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Category Archives: Nutrition
Diet-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Dogs: What Do We Know So Far?
I have been following the controversy, and the research, on diet-associated dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs since the issue was first addressed by the FDA in 2018. I recently had a chance to talk with Andy Roark on his Cone … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
Raw Pet Foods & The Death of Expertise
One of the more enlightening, and terrifying, books to come out in the last 5 years is Tom Nichols’ The Death of Expertise. In clear prose, with cogent argument and substantiating evidence, the author makes the case that the proliferation of misconceptions, … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
Food is Love- Veterinarians and Nutrition
Food is LoveAs a child, I was a big fan of the Peanuts cartoons. One of my favorite characters was Snoopy, a suave, bipedal beagle who wrote novels and engaged in breathtaking aerial combat with his nemesis, the Red Baron. … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
The Latest on Dietary Risk Factors for Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) & Misleading Media Spin by Grain-free Diet Manufacturers
Along with many in the veterinary profession, I have been following the concerns about diet-associated heart disease in dogs since 2018. A type of severe disease known as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) has been reported in dogs not previously thought prone … Continue reading
Are Unconventional and Raw Pet Diets Becoming More Popular?
One of the most popular subjects for discussion and debate in pet health for many years now has been the relative merits of commercial pet foods and unconventional diets of various types, including homemade cooked and raw diets, commercial raw … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
New DogRisk Study Compares Risk of Allergies in Dogs Associated with Raw and Processed Foods
The subject of raw diets is a constant and controversial one in veterinary medicine. The controversy stems mostly from the fact that some people are passionately committed to the idea that raw diets have health benefits, but there is no … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
Ketogenic Diets for Dogs and Cats
Nutritional therapies and dietary fads for humans often find their way into veterinary medicine. Sometimes, there is a plausible physiologic rationale or encouraging lab animal research to justify testing specific dietary interventions in dogs and cats, and such interventions may … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
Dr. Marty Goldstein’s Nature’s Feast Raw Diet: A Look at the Infomercial
A client recently asked one of my colleagues for an opinion on an infomercial by Dr. Marty Goldstein for his new commercial raw cat food, Nature’s Feast. There was little new or surprising in this video, but since Dr. Goldstein has a … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
Canned or Dry Food: Which is Better for Cats?
IntroductionAmong the timeless questions that are debated endlessly from generation to generation, such as “What is the meaning of life?” and “Does the refrigerator light go off when the door is closed?” is one that veterinarians and cat owners are … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition
Vegetarian Diets for Dogs & Cats
Pet owners frequently project their beliefs about human health onto their companion animals. Anxieties about purported harms from vaccines in children, for example, have spurred an anti-vaccination movement among vets and pet owners.1–4Beliefs in alternative medical therapies for people, such … Continue reading
Posted in Nutrition