Specialist’s Statement on Integrative Methods

A colleague recently received the following statement, as part of a follow-up report from a board-certified specialist to whom she had referred a case. The pet received a number of alternative medical therapies as well as conventional treatment for its condition.

“Integrative medicine can increase the variety of many different treatment plans and has the opportunity to reach a more successful health plateau for your patient. Invariably, integrative medicine acts as a adjunct protocol and offers more than a healthy body. Integrative medicine also provides a healthy sense of well being. As we progress towards newer and more extensive technology we lose the art of the basic touch and hands on treatment. In this day and age with our society relying heavily on technology and invasive sciences we must not look to holistic care as an alternative but as a way back to our soul.”

There are a number of elements to both the concepts and the logic of this statement which I find disturbing, especially coming from a specialty center to which I sometimes refer patients, and in which I must have confidence in order to keep doing so. It also illustrates one of the biggest problem in defending science-based medicine: overcoming the conflation of unproven or ineffective CAM treatments with a warm and caring therapeutic relationship.

1. “Integrative medicine can increase the variety of many different treatment plans”

This seems a variety of the bogus “health care choice” argument. Yes, adding unproven or implausible therapies to what we do gives us more things to do, but if these interventions aren’t shown to have a benefit, and might even be harmful, then so what? Variety is not itself a good thing, especially if it only serves our psychological need to do something without truly benefitting our patients.

2. “has the opportunity to reach a more successful health plateau for your patient”

This statement is meaningless without evidence to show it is true. CAM proponents freely claim better health through their methods, but shampoo makers freely claim their product is “New and Improved” every few months too. Should we believe it just because they say so?

3. “Invariably, integrative medicine acts as a adjunct protocol and offers more than a healthy body.”

Same problem. The assumption is made that adding this stuff helps, but I expect any doctor, especially a second-tier specialist, to have more than anecdote and faith to back up their claim that their treatments can help my patient. This statement suggests any and all CAM interventions added to conventional therapy will “invariably” bring benefit. No side effects? No interference with conventional therapies? No possibility of failure? If it sounds too good to be true that’s because it is.

4. “Integrative medicine also provides a healthy sense of well being”

Here we begin to get into the underlying philosophical position that will fully emerge later. These added interventions aren’t really about making the patient better in terms of their disease but about making them feel better. Of course, since we can’t access our pets inner feelings in any detail (well, except for pet psychics, of course), we have to decide if they get a sense of “well being” from CAM therapies. And given that both as doctors and owners we desperately want them to be and feel better, there is great risk of our projecting our needs and feelings onto them. CAM placebo effects certainly have an impact of people’s perceptions of their own disease, and they have an impact on their perceptions of how their animals feel (as the recent guest post illustrated), but I have yet to see anything more convincing than testimonial to show that they really affect our pets’ feelings as this statement presumes they do.

5. “As we progress towards newer and more extensive technology we lose the art of the basic touch and hands on treatment.”

Ah, we begin to see the cliché New Age notion that modern medicine is all about technology and that in the mythical Golden Age medicine was about caring and healing the whole person. There is no question the dramatic proliferation of knowledge and the subsequent necessary division of doctors into ever narrower specialties has affected the patient/client-doctor relationship, and this is part of why people are driven to the often warmer and more personal ethos of CAM. Scientific medicine must address this problem to protect our patients from turning to physically ineffective but more psychologically appealing methods.

However, the fact remains we live longer, suffer less, lose fewer of our children, and overall enjoy a far better quality of life and health than any humans who have ever lived, largely thanks to technology. We now have the luxury to indulge our search for meaning and fulfillment because most of us aren’t always battling to feed ourselves or struggling with an endless stream of physical ailments. I for one see no reason we can’t enjoy the opportunity for “self-actualization” technology has provided, and improve on the gains we’ve made, without jettisoning the very technology that has given us the opportunity to do so. I would love to have a close, supportive relationship with my health care provider. But I see no reason why that should require I also accept a host of implausible, vitalistic, and ultimately often ineffective therapeutic interventions too.

