & Body Size- Big Animals Live Longer, Except When They Don’t

One of the earliest recorded assertions that large animals live longer than small ones comes from Aristotle in 350 BC. Such unstructured observations have subsequently been supported by more rigorous scientific study. As this graph shows, there is a positive … Continue reading

Posted in Aging Science | 6 Comments

Can We Help Our Dogs to Live Longer & Healthier Lives?

One of the first logical questions for a good skeptic to ask when thinking about canine aging biology is whether it is plausible that we can extend lifespan (years lived) and healthspan (healthy years lived) in dogs. Is there reliable … Continue reading

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Why do Dogs get Old? Some Basic Theories of Aging.

Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really. Agnes Sligh Turnbull The question of why our dogs have to get old can be primarily a rhetorical one, expressing our dismay at the process. It can also be a philosophical … Continue reading

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Why do Dogs get Old? A New Adventure for the SkeptVet.

Most of us fortunate enough to be blessed with dogs in our lives have had to confront one great limitation in our canine companions-they don’t live as long as we do. Watching bright-eyed, bouncy puppies evolve slowly into creaky, grey-faced … Continue reading

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