Category Archives: Nutrition

Misleading Advertising for Raw Pet Food (again)

H.G. Wells is credited with saying, “Advertising is legalized lying,” though I cannot imagine he is the first person to have thought so. Of course, the difficulty with identifying actual lying in advertising is that it is impossible to know … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 11 Comments

Raw Pet Diets Often Contaminated with Dangerous Bacteria: Campylobacter

I have written previously about the issue of raw pet food diets, pointing out the lack of any significant evidence to support claims that these diets are beneficial for pets the many risks such diets can pose, such as nutritional … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 7 Comments

Veterinary News Network (VNN) Video Discussing Raw Pet Diets

Here is a brief video discussing the topic of raw diets for pets. It is nicely produced      

Posted in Nutrition | 7 Comments

Cooking increases the caloric value of meat and starches

I have reviewed the claimed benefits of raw pet diets previously, as well as the potential risks of these diets (1,2,3). The bottom line is that there is no credible evidence that these diets have any health benefits or that … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 3 Comments

Dry Pet Food and Dental Disease in Dogs and Cats

One of the most common diseases in cats and dogs that I see in practice is dental disease. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, by three years of age 70-80% of dogs and cats will have signs of oral … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 19 Comments

Less is More–A reminder of why irrational dietary supplement use is a bad idea

The dietary supplement industry in the United States is enormous, profitable, and growing. There is a widespread belief that nutritional supplements are inherently safe and beneficial and that everyone can benefit from taking them regardless of health status or dietary … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Nutrition | 2 Comments

Vitamin K3 (menadione) in Pet Food: Is It Safe?

One of the most popular fallacies that arises in discussions of pet health is the appeal to nature or naturalistic fallacy. Simply put, this is the notion that what is labeled “natural” is inherently safe, beneficial, or otherwise good, and … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 57 Comments

Dietary Carbohydrates and Cats: It’s the Calories!

One of the most common questions regarding veterinary nutrition that I get from clients these days is about cats and grains. An argument often made about feline nutrition is that because they are obligate carnivores, cats are ill-equipped to eat … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 7 Comments

Salmonella and Other Risks of Raw Pet Diets

Primal Pet Foods, a popular marketer of commercial raw diets for dogs and cats, recently announced a recall of one of its raw cat foods because testing has suggested the diet may be contaminated with the bacteria Salmonella. Such recalls … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 11 Comments

Evolution Diet Update: Selling Food with Fraud

Early on in the writing of this blog, I posted an article and Evolution Diet, yet another “natural diet” promoted through fallacies, half-truths, and outright lies. I pointed out at the time that the CEO of the company selling this … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | 11 Comments