Use of Leeches in Veterinary Medicine

I recently received an email promoting one of the strangest therapies I’ve looked into while writing this blog—leeches.


1.         Leeches a new wave in alternative animal medicine?
No way! Over 3000 years ago leeches have been successfully used in medicine. One knew relatively little about the origin of their healing effectiveness, but that they had a positive effect was why they were used. They were mostly used for arthritis, gout, varicose veins, for sepsis prophylaxis and above all for handling wounds. Today, their use is not used less by any means, but the knowledge about their use has largely been established.

2.         What makes these little helpers stand out?
The medical leech — Hirudo Medicinalis — belongs to the family of ring worms (annelid) and has a head and a tail with suction cup, with which he can hold on perfectly tight. With the head end he sucks the blood. His jaws are fitted with approx. 80 small chalky teeth, which saw through the skin and create a small wound. The blood that is taken in is separated into firm components and blood plasma still while in the sucking process. A grown leech can absorb 20 and 50 ml of blood whereby he is then plumply full and shines in wonderful colors. He now is full and is pretty much full for the next 2 years.

3.         How does the leech function?
The saliva of the leech is a mystery. When attaching, when sucking and when releasing the leech injects saliva into the wound. In this saliva there are a lot of substances that enter the wound and also in the entire organism. Of the suspected 30 to 100 saliva secretions only very few can be named. The known substances act as anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory. They have a bacterial, antibiotic and pain reducing effect.

4.         What can be treated?
There is a number of indications for leech therapy. Abscesses, ear hematomas, poorly healing wounds, lymphatic blockages are only a small part of the area of application. This holds true: Who heals is right. Important is always, that the one handling the indication has adequate knowledge for the therapeutic treatment.

5.         How does the leech affect arthritis?
The leech can be effectively employed for arthritis therapy. Even for chronic arthritis they can be excellently used. Placed goal-oriented they minimize the arthritis pain and the dog is then capable of moving the affected joint. Due to the additional blood flow to the joint a better transport of sludge is guaranteed. Moreover this physical movement leads to definitive measures in reducing pain. If an ossification during the arthritis is present, the treatment with leeches speeds up the process. Due to this the stiff joint is then pain free.

6.         What must be mandatory to address?
Prior to any treatment a comprehensive case history has to be taken by the therapist. By only knowing the medical history, the current status of the health and the knowledge concerning the eventual necessary medicines can a decision be made, if the treatment is indicated or if it is contra-indicated.

7.         What are the contra-indicators?
Anemia, poor blood coagulation, diabetes mellitus, fever, histamine allergy, leukemia, malignant tumors, stomach ulcers are some of the contra-indicators. Medicines that are blood thinners, also lead to leeches not being used. Certain pain medications cause blood thinning and should not be used three days before treatment.

8.         How often is the treatment required?
First and foremost this is based on the presented indication. There are cases where only one treatment is necessary to achieve an effective healing. With arthritis often several treatments are necessary in using the leeches. The span of using them becomes greater after each use, as the dog becomes free of pain and more mobile.

9.         How does the dog handle the treatment?
Yes, actually very well. Dogs often no longer react to the bite of the leech and many dose off during the treatment. Also the secondary hemorrhaging is not a problem, which is different with other wounds, where here the dog does not even try to lick the wound. Secondary hemorrhage can last up to 36 hours and should not be stopped by applying a pressure bandage. That would cause bleeding into the wound itself and that should be avoided at all costs.

10.       Who is permitted to apply this treatment?
The therapy with leeches is subject to very clearly defined legal guidelines. Acquiring medicinal leeches can only be done through pharmacies. They are considered drugs and acquiring them and utilizing them by a therapist has to be documented. The usage of leeches is not to be underestimated — the healing effectiveness is enormous — but the risks are not to be underestimated. Treatment should only be done by one who is certified and trained.

From:the German magazine “Hunde Welt” May 2013 edition

Apart from the little quirks introduced by translation, this article sounds pretty strange. However, even the most superficially odd therapies deserve to be evaluated with an open mind, so I took a deeper look into the veterinary use of leeches. As is so often the case with therapies promoted by alternative medicine practitioners (which is where this article came from), there is a foundation of real science upon which a rather shaky structure has been built.

What is Leech Therapy?
Historically, leeches were used as part of the pre-scientific folk medicine of various cultures. The most common use was to remove blood, which was thought to be helpful in balancing the “vital humors” in the model of humoral medicine which dominated European medical thinking from classical times into the 19th century and which is connected with other pre-scientific medical systems such as Ayurvedic Medicine and so-called Traditional Chinese Medicine. The humoral system, unfortunately, represents one of the most popular and enduring mistakes in the history of medicine, and the notion that bloodletting, by leech or any other method, is a beneficial therapy is nonsense for all but a couple of rare and exotic conditions  (such as polycythemia).

The notion, then, that the ancients, in their wisdom, knew of the benefits of leech therapy and that modern science is merely rediscovering this knowledge, is a fairy tale. Because it fits with the general narrative and ideology off much alternative medicine, which values intuitive and historical knowledge more than rational and scientific knowledge and which often seeks to validate therapies by reference to historical use when science fails to support their value, alternative medicine proponents frequently tell this myth of ancient wisdom rediscovered in the modern age. If a chemical in a plant is found to have medicinal value, for example, a narrative will be created in which ancient folk use of that plant is characterized as having identified this value long ago. This is not, however, generally consistent with historical reality. Most herbal remedies have been used ineffectively for dozens of different problems in various cultures around the world. The coincidental correspondence of one such use with a modern scientific discovery doesn’t mean the ancients knew what they were doing, and it doesn’t explain the far more numerous historical uses which were ineffective or even actively harmful.

Science may discover therapies in places where the ancients looked, as well as in places they never considered. It will also, far more often, discover that pre-scientific theories were mistaken and that therapies based on these theories were ineffective or dangerous. Ultimately, historical use can, at most, suggest a subject for scientific investigation. It cannot serve as a validation of any particular therapy since most medical practices invented throughout history have failed to improve health and have been justly forgotten or, in a few unfortunate cases, remodeled and marketed as “alternative medicine.”

As science began to demonstrate that bloodletting did more harm than good, and that health and disease were not determined by the balance of mystical humors or body fluids, leech therapy went out of style.  However, scientific evaluation of leech therapy continued and did manage to discover that more than simply removing a small amount of blood, leeches impact circulation through both their feeding and through a complex and poorly understood collection of chemicals they secrete into the patient. These include substances which prevent blood clotting and which may help break down clots, allowing blood collected in a space or in small vessels to drain freely. There may also be anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances in the leech saliva, but the clinical importance of these is not well understood.

In conventional human medicine, leeches are an established therapy in reconstructive surgery, used to treat congestion of blood in veins which can hamper the healing of wounds, skin grafts, and re-attached body parts. There is also some use for arthritis pain and hematomas, pockets of blood that accumulates in tissue, usually associated with trauma. The veterinary use of leeches generally follows the use in humans, though as always with unconventional therapies some people recommend them for a wide range of unrelated and bizarre uses, such as treatment of epilepsy, abscesses and neurologic disorders, “detoxification,” and other more implausible indications.

Does It Work?
The use of leeches in reconstructive surgery is widely accepted in human medicine, and there is some research evidence to support it. A systematic review of 277 cases concluded:

The overall reported “success” rate following leech therapy was 77.98% (216/277). In terms of secondary outcome measures, 49.75% of cases (N = 101) required blood transfusions, 79.05% received antibiotics (N = 166) and 54.29% received concomitant anticoagulant therapy. The overall complication rate was 21.8%.

The cases reviewed were not generally from randomized controlled trials, and a wide variety of surgical problems, different methods of using the leeches, and combinations with  other treatments were present in these cases. Without any controls for differences in aspects of the clinical problem and of the other treatments given, it is impossible to be certain that successful outcomes were more or less likely with leech therapy. If, for example, leeches are primarily tried in healthier patients with fewer risk factors for failure of the surgical procedure than in patients not treated with leeches, the leeches might be associated with better outcomes even if they had no effect or even reduced the real success rate. In the absence of better evidence, however, these reports provide at least some tentative support for the practice.

Similarly, there is some evidence to support the use of leeches in osteoarthritis treatment in humans. A 2012 systematic review found three randomized clinical trials including 237 patients and concluded:

This systematic review found moderate to strong evidence for the reduction of pain, functional impairment, and joint stiffness after medical leech therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Given the low number of reported adverse events, leech therapy may be a useful approach in treating this condition. Further high-quality RCTs are required for the conclusive judgment of its effectiveness and safety.

The review includes only a few studies, very few patients, and the same kind of subjective measures of outcome that always bedevil studies of therapies for treatment of pain, but it provides at least preliminary evidence to suggest leeches might have some value in treating arthritis pain in humans. Of course, even if leeches can reduce pain, comparative studies of this practice versus other established therapies would need to be done to show that the benefit is significant and the risk small enough to make this a reasonable alternative or adjunct to existing therapies.

