Category Archives: Herbs and Supplements

Please Support S. 1425: The Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2013.

I have written previously about the woefully inadequate regulation of dietary supplements in the U.S. under the Dietary Supplement Health an Education Act (DSHEA). Much has previously been written at the Science-Based Medicine Blog on the subject of the Dietary … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 5 Comments

Medical Use of Marijuana/Cannabis for Pets?

The medical use of marijuana has long been a “hot-button” issue in human medicine. Now, the subject has become a growing focus of debate in the veterinary field as well. As is all too common in such debates, however, scientific … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 83 Comments

Toxicologists Recommend “Say ‘No!’ to Unregulated Herbs and Homeopathy”

The Choosing Wisely project is an effort by the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation to encourage physicians and patients to choose diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in a rational, evidence-based way. Specialists make recommendations about tests and treatments in their area … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Homeopathy | 27 Comments

Turmeric for Pets

One of the more popular herbal products in the last few years has been turmeric. Used as a spice in cooking, this herb has also been used for the usual wide range of unrelated conditions in traditional folk medicine, particularly … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 90 Comments

U.K. May Ban Unlicensed TCM Drugs

I’ve written about so-called Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is not actually traditional and which is a collection of untested folk beliefs that are inconsistent with much established scientific knowledge. The biggest problem with TCM, however, is that the remedies … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 4 Comments

Brain Protection Blend: Can Nutritional Supplements Preserve or Improve Cognitive Function in Cats?

Age-associated Cognitive Dysfunction As our pets age, behavioral changes associated with aging of the brain often become evident. Cats and dogs may exhibit changes in sleep patterns, in interactions with other animals or with humans, problems with housetraining, and other … Continue reading

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There is no “Natural” or “Holistic” Heartworm Prevention or Treatment Proven to be Safe and Effective

Much of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is offered either as an addition to conventional, science-based treatment or in situations in which conventional therapies are unavailable or ineffective. This doesn’t excuse offering treatments that haven’t been properly tested, and it … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 86 Comments

Canine Health from LifeVantage–Protandim by Any Other Name & Still No Real Evidence

I was recently asked to comment on yet another “kitchen sink” mélange of herbs and supplements promoted w/ claims of broad benefits for dogs: Canine Health from LifeVantage. This proved easier than I had expected since the product is identical … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 70 Comments

Australian Government Cracks Down on Bogus Claims for “Black Salve”

One of my most popular (and unpopular) articles concerns the quack cancer remedy Neoplasene. This is one of a family of herbal derivatives called bloodroot, and it has never been shown to be a safe and effective therapy for cancer. … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 2 Comments

Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment in Pets

Introduction Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is a micronutrient found in many foods. Interestingly, it is essential for primates and guinea pigs, but not for any other mammals since most species can manufacture it from other substances in … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Miscellaneous CAVM | 51 Comments