Category Archives: Nutrition

Evidence Update-Review of Risks and Benefits of Raw Meat Diets for Dogs and Cats

A nice new review of the evidence concerning raw meat-based diets appears in the most recent issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Freeman LM, Chandler ML, Hamper BA, Weeth LP. Current knowledge about the risks and … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 14 Comments

FDA Study Shows Raw Pet Diets Contaminated with Potentially Deadly Bacteria Much More Frequently than Cooked Pet Foods

Numerous studies have demonstrated that raw diets are likely to be contaminated with potentially harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, E. coli, and others that can cause serious disease. (1, 2) Though cases of illness have been documented caused by these organisms … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 31 Comments

Evidence Update–Homemade Diet Recipes for Your Pet are Unreliable

I have previously discussed studies of recipes for homemade diets, from books and the internet, which show that these diets are rarely nutritionally adequate or reliable in terms of consistently providing predictable levels of critical nutrients. Recipes for kidney disease, … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 30 Comments

Repeat After Me: “Dogs are not Wolves”

It should be obvious that there is a difference between acknowledging domestic dogs evolved from wolves (which is a widely accepted theory with strong supporting evidence) and saying that dogs essentially are wolves (which is nonsense). Try to picture a … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 35 Comments

Evidence Update-Most Homemade Cancer Diets for Dogs are Inadequate

I have often discussed the problems with homemade pet diets, which are frequently recommended in books and websites that complain about commercial food or proclaim some magic method for preventing or curing disease. Raw diets, grain free diets, and other … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 61 Comments

Eric Weisman Gets Fine and Probation for Violating Court Order

I recently received a comment from Mr. Eric Weisman, promoter of Evolution Diet, regarding a post I wrote about his products in 2009. The comment was full of conspiracy theories, baseless accusations, and a general disregard for truth. At that … Continue reading

Posted in Law, Regulation, and Politics, Nutrition | 4 Comments

What do Veterinarians Know About Nutrition?

It is not unusual for people promoting unconventional, approaches to pet nutrition, such as raw diets, grain free foods, homemade diets, a preference for organic ingredients, and so on, to dismiss objections to these approaches made by veterinarians. These people … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 33 Comments

New Study on Raw Diets for Dogs Adds Little to Ongoing Debate

I am always on the lookout for research studies concerning raw diets for dogs and cats. A lot of claims are made about the health benefits of raw diets, but there is no substantive body of evidence to justify these … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 6 Comments

Raw, Cooked, and Dry Cat Diets–A New Study Examined

The debate about raw diets for pets is an ongoing “hot button” topic in veterinary circles. There is also a less heated but still vigorous debate about cat nutrition in particular and what form and composition constitutes the optimal diet … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 18 Comments

Homemade Diets for Cats and Dogs with Kidney Disease–Most Recipes are Wrong

A new study has been published adding to the evidence, which I have discussed before(see articles listed below), that homemade diets are frequently nutritionally inappropriate and less consistent or reliable than commercial diets. Larsen, JA. Parks, EM. Heinze, CR. Fascetti, … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 31 Comments