As usual, there are no published clinical trials for veterinary patients investigating the safety or efficacy of leech therapy. Use in dogs, cats, and horses is based entirely on extrapolation from use in humans and a small number of case reports and uncontrolled anecdotes. It is therefore plausible but entirely unproven that this therapy could have benefits in veterinary patients.

Is It Safe?
It cannot be repeated often enough that you can’t get something for nothing in medicine. If leech therapy has benefits, it is going to have costs as well. Because the body fluids of leeches come into contact with the blood of the patient, leeches are a great vehicle for the transmission of disease. Because of this, the leeches used must be specially raised medical leeches. This biggest risk of leech therapy appears to be infection.(3-4) Infections have been reported in anywhere from 2.% to 20% of patients treated with leeches, and serious complications, including death, have been seen. Any patient with a comrpmised immune system is at increased risk and probably should not have leech therapy. Leeches can also transmit disease between patients if inappropriately used on more than one patient.

Another potential risk is excessive blood loss. While leeches themselves only consume small quantities of blood, the wounds they make can continue to bleed for anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. In patients with anemia or with a reason to have imperfect clotting ability, significant loss of blood can occur and blood transfusions may be required.

The direct cost of medical leeches are not high, but they require very specific conditions and care, so the cost of leech therapy can easily be more than $100 per leech. And the procedure can take up to 45 minutes, during which time the patient must be relatively still in order not to disturb the leech, which might detach or regurgitate its stomach contents into the patient’s bloodstream.

Because of some of the risks and inconveniences of this practice, research is being done to identify potential alternatives to leech therapy that might be as or more effective and have fewer disadvantages.(5)

Bottom Line
The historical medical uses of leeches were irrational and almost certainly ineffective and unsafe. However, science has discovered a few potential uses for specially raised medical leeches.

There is moderate evidence to support the use of leech therapy to reduce venous congestion and promote healing in surgical graft, reattachment, transplant, and wound care procedures in humans. There is weak evidence to support some pain relief in human patients with arthritis, though this research has not effectively controlled for placebo effects or compared leech therapy with other established treatments.

There is no controlled research evidence evaluating leech therapy in companion animals for any indication. Anecdotal evidence exists suggesting benefit for the same conditions in which leeches are used in humans.

There are a number of risks to leech therapy, including infection and excessive blood loss. And the therapy is relatively costly and can be inconvenient.

Overall, there is some reason to believe leech therapy may be useful in certain kinds of reconstructive surgery for veterinary patients and might provide some pain relief for patients with arthritis, though this remains unproven and supported mostly but extrapolation from limited evidence in humans and anecdote. There is no good evidence to support any other suggested use for leeches in veterinary patients.

1. Iain S. Whitaker, Omar Oboumarzouk, Warren M. Rozen, Naghmeh Naderi, S.P. Balasubramanian, Ernest A. Azzopardi, Moshe Kon. The efficacy of medicinal leeches in plastic and reconstructive surgery: A systematic review of 277 reported clinical cases. Microsurgery. 2012;32(3):240-50.

2. Lauche R, Cramer H, Langhorst J, Dobos G. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Medical Leech Therapy for Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Clin J Pain. 2013 Feb 26. [Epub ahead of print]

3. BS Porshinsky, S Saha, MD Grossman, PR Beery II, SPA Stawicki. Clinical uses of the medicinal leech: A practical review. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 2011;57(1):65-71.

4. Tiene G. M. Bauters, Franky M. A. Buyle, Gerda Verschraegen, Karen Vermis, Dirk Vogelaers, Geert Claeys, Hugo Robays. Infection risk related to the use of medicinal leeches. Pharmacy World & Science. June 2007, Volume 29, Issue 3, pp 122-125

5. Azzopardi EA, Whitaker IS, Rozen WM, Naderi N, Kon M. Chemical and mechanical alternatives to leech therapy: a systematic review and critical appraisal. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2011 Oct;27(8):481-6. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1284233. Epub 2011 Jul 21.

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More Philosophical Nonsense from Homeopaths

While some of the disagreements between skeptics and proponents of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are disagreements about details, interpretation of data or the finer points of methodology, it is often overlooked that fundamental, irreconcilable philosophical differences also exist. Some CAM practitioners actively reject the whole model of science and scientific research as the best method for understanding health and disease. Whether this is a genuine a priori disagreement, or simply the result of casting about for some approach that will validate their beliefs once science has shown them to be false, we cannot know for certain. However, there is ample evidence that such radically alternative philosophical approaches underlie much of alternative medicine, despite claims that CAM practitioners value science and scientific evidence or that specific therapies are “scientifically proven.”

I discussed a number of the philosophical conflicts between evidence-based medicine (EBM) and CAM in a presentation given at the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) annual conference in 2012, and in an article for the journal of the AVMA. However, I recently came across a new perspective on the subject in the Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy, which claims to refute the entire basis of EBM and propose an alternative that supports the “radical-phenomenological approach of homeopathy.

Wittenburg, C. Cognition-Based Medicine: A new paradigm fro medicine- applied to Homeopathy. Journal of Case Studies in Homeopathy. 2013;1(2):7-16.

The article begins, humbly enough, by stating that its purpose is “to introduce the concept of Cognition Based Medicine (CBM) as a convincing alternative to Evidence Based Medicine (EBM). CBM was developed on the basis of a refutation of the positivist paradigm…Contrary to Hume´s ideas, we are well capable to discern causality by observation in single cases.”

The foundation for CBM appears to be on “single-case-cognition as the basis of progress in medicine.” Clinical trials involving groups are apparently not necessary because it is possible to identify the causes of disease and evaluate the results of our interventions solely on the basis of individual, uncontrolled evaluation of individual patients. Since that is largely how homeopathy is practiced, it would be nice for homeopaths if that were true. In fact, it is clear from the outset that the author’s goal is to replace science with something else more likely to validate her existing belief in homeopathy: “Where do we find an epistemological approach which suits homoeopathy? It has to be a theory which is substantially different to – and hopefully more convincing than – positivism.”

Such a paradigm shift would, however, require us to ignore the history of medical, and indeed all scientific progress in the last several centuries, and all the unprecedented changes in human well-being and longevity that have accompanied the rise of the scientific method. So how does this article make such an earth-shattering case?

As it happens, it never does. It merely identifies the principles supposedly underlying EBM and then asserts that they have been overturned. It cites simple thought experiments, and articles in the mainstream medical literature that show people drawing conclusions from single cases and then simply asserts that since we do this, it must be a reliable and effective method for establishing causality.

For example:

Duncker, a German philosopher, refuted Hume´s idea of causality. Based on simple examples from every-day-cognition he demonstrated that the ´singular causal-gestalt´ of the cause stretches into the ´gestalt´ of its effect. Gestalt means: form, structure, process. We recognize the gestalt of a car having crossed a field in the traces its wheels leave…

The idea that, perhaps the tracks we see might not have been made by a car, and thus our conclusion may be in error, appears not to have occurred to this clever philosopher.


Kiene and his colleagues undertook research on four years of published volumes of “The Lancet” (1996-1999), revising articles to find proof for the concept of singular causal-cognition. Interestingly, many of the articles gave evidence of application of convincing non-experimental evidence: skilled practitioners applied their ability, their personal judgement, based on ´tacit knowledge´ to solve therapeutic problems or to introduce new techniques.

Since clinicians clearly do make causal judgments based on non-experimental evidence, there must be no need for experimental evidence—QED (or not….)

Similar kindergarten logic (“I said it, so it must be true!”) is applied to the concept of the placebo effect, which the author blithely dismisses as not proven to exist and as merely a political tool to privilege the randomized clinical trial as the only legitimate kind of evidence for medical therapies (which is itself, a straw man fallacy often directed against EBM). The author even goes so far as to claim that homeopathy, and its inexplicable yet obvious success, was the primary motive for development of the RCT and of EBM:

RCTs become a dogma… All other forms of clinical trials and ways of judging the effectiveness of a given therapy are phased out. EBM is becoming the reigning paradigm, with RCTs as the gold-standard of clinical research.

…any drug-effect which is superior to “the powerful placebo” must be a really important one. This was a strategy to introduce RCTs as the gold-standard for scientific research in EBM, and is built on the good results of homoeopathy… Homoeopathy, which gave the ultimate push for the development of EBM, can´t make much use of RCTs itself. They merely serve for refutation of EBM´s assertion ´potentised homeopathic medicines are placebo´ through randomized, placebo-controlled experiments on plants.

Even making allowances for the problem of translation (the author is German and the article is in English), this is an example of the level of incoherence throughout the article, which verges at times on complete gibberish.

And after a few pages of such nonsense, the author declares the case proven: “By now, we have identified single-case causal cognition as the basis of progress in medicine… A new paradigm for CAM and homoeopathy was created through refutation of Hume´s definition of causality, replacing it by the concept of gestalt-cognition.” Wow, is that all?!

