Category Archives: Herbs and Supplements

USDA Confronts Misleading Hype about Antioxidants in Foods

I have commented a few times on the issue of antioxidant supplements. While the theory that some diseases are caused by, or at least involve in some way, oxidative damage is reasonable, and there are lots of in vitro studies … Continue reading

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Latest Review Finds Fish Oils Don’t Help Dementia

Fish oils are the current wonder supplement, good for all that ails you. I have actually taken them when the evidence appeared to support a benefit in prevention of cardiovascular disease, but the evidence is not looking as strong these … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 7 Comments

Resveratrol–Still Promising and Unproven, and Now With its Own Scandal

Quite some time ago, I wrote about the substance resveratrol as an ingredient in a nutraceutical intended to treat canine cognitive dysfunction. Here was my conclusion at the time: Resveratrol is a chemical extracted from grapes that has been touted … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 2 Comments

What’s in Chinese Medicine? New DNA Study Finds Some Unpleasant Answers.

The lack of effective regulation covering herbal remedies and dietary supplements is well-known. The General Accounting Office has warned Congress about the widespread deceptive and illegal marketing of such remedies. And there are numerous studies which illustrate the potential dangers … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 4 Comments

New Review Finds Little Evidence that Nutraceuticals Help Animals with Arthritis

I have written extensively about various supplements and herbal treatments for arthritis. For the most part the evidence seems weak for all of these products, though there are a couple of suggestive studies that might lead to demonstrably effective treatments … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 6 Comments

Crananidin: Cranberry Extract for Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs and Cats?

The question of whether cranberries, in some form, have value in treating or preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs) is a pretty old one. Mark Crislip at Science-Based Medicine has written a nice summary of the topic, and he has found … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 8 Comments

Protandim: An Update from Science-Based Medicine

Last year I wrote a review of a dubious herbal combination product called Protandim. At that time, my bottom line conclusion was: Bottom Line The underlying theory used to promote this product, that anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects are always safe … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 51 Comments Same Snake Oil, Different Day

Knowing that I have an interest in investigating the evidence behind claims for veterinary healthcare products, clients and colleagues sometimes pass along materials concerning veterinary supplements, herbal remedies, and other similar products and ask my opinion. Since there are hundreds, … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 247 Comments

Herbal Remedies Can Interfere with HIV Treatment

The popularity of herbal remedies rests, in large part, on the perceptions of these substances as “natural,” a vague, nearly meaningless term often mistakenly understood to mean “safe.” The idea that eating parts of plants, singly or in combination, can … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 1 Comment

Garlic for Pets- What’s it Good for?

One of the most popular plant products touted for medicinal use in pets is garlic Allium sativum. A recent newsletter by Dr. Deva Khalsa, a popular alternative veterinarian, makes some typical claims: Garlic is a miracle herb! Garlic (Allium sativum) … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 20 Comments