Category Archives: Presentations, Lectures, Publications & Interviews


In addition to my work on this blog, I do write for the professional veterinary literature and lay press as well, so I thought I’d list some of those publications for anyone who is interested. Professional Literature McKenzie, BA. Evidence-based … Continue reading

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Discussing Pet Vaccine Refusal on The Pet Buzz

I had the opportunity recently to discuss the issue of vaccines and vaccine refusal among pet owners on The Pet Buzz, WSRQ Sarasota. You can listen to this very brief discussion here:    

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EBVM 2014 Conference Presentations

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to speak at an evidence-based veterinary medicine conference organized by RCVS Knowledge in London last October. The recordings of those presentations, and all the others given at the conference, are now available online. … Continue reading

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The SkeptVet & the Media

As I’ve often pointed out, the majority of the information on complementary and alternative therapies for pets available on the internet comes from companies or advocates selling these products and services. One of the reasons I write this blog is … Continue reading

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EBVM 2014 Conference Highlights

This video shares some of the highlights of the recent evidence-based veterinary medicine conference I participated in, EBVM 2014. The full presentations will eventually be available as well, and I will post those also.    

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This link leads to a YouTube channel with videos related to evidence-based veterinary medicine and scientific evaluation of alternative medicine.  

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WVC 2014: Presentations About Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine

These are three presentations I gave to veterinarians at the 2014 Western Veterinary Conference. I previously posted the slide decks and a bibliography. These videos are narrated versions of the slide decks. What is Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine & Why Do … Continue reading

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WVC 2014: Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine

I presented four hours of lecture at the Western States Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas February, 2014. Here is the bibliography for those talks, which contains a lot of good resources on critical thinking, evidence-based veterinary medicine, and alternative veterinary … Continue reading

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The Veterinary Evidence-Based Medicine Landscape

This is a presentation I gave in London in 2012 at a conference sponsored by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The Sceptical Vet: Evidence or Eminence? This is the slide deck: EBVM Landscape & Perspective And this is a … Continue reading

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The Three Most Dangerous Words in Medicine

A brief look at why individual uncontrolled observations are often unreliable. This was my opening statement in a debate at the 2012 Annual Convention of the AVMA on the subject of “Which is Better: Clinical Trials or Clinical Intuition?”

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