The author then goes on to explain why case studies in homeopathy can now be relied on as the best evidence on which to make diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Such a blithe dismissal, with nothing even approaching a coherent or cogent argument, of several centuries of progress in philosophy and science, is an illustration of just how out of touch with reality proponents of homeopathy often are. It also illustrates how disingenuous and self-serving their claims to respect scientific evidence are. As I demonstrated in my extensive evaluation of the homeopathy literature, including the studies cherry-picked by the Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy to defend their practices, homeopaths are willing to cite scientific studies, even of poor quality with significant uncontrolled bias, if they support what homeopaths believe. However, they are fundamentally unwilling to accept any negative verdict on their practices, so they either dismiss or ignore negative studies, or they seek out ludicrous alternatives to the epistemology of science and imagine they have successfully overthrown the methods of seeking knowledge that the rest f the world recognizes have been more successful than any other in history; the methods of science. It is hard to imagine a more compelling illustration of why the claims of judgment of such homeopaths should not be taken seriously.

Posted in Homeopathy | 2 Comments

There is no “Natural” or “Holistic” Heartworm Prevention or Treatment Proven to be Safe and Effective

Much of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is offered either as an addition to conventional, science-based treatment or in situations in which conventional therapies are unavailable or ineffective. This doesn’t excuse offering treatments that haven’t been properly tested, and it doesn’t mean such therapies can’t do harm. However, such an approach at least avoids the harm that can come from delaying or rejecting effective treatment.

However, sometimes CAM providers actually believe their practices are an appropriate and effective substitute for conventional medicine, even in the case of serious disease. This attitude is truly inexcusable when, as is usually the case, there is no sound evidence to support the belief and when irrational and inaccurate denigration of conventional treatments is used to scare people away from medicine that could really help their pets. One of the most egregious examples of this kind of irresponsible medicine is the promotion of “natural” or “holistic” methods for preventing and treating heartworm disease in dogs.

Heartworm disease is a parasitic infestation transmitted from infected dogs (or other animals) to uninfected individuals by specific kinds of mosquitos. It is, of course, most common in areas that have both a reservoir of infected hosts and a population of the right kind of mosquitos. In the U.S., heartworm disease is quite common in warm, humid regions, and transmission often varies seasonally with the mosquito population. Heartworms can cause devastating, often fatal disease.

Fortunately, there are safe and effective medicines to prevent heartworm infestation. While all medications have risks as well as benefits, the risks of these preventatives are well understood and very, very small. Certainly, in areas where heartworm disease is endemic, the risk of preventatives pales in comparison to the risk of the disease. So despite the often hysterical nonsense about these “chemicals” and “insecticides,” the real facts are clear: heartworm prevention is safe and effective and far better for your pet than getting heartworm disease.

If your dog is unfortunate enough to become infected with heartworms, there are effective treatments. The risk of treatment is, however, significantly higher than the risk of prevention, though in most cases still far less than the risk of leaving the disease untreated. The American Heartworm Society (AHS) has a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of different treatment options, and working with your veterinarian you can almost certainly cure this disease and minimize the risks of treatment.

The AHS is also very clear about alternative therapies for this disease: “No “natural” or herbal therapies have been shown to be safe and effective prevention or treatment for heartworm disease.” And fortunately, many proponents of alternative therapies also recognize that no CAM therapies have been shown safe and effective for preventing or treating this disease. The most popular veterinary herbal medicine textbook states, “The authors do not recommend substituting an unproven herbal formula for effective conventional therapy.” Even as radical a proponent of alternative therapies as Dr. Karen Becker at grudgingly agrees that,treatment for heartworm infection is one area where conventional veterinary medicine offers valuable options [and] is preferable to leaving the dog untreated, or using unproven, alternative methods that may have no effect or even be harmful.”

Unfortunately, there are still plenty of unscrupulous companies, and sadly even veterinarians, willing to exaggerate the risks of conventional prevention and treatment and claim that unproven alternatives are safe and effective. Below is a long list of sites promoting unproven methods of preventing or treating heartworm disease. None of these have been demonstrated to be legitimate or reliable, and trusting your dog’s life to any of them is a dangerous mistake.


Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 86 Comments

National Veterinary Cancer Registry (NVCR) Launched!

I’ve been a bit remiss lately in posting, due to some exams and deadlines that have kept me unusually busy, but I wanted to briefly promote a new tool in the effort to develop novel, evidence-based therapies for cancer. The National Veterinary Cancer Registry (NVCR) is an effort to build a database of information about veterinary cancer patients. This will allow both epidemiologic studies using the data to better understand the patterns in naturally occurring cancer and also to connect patients with clinical studies of new therapies for their specific disease. This serves the veterinary patient population as a whole as well as the individual patient.

The NVCR is a joint effort between the CARE Foundation, Baylor University Medical Center (BUMC) at Dallas and the Texas Veterinary Oncology Group. This type of database has been of great value in improving the understanding and treatment of cancer in humans, and it is exciting to see such an effort beginning in the veterinary field. I encourage owners of pets with cancer to register your pets as a way to contribute to the growth of our ability to help others going through what you are going through.

Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 11 Comments

American Academy of Orthropaedic Surgeons Evidence-Based Review of Arthritis Treatments

I have previously reviewed a number of common alternative therapies for arthritis. The evidence concerning veterinary use specifically is often limited, but for common therapies, like glucosamine and acupuncture, there is often extensive research data in humans. While extrapolation from one species to another should always be viewed with caution, if something is shown by extensive evidence to be useless in humans, this is reason to be skeptical about its value for our pets.

Harriet Hall, at Science-Based Medicine, has recently reported on an extensive evidence review of arthritis therapies published by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS).  This review evaluates common therapies, both conventional and alternative, and reinforces the conclusions I have previously come to regarding several of these. In particular, the evidence is clear and strong against the value of both glucosamine and acupuncture. And lest advocates of these immediately assume these conclusions are simply evidence of bias in favor of surgery, since the review was conducted by an organization of surgeons, I will point out that the report is equally critical of conventional surgical treatments that clearly don’t work either. They even cast doubt on the most common pharmaceutical therapy used, simply following where the evidence leads.

While this review by itself is not, of course, the sole and final word on any subject, it is part of a consistent and continually growing body of evidence which shows that several commonly recommended arthritis therapies simply do not work. At some point, hope and the placebo effect will have to give way to reality and we will have to start redirecting our resources away from studying and using such worthless treatments and into more promising therapies.


  1. Exercise – strong evidence for effectiveness
  2. Weight loss – moderate evidence for
  3. Acupuncture – strong evidence against
  4. Physical agents (TENS, ultrasound, etc.) – inconclusive
  5. Manual therapy (chiropractic, massage) – inconclusive
  6. Valgus-directing force brace – inconclusive
  7. Lateral wedge insoles – moderate evidence against
  8. Glucosamine and chondroitin – strong evidence against
  9. NSAIDs – strong evidence for
  10. Acetaminophen, opioids, pain patches – inconclusive (this is particularly interesting since acetaminophen is the standard first-choice drug)       
  11. Intraarticular corticosteroid injections – inconclusive
  12. Hyaluronic acid injections – strong evidence against (and if injections are ineffective, those oral diet supplements certainly don’t have a chance)
  13. Growth factor injections and/or platelet-rich plasma – inconclusive
  14. Needle lavage – moderate evidence against
  15. Arthroscopy with lavage and debridement – strong evidence against
  16. Partial meniscectomy in osteoarthritis patients with torn meniscus – inconclusive
  17. Valgus-producing proximal tibial osteotomy – limited evidence
  18. Free-floating interpositional device – no evidence; consensus against


Posted in General | 38 Comments

Dental Disease in Dogs and Cats: Does Treatment Improve Health?

A reader recently asked me about the evidence supporting recommended therapy for dental disease in dogs. This is has become a common question given the increasing awareness among pet owners that dental disease is a real and important health problem, and the availability of high quality prophylaxis and treatment.

The American College of Veterinary Dentistry, the organization of board-certified veterinary dental specialists, has a great site with information for pet owners about dental disease. I also find a lot of clear and pretty evidence-based information on the site of Dr. Frasier Hale.

Dental disease is unquestionably common, with some research suggesting it is the most common disease in pet cats and dogs, vying with obesity for the top spot. It primarily takes the form of periodontal disease, and unfortunately it is very difficult to detect or evaluate the severity of this problem in an awake dog. Dogs and cats show few overt symptoms of dental disease. Probing of the tooth sockets and x-rays are necessary, just as they are for humans, to accurately characterize the type and severity of dental disease and determine the appropriate treatment.

Unfortunately, our pets almost never get twice daily brushing and flossing or semi-annual dental cleanings, and they often have very abnormal occlusion (the arrangement and interaction of the teeth in the mouth) as a result of breeding. Toy breed dogs and those with foreshortened faces are at especially high risk of severe dental disease due, in large part, to the same anatomy that makes them appear cute to humans. So proper diagnosis and treatment of dental disease requires general anesthesia, and it is very often necessary to remove infected teeth because the disease is advanced or because the level of care needed to preserve them cannot be accomplished.

