Category Archives: Nutrition

More Nonsense from Holistic Vets about Commercial Therapeutic Diets

One of the subjects that holistic vets and other advocates of alternative practices get really passionate about is the evils of commercial and conventional diets. They promote a laundry list of myths about pet food, many of which I’ve addressed … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 180 Comments

Dogs are Still not Wolves: Human Feeding Practices Have Shaped the Dog Genome

I have written many times about the argument, often made to support raw meat feeding or other alternative dietary practices, that dogs are basically carnivores and that because they were derived from wolf ancestors their optimal diet should be as … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 9 Comments

More Misuse of Science as Propaganda Tool by Mercola and the AHVMF

I’ve written quite a bit about the problematic relationship between advocates of alternative medicine and scientific research. While I’m all for appropriate, high-quality research into any therapy with reasonable plausibility, which would include many alternative treatments, I object to the … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 9 Comments

Everything We Eat Cures Cancer! (or Causes it?)

Central to the nutritional and general healthcare philosophy of most alternative practitioners is that anything we eat is either good or bad. They often quote that cutting edge physician Hippocrates saying “Let food be thy medicine” (though they less commonly … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 9 Comments

Coconut Oil for Pets?

Healthcare and nutrition fads are an unfortunate fact of life. People are always looking for miracle cures and for clear, defined villains they can blame for illness and try to avoid. The media contributes to the process of fads coming … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 27 Comments

More Evidence of the Risk of Infectious Diseases Associated with Raw Pet Foods

I try to keep track of new research on the subject of raw food for pets. So far, the research only allows us to conclude: There is no evidence to support claims that raw diets are healthier than cooked commercial … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 54 Comments

One More Time: Dogs are not Wolves!

Most everyone knows that dogs are descended from wolves. Anyone who has ever seen a dog and a wolf also knows that more than 10,000 years of active and passive selection by humans has had a dramatic transformative impact on … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 49 Comments

JustFoodForDogs Brings Us Some Classic Marketing Masquerading as Science

I have written about the issue of homemade pet diets here several times (1, 2, 3, 4). They are appealing to some owners because they appear more “natural” than commercial dry or canned diets, which is supposed to imply they … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 82 Comments

Dog Food Logic–A Great New Guide to Dog Foods for Dog Owners

I was recently asked to review a new book for dog owners called Dog Food Logic: Making Smart Decisions for Your Dog in an Age of Too Many Choices by Linda Case. I was very impressed, and I encourage anyone interested … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews, Nutrition | 26 Comments

Nutrition Resources for Pet Owners

There is, as we all know, a tremendous amount of misinformation on the internet concenring virtually any subject. Yet the internet is an unqeustionably powerful information resources, likely indispensible for anyone seeking to be an informed consumer. For pet owners, … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 12 Comments