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Category Archives: Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
Benefits and Risks of Neutering, An Evidence Update: Effects of Neutering on Longevity and Cause of Death in Dogs
Another new study has recently been published addressing the complex issue of the risks and benefits of neutering dogs. This report certainly will not answer all the outstanding questions or quiet the debate about when and if to neuter dogs, … Continue reading
Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
Screening Tests and Pre-Anaesthetic Bloodwork in Veterinary Patients: Issues & Evidence
A perennially hot topic in human medicine is the risks and benefits of screening tests. Blood tests, imaging (like CT scans) and other diagnostic tests are usually seen by the general public as only beneficial. How could it be a … Continue reading
Posted in General, Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
Benefits and Risks of Neutering, an Evidence Update: Study Investigates Effects of Neutering in Golden Retreivers
Given that I recently presented a couple of evidence-updates on the subject the health effects of neutering, the timing was excellent for the release last week of a new research study looking at the same issue. Torres de la Riva … Continue reading
Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
The Myth of Antioxidants?
I have written often about the popular notion that vitamins, dietary supplements, herbs, and other things which can be identified as “antioxidants” based on in vitro laboratory studies must automatically be good for our pets. This sort of simplistic reasoning … Continue reading
Benefits and Risks of Neutering, an Evidence Update: Neutering and Mammary Cancer in Female Dogs
This is another in my series of evidence updates on the risks and benefits of neutering in dogs and cats. I will be updating the evidence and conclusions of my original 2010 review based on a series of systematic reviews … Continue reading
Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
Benefits and Risks of Neutering, an Evidence Update: Neutering and Urinary Incontinence in Female Dogs
A couple of years ago, I wrote a review of the risks and benefits of neutering. This handout, originally intended for clients, was also turned into a journal article for veterinarians: Evaluating the benefits and risks of neutering dogs and … Continue reading
Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
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Measuring Arthritis Pain in Dogs: Are Owner Surveys as Good as Force Plate Analysis?
I have written about a wide variety of conventional and alternative therapies for arthritis pain in dogs. A recurring issue in evaluating these therapies is how we know whether or not interventions designed to reduce pain in animals are effective. … Continue reading
Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
Caregiver Placebo Effects: New Study Shows that Owners and Vets Often Believe an Ineffective Therapy is Working When it Isn’t
The placebo effect is a critically important, and much misunderstood phenomenon which can mislead us greatly when we are trying to decide if a medical therapy is or is not effective. While most people understand the placebo effect to mean … Continue reading
Posted in General, Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
New Survey: What Do Vets Think About Evidence-Based Medicine?
A couple of years ago, I conducted a small pilot survey of veterinarians to investigate their attitudes and knowledge concerning evidence-based medicine (EBM). While not a representative sample of the profession, the survey identified some interesting issues worthy of further … Continue reading
Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine
New Review Finds Little Evidence that Nutraceuticals Help Animals with Arthritis
I have written extensively about various supplements and herbal treatments for arthritis. For the most part the evidence seems weak for all of these products, though there are a couple of suggestive studies that might lead to demonstrably effective treatments … Continue reading