Naturally, owners are often anxious or reluctant to pursue care that involves general anesthesia and likely extraction of teeth, due to worries about the safety and comfort of the pet and also due to the high cost of appropriate care. The fact that our pets rarely show recognizable symptoms, even with a level of disease that we know would cause tremendous discomfort in people, also makes it more difficult to convince people that dental care is necessary and beneficial for their pets. While the most obvious reason to pursue this care is that the disease is almost certainly painful, it is sometimes helpful to consider the secondary health risks associated with untreated periodontal disease. I recently took a quick look at the evidence concerning these.

There is pretty strong evidence in humans that untreated periodontal disease is associated with other health problems, notably cardiovascular disease, diabetes, respiratory disease (including infections) and pre-term low-birthweight deliveries. Treatment of periodontal disease leads to clinical improvements in several diseases as well. It is plausible that a similar relationship between dental disease and general health would hold true for cats and dogs, but there is little direct evidence.

At least two studies have identified pathological lesions in specific organs, including the liver, kidneys, and heart (1,2). This demonstrates that periodontal disease is associated with detectable abnormalities in the tissues of these organs. It seems likely that this could also affect the function of these organs and the well-being of the individuals with such lesions, but this was not evaluated  by these studies.

At least one study has taken the next step and evaluated the association between periodontitis and actual disease in another organ system (3). A strong, linear association was identified between dental disease and chronic kidney disease, and while this does not prove dental disease causes kidney disease, it suggests that untreated periodontitis may be an important risk factor for kidney disease in dogs.

A similar study also suggested that periodontal disease may be associated with cardiac disease as well as pathologic lesions in the heart (4). However, there were significant methodological problems with this study, and other investigations have not found a link between dental disease and heart disease in dogs, so there is still controversy about this potential association (5,6).

Finally, one study has looked at common bloodwork variables and measures on inflammation in association with periodontal disease and its treatment (7). A few significant associations were identified, but there was no clear pattern suggesting a causal relationship between periodontitis and any particular disease.

Bottom Line
Dental disease, especially periodontal disease, is very common in dogs and cats. Though affected pets rarely show obvious or severe symptoms, periodontal disease is undoubtedly a source of significant discomfort. The only accurate way to diagnose, characterize, and treat periodontal disease is with a thorough oral examination, dental x-rays, and appropriate cleaning and often extraction or endodontic treatment of infected teeth. This can only be accomplished under general anesthesia.

There is good reason to believe proper prevention and treatment of periodontal disease makes dogs and cats more comfortable. In humans, it is also clear that such prevention and treatment improves health and reduces the risk and severity of other specific diseases. It is likely this is also true in dogs and cats, but the current research evidence regarding this claim is extremely limited.


  1. DeBowes LJ, Mosier D, Logan E, Harvey CE, Lowry S, Richardson DC. Association of periodontal disease and histologic lesions in multiple organs from 45 dogs. J Vet Dent 1996; 13:57-60.
  2. Pavlica Z, Petelin M, Juntes P, Eržen D, et al. Periodontal disease burden and pathological changes in organs of dogs. J Vet Dent 2008; 25: 97-105.
  3. Glickman LT, Glickman NW, Moore GE, Lund EM, Lantz GC, Pressler BM. Association between chronic azotemic kidney disease and the severity of periodontal disease in dogs. Prev Vet Med 2011; 99: 193-200.
  4. Glickman LT, Glickman NW, Moore GE, Goldstein GS, Lewis HB. Evaluation of the risk of endocarditis and other cardiovascular events on the basis of the severity of periodontal disease in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2009; 234: 486-494.
  5. Pavlica Z, Petelin M, Juntes P, Erzen D, Crossley DA, Skaleric U. Periodontal disease burden and pathological changes in organs of dogs. J Vet Dent. 2008 Jun;25(2):97-105.

  6. Peddle GD, Drobatz KJ, Harvey CE, Adams A, Sleeper MM. Association of periodontal disease, oral procedures, and other clinical findings with bacterial endocarditis in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2009 Jan 1;234(1):100-7.
  7. Rawlinson JE, Goldstein RE, Reiter AM, Attwater DZ, Harvey CE. Association of periodontal disease with systemic health indices in dogs and the systemic response to treatment of periodontal disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011; 238: 601-609.
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Canine Health from LifeVantage–Protandim by Any Other Name & Still No Real Evidence

I was recently asked to comment on yet another “kitchen sink” mélange of herbs and supplements promoted w/ claims of broad benefits for dogs: Canine Health from LifeVantage. This proved easier than I had expected since the product is identical to Protandim, except for a couple of additional ingredients.

You may recall that Protandim is a supplement which I have reviewed previously (1), and which Dr. Harriet Hall has discussed at Science-Based Medicine several times (2,3,4). The theoretical justification for the product rests on the supposed anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the ingredients. None of the ingredients have well-demonstrated benefits or clear evidence that there is negligible risk in using them, though several have interesting properties that warrant further study. It would not at all surprise me if compounds derived from some of these ingredients turned out to have therapeutic value, but that is a far cry from justifying the kind of claims made for this product.

In any case, there is growing doubt about the hypothesis that oxidative damage is a significant cause of many disorders or that anti-oxidants are necessarily safe and beneficial (5,6). And all well-studied anti-inflammatory medications have significant potential risks as well as benefits, so it is almost certain the same would be true for compounds like those in Protandim if these turned out to have significant anti-inflammatory effects.

Of course, it doesn’t appear that scientific research and evidence is necessarily the primary concern for the founder of the company that sells Protandim, based on his own explanation for why he has discovered a miraculous remedy the scientific community has overlooked:

I already mentioned this in Entry #1: Motivations, but it bears repeating here. All the details you’re about to read concerning the development of Protandim mean nothing – absolutely nothing at all – without acknowledging that God used me as a vessel in brining Protandim to fruition. For almost 35 years scientists were looking for this tool after Dr. Joe McCord and Dr. Irwin Fridovich discovered Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) in 1969. For almost 35 years the pharmaceutical industry failed. For almost 35 years the nutraceutical industry failed.

Then God intervened . . . and has taken us on this unlikely, exciting journey.

The bottom line for this supplement hasn’t changed since my original review:

The underlying theory used to promote this product, that anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects are always safe and beneficial, is highly doubtful. There is only weak in vitro and animal model research to indicate that the ingredients in Protandim, or the combination product, have potentially useful effects on cells or biochemical markers. There is absolutely no clinical trial evidence to indicate Protandim has any of the claimed benefits in humans or animals. While the absence of evidence is not proof the product is unsafe or ineffective, it is absolutely a reason to be skeptical of wild claims of miraculous benefits. At best, using this product is simply rolling the dice and hoping for the best.

Like Protandim, CanineHealth is said to prevent or improve a wide range of seemingly unrelated conditions, including problems in the joints, brain, heart, and eyes. It is purported to do so by reducing “oxidative stress.” The difference between the two products is the inclusion in Canine Health of omega-3 fatty acids” and “Type II chicken sternum collagen.” As with Protandim, no details or dosages of these ingredients is disclosed.

The most common source of omega-3 fatty acid supplements is fish oils. There is good evidence that these can improve symptoms of allergic skin disease (7), some weak evidence suggesting a benefit for arthritis treatment (8,9). It has been suggested that their inclusion in diets can improve signs of dementia in dogs, but the mmore specific evidence in human isn’t very supportive(10, 11). It isn’t clear if fish oil is even the source of essential fatty acids in Canine Health, but if it is it has only weak evidence to suggest a benefit, and there is no reason to mix it with all of the other untested stuff in the product.

With regard to Type II Collagen, despite a number of studies there is insufficient evidence to support any benefit of this supplement as a treatment of arthritis in humans (12, 13). There is also no convincing evidence supporting use in dogs.

As for the product itself, the company claims to have paid another organization to conduct a double-blind, placebo controlled clinical study showing “a reduction in oxidative stress, improvement in mobility and improved cognitive function.” Naturally, the results of this study have not been published and the details are not available to the public, so we have to take LifeVantage’s word for the results.

So we have another catchall, anti-oxidant based mixture of herbs and supplements claimed to have wide-ranging benefits but with no convincing scientific evidence supporting these claims. Numerous red flags of quackery are present, and there is heavy reliance on testimonials and celebrity endorsement rather than scientific research to promote the product. None of this is definitive proof that it doesn’t have some or all of the miraculous benefits claimed, only that there is currently no good reason to believe it does. Yet another roll of the dice with our pets’ health.









Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 70 Comments

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Pets–What’s The Evidence?

I recently participated in a couple of discussions on a veterinary web forum about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and evidence-based medicine. This technique is being heavily promoted with confident claims of scientifically proven benefits.  I thought, then, that I would take a look at the evidence.

