Category Archives: General

The Open Veterinary Hospital- And a Farewell to VPN

This is my last piece for Veterinary Practice News as the EBVM columnist. I chose to focus on the open veterinary hospital model, which I have been a proponent of for many years. There is widespread recognition in veterinary medicine … Continue reading

Posted in General, Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews | 11 Comments

Do Dogs Like Music? (Evidence Update)

Over the roughly 13 years I have been writing this blog, I have covered quite a few different topics, though with all I have maintained the central theme of evaluating claims about pet health from a science-based perspective. Part of … Continue reading

Posted in General | 5 Comments

PEMF (Assisi Loop) for Separation Anxiety in Dogs- A new Study

A recurring topic here over the years has been pulsed electromagnet field therapies. I have reviewed evidence concerning these in 2009 and 2020 (twice), and my conclusions have always been- The therapy is biologically plausible The evidence is weak The claims for these devices … Continue reading

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What is a Conflict of Interest?

One of the most common objections I see to my promotion of science-based treatments is that the scientific evidence supporting them is invalid because it is tainted by some association with Big Pharma, Big Kibble, or some other industry bogeyman. … Continue reading

Posted in General, Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 3 Comments

What are General Practice Vets Good For?

From VPN+ “We must provide an outlet for the creative faculties…And it is this challenge which is recognized by every graduate who turns away from practice, disillusioned by his or her inability to find satisfaction in a situation where…the expectations … Continue reading

Posted in General | 4 Comments

Jean Dodds Cited by California Veterinary Medical Board for Practicing Veterinary Medicine without a License

I have written about Jean Dodds many, many times. She is one of those controversial figures who did some legitimate, even trailblazing work early in her career and then went off the deep end, not only embracing many forms of … Continue reading

Posted in General | 26 Comments

Seresto Flea & Tick Collars: The New Satanic Panic?

Like many vets around the country, I’ve had a sudden wave of panicked calls and emails from clients about a dramatic article that appeared in USA Today yesterday. The article essentially claims that the Seresto flea and tick collar is injuring and … Continue reading

Posted in General | 33 Comments

Are NSAID Pain Relievers Dangerous for Your Dog?

One of the most common and useful class of medications available to veterinarians are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). These treat pain and inflammation, and the evidence for their safety and effectiveness is robust (1, 2). Like all medications that have any … Continue reading

Posted in General | 18 Comments

Neutering and Aggression in Dogs

I have written extensively about the positive and negative effects of neutering dogs for many years. This is an area of great controversy and rapidly advancing research. There is no simple relationship between neutering or age at neutering and health. … Continue reading

Posted in General | 4 Comments

Anti-science vets and COVID-19

Veterinary medicine is ostensibly a science-based profession. The Veterinarian’s Oath taken by veterinary graduates in North America begins, “I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society.”1 The centrality of science and scientific evidence is similarly acknowledged … Continue reading

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