Search Results for: ahvma

Herb and Supplement Industry: Loves Marketing but not so Crazy about Research

One of the standard clichés alternative medicine proponents like to employ is the David and Goliath Myth: pharmaceutical companies and the mainstream medicine are profit-driven behemoths and alternative medicine is the plucky little guy, small practitioners and innovators fighting against … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 4 Comments

Integrative Medicine or Bait-and Switch?

For a while now, the Huffington Post has been providing a platform for a prominent voice in the alternative veterinary medicine community, Dr. Richard Palmquist. Dr. Palmquist is involved in the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA), and has had … Continue reading

Posted in General | 10 Comments

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who are you? It doesn’t matter who I am. My ideas and arguments should be judged on their own strengths and weaknesses, not on the basis of whatever prejudices you may have about me as a person. Am I more … Continue reading


HuffPo Offers Vet Woo Too, Courtesy of Dr. Palmquist

The folks at Science-Based Medicine and Respectful Insolence have been pointing out for a while that the Huffington Post has become a mainstream media champion for unreliable alternative medical information. And fortunately for us, HuffPo isn’t ignoring the veterinary side … Continue reading

Posted in General, Miscellaneous CAVM | 9 Comments

Care and Use of Homeopathic Remedies

It always feels a little cruel to poke fun at homeopathy since it is perilously close to self-parody already, particularly the serious and earnest way in which proponents say absurd things. As a refresher, the idea is based on a … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy, Humor | 8 Comments

“Holistic Medicine”–It means whatever we say it means

The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) has a statement on their web site explaining what “holistic” medicine is. I was interested in this because it’s a slippery word, seemingly simple on the surface but hard to pin down. Superficially, … Continue reading

Posted in General | 13 Comments

Why Incompatible CAM Theories Aren’t

I am often struck by what I consider one of the great mysteries of CAM: how theories and approaches that are mutually inconsistent and incompatible are unified under the CAM umbrella without any apparent notice being taken of their mutually … Continue reading

Posted in General | 1 Comment

Internet Information — The Good, Bad, and Ugly

As we all know, the Internet is a mixed blessing. It makes enormous amounts of information easily and cheaply available to billions of people. Unfortunately, not all information is created equal, and sometimes bad information is worse than none. Contrary … Continue reading

Posted in General | 3 Comments

Animal Hospice — We Need It, and We Need to Do It Right

Over the last several decades, attitudes towards pets and their role in our households have change dramatically, and in my opinion for the better. Many pet owners see their animal companions as family members rather than objects of utility and … Continue reading

Posted in General | 11 Comments

Woo U. — CAVM as Continuing Education for Veterinarians

Veterinarians are required by the state laws that control their licensure and scope of practice to keep up with changes in the body of knowledge  and techniques that makes up veterinary medicine. Such continuing education is a requirement for all … Continue reading

Posted in General | 23 Comments