What Is It?
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves placing patients in an airtight chamber and raising the atmospheric pressure and oxygen level so that oxygen is dissolved in the blood and delivered to tissues at higher levels than possible in normal atmospheric conditions. It is the treatment of choice for decompression sickness (The Bends) associated with SCUBA diving, but it is also recommended for numerous other medical indications. The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society list 14 indications for which they consider the evidence sufficient to recommend HBOT.

What’s the Evidence?
When pressed, advocates acknowledged that there is virtually no clinical trial data in companion animal or food animal species to support HBOT for specific indications. This should automatically make any recommendations of HBOT tentative at best, and the therapy should essentially be considered experimental.

There is a large amount of in vitro and animal model research suggesting potential benefits of HBOT for a wide range of conditions, and proponents cite this as justification for putting HBOT chambers in veterinary practices and treating patients. Certainly, this evidence suggests HBOT is plausible and worth investigating. I have heard wacky theories for why HBOT should work (one vet once told me it was so successful because it recreated the state of the Earth’s atmosphere before the Biblical flood, when people lived hundreds of years). However, there are sound physiological rationales for the concept supported by good preclinical evidence.

Unfortunately, such pre-clinical research also has significant limitations and is often not consistent with the results of subsequent clinical trials for many therapies. It is necessary but not sufficient for making clinical decisions, and it is primarily intended to suggest that a new therapy is plausible and might work, not to prove that it does work in the real world. We often have to make the best of a bad business and rely on such evidence when there is nothing better, but any recommendations based purely on pre-clinical research must be made cautiously and with appropriate caveats, something HBOT advocates rarely do.

Most of the animal model studies are in rats, mice, and, to a lesser extent, guinea pigs and rabbits. There are a few experimental studies in dogs, cats, and horses (see Veterinary Studies  below). Most of these involve wounds or skin flaps and grafts, and they are by no means universally positive.

Another source evidence frequently used in veterinary medicine when there are no good veterinary studies is clinical trial data from humans. There is significant risk in extrapolation across species lines, but it is an inevitable and important part of veterinary medicine given the reality of limited resources to support target-species clinical trial research. One advocate of HBOT claims that we can have confidence in the value of HBOT because there are many controlled studies in the human literature showing the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for many conditions.

One outstanding review of the evidence for wound care, tissue trauma, and neurological disease, commissioned for the Washington State Health Care Authority, has recently been published.

It identifies moderate quality evidence to support the use of HBOT for aiding the healing of chronic wounds in diabetics, late radiation tissue injury, multiple sclerosis symptoms, and possibly in affecting mortality (though not long-term function) in traumatic brain injury. The evidence is of poor quality and inconclusive or not supportive for most other indications evaluated.

I have also taken a quick look at other systematic reviews of HBOT (primarily produced by the Cochrane Collaboration, though there are several from other sources) for the last 5 years. This is the most reliable assessment of the balance of the human clinical trial evidence, and it establishes what degree of confidence we should or should not have in the use of HBOT for specific problems (in humans, of course; again direct extrapolation to veterinary patients often changes the picture significantly)

These reviews are listed below. Again, they provide pretty good (though not always strong or consistent) support for adjunctive use of HBOT in treating wounds (in humans, of course). The evidence is fair to poor for other indications.

Is It Safe?
There is little data on the safety of HBOT in companion animals. One protocol was studied in 3 dogs in Japan and appeared to achieve oxygenation targets without obvious side effects.

(Hiroki YANAGISAWA, Eiichi KANAI, Hideki KAYANUMA, Takuo SHIDA, Tsunenori SUGANUMA. Hyperbaric Air Therapy in Dogs for Clinical Veterinary Medicine: A Basic Study. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 73(10): 1351–1354, 2011). However, there is really very little controlled data on possible risks in most companion animal species.


The Washington State review provides a nice evaluation of safety data (again in humans) for HBOT, which suggests that it is generally pretty safe but that there are common minor side effects and less common serious side effects.


The overall evidence suggests that harms associated with HBOT are generally mild and self-limiting. The majority of reported harms include barotrauma, temporary visual disturbances, and, more rarely, oxygen toxicity. Occasional reports of seizures represent the most serious side effects. The Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) of Australia reported an overall harms incidence rate of 6.3%; 17% incidence of general pain or discomfort during decompression; 4.8% incidence of ear pain; 1.5% incidence of tympanostomy tube placements; 0.9% incidence of persistent ocular changes; 0.6% incidence of ear barotrauma; 0.34% incidence of abdominal pain; and 0.1% incidence of claustrophobia.

Notable indication-specific harms found in the literature include the following:

 ·         Among patients with LRTI, there were reports of ear pain (16% in a trial of 150 patients), transient myopia (3% in one study 8% in another), and confinement anxiety (1.7%).

 ·         Pooled data from 2 trials reported severe pulmonary complications (defined as either, rising oxygen requirements and infiltrates in chest x-ray or cyanosis and hyperpnoea so severe as to imply “impending hyperoxic pneumonia”) among 13% of TBI patients receiving HBOT compared with none in the control groups (RR, 15.57; 95% CI, 2.11-114.72).

 ·         One study reported ear problems among 47% of children with cerebral palsy receiving HBOT versus 22% among controls (P significant but value not reported). Another study reported a 12% seizure rate and found that 35% of patients reported ear problems.

 ·         Another reported that 8% of 50 children stopped treatment due to adverse events, including seizures, and one other study reported 1 seizure in an observational study of 230 patients. 

·         Among patients with MS, a 2011 Cochrane Collaboration review reported 77 patients (55%), across 4 trials, suffered temporary deterioration in visual acuity in the HBOT group versus 3 patients (2.3%) in the sham group (OR, 24.87; 95% CI, 1.44-428.5; NNT, 1; 95% CI, 1-2).

Of course, the most dramatic risk seen in veterinary use of HBOT is the catastrophic explosion of the oxygen chamber. This happened in Florida last year, and both the patient and one of the veterinary staff were killed. While this is clearly a problem with the administration of HBOT, not the technique itself, it is a risk that has to be factored in to any assessment of the pros and cons of the practice.


Bottom Line
HBOT is a biologically plausible therapy with substantial in vitro and animal model research to support possible benefits in a variety of conditions. There is, however, almost no clinical trial evidence to support its use in companion animal species. Justification of veterinary use of HBOT comes only from extrapolation from basic principles, pre-clinical research, anecdote, and extrapolation from research in humans, so this should be viewed as an unproven, experimental veterinary therapy.

There are a few indications for which the human clinical trial research provides at least a moderate degree of confidence that HBOT is effective. There are many others for which there is only limited and low-quality evidence and no clear conclusion can be drawn. Not all uses validated in humans are relevant to veterinary use, and most veterinary applications have not been directly studied in people. Overall, the evidence is strongest for adjunctive use of HBOT to facilitate healing of chronic wounds not resolving with standard therapies.

HBOT is generally quite safe, but there are both minor and serious potential adverse effects, and there is some risk associated with the use of the equipment.

Everyone will interpret this evidence differently in light of their own understanding of how research evidence should be integrated into clinical decision making. For my part, it suggests to me that HBOT is a promising therapy for a variety of indications but not clearly demonstrated effective for very many even in humans, and the veterinary evidence is too weak to be very useful in making recommendations. I would certainly like to see more and better research evidence before there is widespread use of this technique.

Companion Animal Studies

1.      Baumwart, C. A.Doherty, T. J.Schumacher, J.Willis, R. S.Adair, H. S., IIIRohrbach, B. W. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on horses with experimentally induced endotoxemia. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2011 72 9 1266-1275

Objective – To determine the effectiveness of preinduction hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) in ameliorating signs of experimentally induced endotoxemia in horses. Animals – 18 healthy adult horses. Procedures – Horses were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 equal-sized treatment groups to receive normobaric ambient air and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), HBOT and LPS, or HBOT and physiologic saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Horses were physically examined, and blood was obtained for a CBC and to determine concentration or activity of plasma tissue necrosis factor-?, blood lactate, and blood glucose before the horses were treated with HBOT and then intermittently for 6 hours after administration of LPS or physiologic saline solution. Results – All LPS-treated horses developed signs and biochemical and hematologic changes consistent with endotoxemia. Treatment with HBOT significantly ameliorated the effect of LPS on clinical endotoxemia score but did not significantly improve other abnormalities associated with endotoxemia. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance – The protective effect of HBOT was minimal, and results did not support its use as a treatment for horses prior to development of endotoxemia.

2.      Holder, T. E. C.Schumacher, J.Donnell, R. L.Rohrbach, B. W.Adair, H. S. A. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on full-thickness meshed sheet skin grafts applied to fresh and granulating wounds in horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2008 69 1 144-147

Objective – To determine the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) on full-thickness skin grafts applied to fresh and granulating wounds of horses. Animals – 6 horses. Procedures – On day 0, two 4-cm-diameter circular sections of full-thickness skin were removed from each of 2 randomly selected limbs of each horse, and two 4-cm-diameter circular skin grafts were harvested from the pectoral region. A skin graft was applied to 1 randomly selected wound on each limb, leaving the 2 nongrafted wounds to heal by second intention. On day 7, 2 grafts were harvested from the pectoral region and applied to the granulating wounds, and wounds grafted on day 0 were biopsied. On day 14, 1 wound was created on each of the 2 unwounded limbs, and the wounds that were grafted on day 7 were biopsied. All 4 ungrafted wounds (ie, 2 fresh wounds and 2 wounds with 1-week-old granulation beds) were grafted. The horses then received HBOT for 1 hour daily at 23 PSI for 7 days. On day 21, the grafts applied on day 14 were biopsied. Results – Histologic examination of biopsy specimens revealed that grafts treated with HBOT developed less granulation tissue, edema, and neovascularization, but more inflammation. The superficial portion of the graft was also less viable than the superficial portion of those not treated with HBOT. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance – The use of HBOT after full-thickness skin grafting of uncompromised fresh and granulating wounds of horses is not indicated.

3.      Kerwin, S. C.Lewis, D. D.Elkins, A. D.Oliver, J. L.Hosgood, G.Pechman, R. D., Jr.Dial, S. L.Strain, G. M. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on incorporation of an autogenous cancellous bone graft in a nonunion diaphyseal ulnar defect in cats. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2000 61 6 691-698

12 mature cats were used to determine whether hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) would affect incorporation of an autogenous cancellous bone graft in diaphyseal ulnar defects. Bilateral non-union diaphyseal ulnar defects were created in each cat. An autogenous cancellous bone graft was implanted in 1 ulnar defect in each cat, with the contralateral ulnar defect serving as a non-grafted specimen. Six cats were treated by use of hyperbaric oxygen at 2 atmospheres absolute for 90 min once daily for 14 days, and 6 cats were not treated (control group). Bone labelling was performed, using fluorochrome markers. Cats were killed 5 weeks after implanting, and barium sulfate was infused to evaluate vascularization of grafts. Ulnas were evaluated by use of radiography, microangiography, histological examination, and histomorphometric examination. Radiographic scores did not differ between treatment groups. Microangiographic appearance of grafted defects was similar between groups, with all having adequate vascularization. Differences were not observed between treated and non-treated groups in the overall histological appearance of decalcified samples of tissue in grafted defects. Mean distance between fluorescent labels was significantly greater in cats given HBOT than in non-treated cats. Median percentage of bone formation in grafted defects was significantly greater in cats given HBOT. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment increased the distance between fluorescent labels and percentage of bone formation when incorporating autogenous cancellous bone grafts in induced non-union diaphyseal ulnar defects in cats, but HBOT did not affect revascularization, radiographic appearance or qualitative histological appearance of the grafts.

4.      Hosgood, G.Hodgin, E. C.Strain, G. M.Lopez, M. K.Lewis, D. D. Effect of deferoxamine and hyperbaric oxygen on free, autogenous, full-thickness skin grafts in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 1995 56 2 241-247

Free, autogenous, full thickness skin grafts were applied to 10 dogs; 5 dogs were given an iron chelator, deferoxamine 10% hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch (DEF-HES; 50 mg/kg of body weight,i.v.), and 5 dogs were given an equal volume of 10% hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch (HES) in 0.9% saline solution (5 ml/kg, i.v.). All dogs (DEF-HES/HBO and HES/HBO treated) were exposed to 60 minutes of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) at 2 atmospheres absolute pressure twice daily for 10 days, beginning the day of surgery. The percentage of viable graft on day 10 was lower in HES/HBO treated dogs (mean + SD; 13.3 + 21.3%; median, 3.0%) than in DEF-HES/HBO treated dogs (64.7 + 39.2%; 88.3%). There was a positive correlation between percentage of viable graft (on day 10) and percentage of haired skin on the graft site (on day 28) for all dogs. Perivascular aggregates of foamy cells were observed in the superficial and reticular portions of the dermis and in the subcutaneous tissue on both surfaces of the panniculus muscle in the graft sites of DEF-HES/HBO treated dogs. These cells were also observed in the dermis, and in some viscera of DEF-HES/HBO treated dogs. Deferoxamine appeared to attenuate the detrimental effect of HBO and HES on survival of free skin grafts. It is concluded that the clinical use of HBO and DEF-HES is not recommended because it failed to improve the survival of free skin grafts.

5.      Kerwin, S. C.Hosgood, G.Strain, G. M.Vice, C. C.White, C. E.Hill, R. K. The effect of hyperbarbic oxygen treatment on a compromised axial pattern flap in the cat. Veterinary Surgery. 1993 22 1 31-36

A pedicile skin flap based on the caudal superficial epigastric artery was created in 12 cats. The artery was ligated and the vein left intact. Six cats were treated with hyperbaric oxygen at 2 atm absolute for 90 minutes daily for 14 days, starting the day after surgery. Skin flap colour was significantly better in the treated cats on days 1, 2, and 3. The amount of exudate was significantly less in the treated cats on day 3. There was no difference in the amount of swelling between treated and nontreated control cats. Although 5 of 6 of the treated cats had 100% skin flap survival, there was no significant difference in total flap survival between treated and nontreated control cats.

Systematic Reviews of HBOT for Wounds in Humans

1.      Systematic review of the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygenation therapy in the management of chronic diabetic foot ulcers.

Liu R, Li L, Yang M, Boden G, Yang G. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Feb;88(2):166-75. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2012.10.021.
Thirteen trials (a total of 624 patients), including 7 prospective randomized trials, performed between January 1, 1966, and April 20, 2012, were identified as eligible for inclusion in the study. Pooling analysis revealed that, compared with treatment without HBO, adjunctive treatment with HBO resulted in a significantly higher proportion of healed diabetic ulcers (relative risk, 2.33; 95% CI, 1.51-3.60). The analysis also revealed that treatment with HBO was associated with a significant reduction in the risk of major amputations (relative risk, 0.29; 95% CI, 0.19-0.44); however, the rate of minor amputations was not affected (P=.30). Adverse events associated with HBO treatment were rare and reversible and not more frequent than those occurring without HBO treatment (P=.37).

This meta-analysis reveals that treatment with HBO improved the rate of healing and reduced the risk of major amputations in patients with diabetic foot ulcers. On the basis of these effects, we believe that quality of life could be improved in selected patients treated with HBO.


2.      Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for treating chronic wounds

Kranke P, Bennett MH, Martyn-St James M, Schnabel A, Debus SE
April 18, 2012
This review update of randomised trials found that HBOT seems to improve the chance of healing diabetes-related foot ulcers and may reduce the number of major amputations in people with diabetes who have chronic foot ulcers. In addition this therapy may reduce the size of wounds caused by disease to the veins of the leg, but the review found no evidence to confirm or refute any effect on other wounds caused by lack of blood supply through the arteries or pressure ulcers.


3.      A systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions in the management of infection in the diabetic foot.

Peters EJ, Lipsky BA, Berendt AR, Embil JM, Lavery LA, Senneville E, Urban?i?-Rovan V, Bakker K, Jeffcoate WJ. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2012 Feb;28 Suppl 1:142-62. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.2247.
There was no improvement in infection outcomes associated with hyperbaricoxygen therapy.


4.      Hyperbaricoxygen therapy: solution for difficult to heal acute wounds? Systematic review.
Eskes AM, Ubbink DT, Lubbers MJ, Lucas C, Vermeulen H. World J Surg. 2011 Mar;35(3):535-42. doi: 10.1007/s00268-010-0923-4.
We included five trials, totaling 360 patients. These trials, with some methodologic flaws, included different kinds of wound and focused on different outcome parameters, which prohibited meta-analysis. A French trial (n = 36 patients) reported that significantly more crush wounds healed with HBOT than with sham HBOT [relative risk (RR) 1.70, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.11-2.61]. Moreover, there were significantly fewer additional surgical procedures required with HBOT (RR 1.60, 95% CI 1.03-2.50), and there was significantly less tissue necrosis (RR 1.70, 95% CI 1.11-2.61). In one of two American trials (n = 141) burn wounds healed significantly quicker with HBOT (P < 0.005) than with routine burn care. A British trial (n = 48) compared HBOT with usual care. HBOT resulted in a significantly higher percentage of healthy graft area in split skin grafts (RR 3.50, 95% CI 1.35-9.11). In a Chinese trial (n = 145) HBOT did not significantly improve flap survival in patients with limb skin defects. HBOT, if readily available, appears effective for the management of acute, difficult to heal wounds. 


5.      Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for acute surgical and traumatic wounds
Eskes A, Ubbink DT, Lubbers M, Lucas C, Vermeulen H
February 16, 2011
This review did not find any high quality research evidence showing that HBOT is beneficial for wound healing. Two poor quality studies suggested benefits associated with HBOT. The first in patients with crush injuries, showed improved wound healing and fewer adverse outcomes. The second reported improved survival of split skin grafts. A third trial reported no benefits associated with HBOT for skin grafts.

Further, better quality research is needed to determine the effects of HBOT on wound healing.


6.      Hyperbaricoxygen therapy for wound healing and limb salvage: a systematic review.

Goldman RJ. PM R. 2009 May;1(5):471-89. doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2009.03.012.

This article is a systematic review evaluating published clinical evidence of the efficacy of hyperbaricoxygen therapy (HBOT) for wound healing and limb salvage… The author evaluated 620 citations, of which 64 reported original observational studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on HBOT and healing outcomes. All citations with 5 subjects were selected for full text review (44 articles) and evaluated according to GRADE criteria for high, medium, low, or very low level of evidence. A Cochrane review identified 1 additional study with a low level of evidence….For patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) complicated by surgical infection, HBOT reduces chance of amputation (odds ratio [OR] 0.242, 95% CI: 0.137-0.428) (7 studies) and improves chance of healing (OR 9.992, 95% CI: 3.972-25.132) (6 studies)…HBOT is associated with remission of about 85% of cases of refractory lower extremity osteomyelitis, but an RCT is lacking to clarify extent of effect. There is a high level of evidence that HBOT reduces risk of amputation in the DFU population by promoting partial and full healing of problem wounds. There is a moderate level of evidence that HBOT promotes healing of arterial ulcers, calciphylactic and refractory vasculitic ulcers, as well as refractory osteomyelitis. There is a low to moderate level of evidence that HBOT promotes successful “take” of compromised flaps and grafts.

Systematic Reviews for Other Indications in Humans

Systematic review of agents for the management of gastrointestinal mucositis in cancer patients.
Gibson RJ, Keefe DM, Lalla RV, Bateman E, Blijlevens N, Fijlstra M, King EE, Stringer AM, van der Velden WJ, Yazbeck R, Elad S, Bowen JM; Mucositis Study Group of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer/International Society of Oral Oncology (MASCC/ISOO). Support Care Cancer. 2013 Jan;21(1):313-26. doi: 10.1007/s00520-012-1644-z. Epub 2012 Nov 10.
…the panel suggests the use of hyperbaricoxygen as an effective means in treating radiation-induced proctitis.


Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy improve the survival and quality of life in patients with traumatic brain injury?
Bennett MH, Trytko B, Jonker B
December 12, 2012
The effectiveness of HBOT on the recovery of brain-injured patients is uncertain. There is also concern regarding potential adverse effects of the therapy, including damage to the ears, sinuses and lungs from the effects of pressure, temporary worsening of short-sightedness, claustrophobia and oxygen poisoning.

In an attempt to address the uncertainty surrounding the use of HBOT, the authors of this review identified all studies which were randomized controlled trials investigating the effects of HBOT in traumatically brain-injured people of all ages.

The authors found seven eligible studies involving 571 people. The combined results suggest that HBOT reduces the risk of death and improves the level of coma; however, there is no evidence that these survivors have an improved outcome in terms of quality of life. It is possible, therefore, that the overall effect of hyperbaric oxygen is to make it more likely that people will survive with severe disability after such injuries. The authors conclude that the routine use of HBOT in brain-injured patients cannot be justified by the findings of this review.

Due to the small number of trials with a limited number of people, it is not possible to be confident in the findings. Further large, high quality trials are required to define the true extent of benefit from HBOT.


Using oxygen at high pressure (in a compression chamber) for the treatment of broken bones
Bennett MH, Stanford RE, Turner R
November 14, 2012
This review found no evidence from randomised trials to support or refute the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to avoid or treat poorly healing broken bones. However, in this update, we found three ongoing randomised trials that are likely to provide some evidence to inform on the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the future.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for vascular dementia
Xiao Y, Wang J, Jiang S, Luo H
July 11, 2012
This review included one randomised controlled trial of poor methodological quality involving 64 patients with VaD who were also taking donepezil. Safety assessment was not mentioned at all. Although the authors reported cognitive benefit, this trial alone cannot be taken as evidence of efficacy. Further well-designed randomised controlled trials are needed.


Ghanizadeh A.  Hyperbaricoxygen therapy for treatment of children with autism: a systematic review of randomized trials.
Med Gas Res. 2012 May 11;2:13. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-2-13.
The electronically search resulted in 18 title of publications. Two studies were randomized, double-blind, controlled-clinical trials. While some uncontrolled and controlled studies suggested that HBO therapy is effective for the treatment of autism, these promising effects are not replicated. Therefore, sham-controlled studies with rigorous methodology are required to be conducted in order to provide scientific evidence-based HBO therapy for autism treatment.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for the treatment of the late effects of radiotherapy
Bennett MH, Feldmeier J, Hampson N, Smee R, Milross C
May 16, 2012
We found some evidence that LRTI affecting the head, neck and lower end of the bowel can be improved with HBOT. There is little evidence for or against benefit in other tissues affected by LRTI. Our conclusions are based on 11 randomised trials with a limited number of patients. Further research is needed.


High pressure oxygen breathing during radiotherapy for cancer treatment
Bennett MH, Feldmeier J, Smee R, Milross C
April 18, 2012
Breathing oxygen while at raised pressure in a closed chamber (hyperbaric oxygen or HBO) may increase the effectiveness of radiotherapy and thus improve mortality and reduce tumour regrowth. We found some evidence that people with head and neck cancer are less likely to die within five years if they are treated this way, and evidence that regrowth of tumour at the original site is less likely for head and neck, and cervical cancer. However, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may only be effective when radiotherapy is given in an unusually small number of sessions, each with a relatively high dose. HBOT does not appear to work for other cancers studied. Our conclusions are based on 19 randomised trials with over 2000 patients.


Hyperbaricoxygen treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and analysis.
Rossignol DA. Med Gas Res. 2012 Mar 15;2(1):6. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-2-6.
Thirteen studies of HBOT in Crohn’s disease and 6 studies in ulcerative colitis were identified….Twelve publications reported using HBOT in animal models of experimentally-induced IBD… Although most publications reported improvements with HBOT, some studies suffered from limitations, including possible publication and referral biases, the lack of a control group, the retrospective nature and a small number of participants.

HBOT lowered markers of inflammation and oxidative stress and ameliorated IBD in both human and animal studies. Most treated patients were refractory to standard medical treatments. Additional studies are warranted to investigate the effects of HBOT on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation as well as clinical outcomes in individuals with IBD.


A systematic review of interventions to enhance the healing of chronic ulcers of the foot in diabetes.
Game FL, Hinchliffe RJ, Apelqvist J, Armstrong DG, Bakker K, Hartemann A, Löndahl M, Price PE, Jeffcoate WJ. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2012 Feb;28 Suppl 1:119-41. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.2246.
The present report is an update of the earlier IWGDF systematic review, but the conclusion is similar: that with the exception of HBOT and, possibly, negative pressure wound therapy, there is little published evidence to justify the use of newer therapies. This echoes the conclusion of a recent Cochrane review and the systematic review undertaken by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Guidelines Committee in the UK. Analysis of evidence presents considerable difficulties in this field particularly as controlled studies are few and the majority are of poor methodological quality.


High pressure (hyperbaric) oxygen therapy for Bell’s palsy
Holland NJ, Bernstein JM, Hamilton JW
February 15, 2012
Our searches revealed no trials that met the inclusion criteria for the review. We found very low quality evidence from one trial to suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy might be beneficial for moderate to severe Bell’s palsy. The quality of evidence from this trial was very low because the assessors of facial function were aware of which treatment each participant had been given, which introduces a high risk of bias. There is therefore no high quality evidence on which to base conclusions about the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Bell’s palsy.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves people breathing pure oxygen in a specially designed chamber, for the treatment of multiple sclerosis
Bennett MH, Heard R
August 10, 2011
The review of nine trials found no consistent evidence that HOBT can improve disability or modify the progression of MS. There is little need for further research.


Hyperbaric oxygen may reduce the risk of dying, the time to pain relief and the chance of adverse heart events in people with heart attack and unstable angina
Bennett MH, Lehm JP, Jepson N
August 10, 2011
We first searched the literature in 2004 and most recently in June 2010, finding one further study. Overall,we found some evidence that people with ACS are less likely to die or to have major adverse cardiac events, and to have more rapid relief from their pain, if they receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy as part of their treatment. However, our conclusions are based on six relatively small randomised trials (five of which included only patients with confirmed heart muscle death). While HBOT may therefore reduce the risk of dying, time to pain relief and the chance of adverse heart events in people with heart attack and unstable angina, more work is still needed to be sure that HBOT should be recommended.


There is insufficient evidence to support the use of hyperbaric oxygen for treatment of patients with carbon monoxide poisoning
Buckley NA, Juurlink DN, Isbister G, Bennett MH, Lavonas EJ
April 13, 2011
the review of published trials found conflicting, potentially biased, and generally weak evidence regarding the usefulness of hyperbaric oxygen for the prevention of neurological injury.


Hyperbaric oxygen as an additional treatment for malignant otitis externa
Phillips JS, Jones SEM
February 16, 2011
The review found no trials to demonstrate that the addition of hyperbaric oxygen therapy offers a better outcome than the treatments alone. Further research is required.


Efficacy of pre- and postirradiation hyperbaricoxygen therapy in the prevention of postextraction osteoradionecrosis: a systematic review.
Fritz GW, Gunsolley JC, Abubaker O, Laskin DM. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Nov;68(11):2653-60. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2010.04.015. Epub 2010 Aug 19.
Most of the studies had a small sample size, lacked specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, did not report the interval between radiation and extraction, and provided limited information on the method of extraction. There was also variation in HBO protocols, radiation dosage, the use of antibiotics, and the use of adjunctive cancer therapy.

On the basis of the best available evidence, there is currently insufficient information to show that the use of HBO reduces the incidence of osteoradionecrosis in irradiated patients requiring tooth extraction.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for delayed onset muscle soreness and closed soft tissue injury
Bennett MH, Best TM, Babul-Wellar S, Taunton JE
June 16, 2010
Our review included nine small trials, involving a total of 219 participants. Two trials compared HBOT versus sham therapy on ankle sprain and knee sprain respectively. Neither trial provided sufficient evidence to determine if HBOT helped people with these injuries. The other seven trials examined the effect of HBOT on muscle injury following unaccustomed exercise. There was no evidence that HBOT helped people with muscle injury following unaccustomed exercise, but some evidence that people given HBOT had slightly more pain. Further research on HBOT is not a high priority given the variety of other treatment interventions available.


Normal pressure oxygen therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for migraine and cluster headaches
Bennett MH, French C, Schnabel A, Wasiak J, Kranke P
October 7, 2009
In our review, we found some weak evidence to suggest that HBOT helps people with acute migraine headaches and possibly cluster headaches, and that NBOT may help people with cluster headache. We found no evidence that either can prevent future attacks. Because many migraines can be treated simply with appropriate drug therapy, further research is needed to help choose the most appropriate patients (if any) to receive HBOT.


Little evidence that burns patients benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Villanueva E, Bennett MH, Wasiak J, Lehm JP
October 7, 2009
The review found only two randomised trials, with only a limited number of patients. There was no consistent benefit from HBOT, but one trial did suggest an improvement in healing time. Overall, there is little evidence to support or refute the use of HBOT for burns patients. More research is needed.


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for acute ischaemic stroke
Bennett MH, Wasiak J, Schnabel A, Kranke P, French C
October 7, 2009
There is little evidence that stroke patients benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy….Our review found only six randomised trials involving 283 participants. Too few patients have been studied to say whether or not HBOT decreases the chance of dying and only three trials suggested any improvement in the ability to do everyday tasks. Overall, there is currently little evidence to support the use of HBOT for stroke patients.


Interventions for replacing missing teeth: hyperbaric oxygen therapy for irradiated patients who require dental implants
Esposito M, Grusovin MG, Patel S, Worthington HV, Coulthard P
October 8, 2008
We could only identify one study including a limited number of patients. This study suggested that the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy for patients who require dental implants after radiotherapy is of no apparent clinical benefit….More reliable studies are needed to provide the final answer to this question.



Posted in Science-Based Veterinary Medicine | 10 Comments

Evidence Update–Homemade Diet Recipes for Your Pet are Unreliable

I have previously discussed studies of recipes for homemade diets, from books and the internet, which show that these diets are rarely nutritionally adequate or reliable in terms of consistently providing predictable levels of critical nutrients. Recipes for kidney disease, cancer diets, and raw diets have all been evaluated and found wanting. Now the largest study yet looking at the nutritional adequacy of homemade diet recipes has been published and—surprise, surprise—it has found that almost none of the recipes evaluated provide recommended levels of important nutrients.

Stockman, J. Fascetti, AJ. Kass, PH. Larsen,JA. Evaluation of recipes of home-prepared maintenance diets for dogs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 2013;242(11): 1500-1505.

Two-hundred  recipes were evaluated, including 129 written by veterinarians. The vast majority were vague about ingredients, feeding instructions, or the details of recommended supplements. Only 5 recipes could be interpreted as providing adequate levels of all essential nutrients as established by the National research Council guidelines, and only 9 recipes met the nutrient standards of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).

Despite common claims that nutritional adequacy can be met by rotating through a variety of foods even if no specific recipe is complete in itself, the authors found that when such groups of recipes were evaluated, they still did not provide a nutritionally complete diet even when fed in rotation as directed. Even though most recipes written by veterinarians were incomplete, those recipes provided by non-veterinarians were significantly more likely to be incomplete and were more likely to have more severe deficiencies. All 4 recipes written by board-certified veterinary nutritionists were complete. This pretty clearly demonstrates that claims veterinarians are not better qualified than lay people to make nutritional recommendations are nonsense. The best source of advice about pet diets is a veterinary nutritionist, and the second best source is your veterinarian.




Posted in Nutrition | 30 Comments

Australian Government Cracks Down on Bogus Claims for “Black Salve”

One of my most popular (and unpopular) articles concerns the quack cancer remedy Neoplasene. This is one of a family of herbal derivatives called bloodroot, and it has never been shown to be a safe and effective therapy for cancer. Though there are some in vitro studies showing bloodroot derivatives kill cancer cells, so does bleach. This is not sufficient to make it a safe and effective medicine. There is also ample evidence that it can cause severe damage to patients.

In an example of the consilience of different forms of quackery, apparently the anti-vaccine organization with the Orwellian name of the Australian Vaccination Network has been promoting a bloodroot derivative known as “Black Salve” as a cancer therapy. And in an example of an unusual, and much welcome, demonstration of reason and backbone by a government regulatory authority, they have been told to stop by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. What’s important about this is that the TGA is definitively informing the public that there is no reliable evidence these bloodroot remedies are safe and effective and that it is a form of fraud to claim that they are.

Here are some examples of the refreshing language in the TGA decision:

Black Salve Doesn’t Work
The Advertiser was not able to produce valid supporting evidence in relation to their claims, nor was there any referenced or highlighted medical evidence in the advertisement to support the representations. The advertisement promoted ‘black salve’ as a ‘safe, effective, natural remedy…used for over 2,000 years to treat skin cancers and other cancerous conditions, leading to a total remission of the disease.‘ The Delegate considered that, based on these statements, consumers would be entitled to expect that ‘black salve’ will cure them of cancer when, in fact, there is no credible, reliable clinical or scientific evidence to demonstrate that the product is effective in the treatment of any cancer. The Delegate found the advertisement was unverified, was not correct and raised unrealistic and unwarranted expectations of product effectiveness

Black Salve Is Not a Substitute for Real Medicine
The Delegate considered that statements made in the advertisement could lead to consumers inappropriately relying on ‘black salve’ to treat skin cancer to the exclusion of clinically proven conventional medicine and that the suggestion that ‘black salve’ will ‘help people cure their own cancers‘ may lead to self-diagnosis and a failure to seek out proper medical attention for a potentially fatal disease. The Delegate found the advertisement was likely to lead to inappropriate treatment of a potentially serious disease and was misleading

You Shouldn’t Sell Snake Oil By Making People Fear Real Medicine
The advertisement used language that, in the Delegate’s view, would bring about fear or distress by making people fearful of the consequences if they did not use ‘black salve’ or, alternatively, if they relied on conventional medicine for treatment.

Black Salve is Dangerous
The advertisement promoted ‘black salve’ as a ‘safe, effective, natural remedy‘ and that it was ‘time-tested‘. The advertisement does not mention that ‘black salve’ can cause harm or has any side effects, nor did it advise the consumer that ‘black salve’ can burn the skin (which may require medical attention) and can cause permanent scarring…misdiagnosis by a consumer would cause greater harm to themselves and that by not seeking appropriate medical help, incorrect application of “black salve” could cause extensive, irreparable damage to their skin.

Despite some pro forma caveats, Neoplasene is sold with essentially the same kind of unsupported claims exaggerating the evidence for its own safety and efficacy. Would be nice to see this sort of warning on site selling other bloodroot derivatives?



An advertisement promoting illegal therapeutic goods under the name “Black Salve”, which we published on this website, should not have been published. In publishing the advertisement, we misled and abused the trust of consumers

In the advertisement we unlawfully made claims that Black Salve is safe, and that it can be used as an effective treatment for cancers including skin cancer. We also claimed that cancer medicines are harmful and cause cancer, and are ineffectual

A complaint about the advertisement was recently upheld by the Complaints Resolution Panel. We provided no evidence whatsoever to support the claims we made, and the Panel found that the claims were unlawful, misleading, and unverified and breached the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (Code).

The delegate of the Secretary for the purposes of regulation 9 of the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 also found that the claims and representation in the advertisement were unlawful, inaccurate and misleading in breach of the Code.

The attention of consumers is directed to the safety information from the Therapeutic Goods Administration at: Black salve, red salve and cansema on the TGA website.


Posted in Herbs and Supplements, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 2 Comments