Finally, one must ask again if we are projecting our needs onto our pets. I believe I am as gentle, caring, and empathetic as any vet, and I generally have good success interacting with my patients. But frankly, many of my patients don’t appear to take comfort from being handled, however caringly, by strangers. The acupuncture and chiropractic sessions I’ve seen often involve a great deal of supportive, caring treatment of the client, who then feels their pet must enjoy the relationship as much as they do. However, judging from the behavior of the animals themselves, I remain unconvinced. They generally seem no more nor less distressed when receiving chiropractic or acupuncture than they do during my physical examination or vaccination procedures. Yet somehow, everyone involved believes the animals share their owners’ feelings the “spiritual” aspects of these encounters.

6. “In this day and age with our society relying heavily on technology and invasive sciences we must not look to holistic care as an alternative but as a way back to our soul.”

It isn’t entirely clear from the passage (especially given the awkwardness of some of the language which suggests to me it might have been written by someone not a native speaker of English) whether or not the use of “soul” here is intended literally or  is just a way of referring emphatically to feelings and emotions. It wouldn’t surprise me if it is meant literally since the notion that disease is fundamentally a spiritual rather than physical phenomenon is widespread in alternative medicine. Either way, however, the sentence echoes the theme of the statement as a whole, which seems to be that scientific medicine is cold and machinelike and that we need some “old-fashioned” psychological support from our doctors.

There is an element of truth to this, certainly for humans, though I think it is sometimes debatable whether what our pets need or desire in terms of a therapeutic relationship is the same as what we think they want. However, once again there is no reason this needs to be connected to alternative, unconventional medical treatments. The answer to a more supporting, warmer health care environment and better human relationships between health care providers and patients/clients isn’t to give up scientific medical therapies that work, or even to add unproven therapies to them. It is to change the economics and structure of the health care system to provide both the highest quality, most effective physical care and meet the emotional needs of patients/clients. This won’t be easy, and it will likely be more expensive, but turning to CAM isn’t the answer.

Linking CAM to the perception that modern medicine is cold and uncaring is a marketing triumph, but it doesn’t make the specific methods any more likely to be effective. This is why so much CAM is used by people with complex, chronic diseases, often for which scientific medicine has not yet found effective treatment. When choosing care for discrete, acute, critical illnesses few people choose CAM methods of questionable effectiveness. People want medicine that works, and though they want to feel cared for also, they shouldn’t have to accept bogus treatments along with emotional support.

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Fooling Yourself-A Guest Post By Alison Averis

A reader recently sent me an account of a case which demonstrates the placebo effect by proxy and the general unreliability of our subjective assessments of medical interventions. Her story is engaging and nicely illustrates these common issues, and she has kindly agreed to allow me to reproduce it here. Enjoy!


Alison Averis

Once upon a time, a horse owner said to an alternative therapist: “Thanks very much for treating Billy last week. He was much more relaxed than usual in the stable that night, and he went really well when I rode him the next day – more forward going, more supple and more willing than usual.  I’d like you to come and do him again”.

Very satisfactory for all concerned.  The horse was going well, the owner was happy and the therapist had a new client.  Except for one thing – the therapist hadn’t treated Billy last week.  She’d gone to the yard as requested and met not the owner but the groom, who through a misunderstanding had asked her to treat another horse.  The owner, not knowing this, had ridden Billy the next day and had attributed her good ride to the treatment she thought the horse had had the day before.

Now this alternative therapist had an enquiring and scientific mind and decided to conduct an experiment.  She asked a friend of hers whether she could give the friend’s horse a free session of her therapy.  She didn’t want the friend to watch what she did, but she did want the friend to give her feedback afterwards.  And she didn’t do anything to the horse at all.  While the friend thought she was doing the treatment, she was actually sitting in the manger reading a book and the horse was eating his hay.  When the therapist later asked the friend what had happened, she was not altogether surprised to hear a tale about a very relaxed horse who “went so much better than usual when I rode him the next day”.

Unlike most stories that begin ‘once upon a time’, this one is true.  It illustrates very nicely the danger of attributing a change in our horse’s behaviour or performance to something we have just done.  Or, as in this case, that we think we have done.

The therapy in question, unlike many, actually had some biological plausibility: it was a manipulative technique that many people find relaxing and invigorating, and it is not beyond the bounds of possibility to suppose that horses might also get at least temporary benefits.  The point is that the intervention (or non-intervention) could have been anything: a veterinary treatment; a new feed or feed supplement; a new saddle or bridle; a visit from the farrier or equine dentist – you name it.  The only necessity was for the owner to believe that any improvement in the horse’s behaviour following the intervention must have been a result of that intervention.  As we have seen, the intervention didn’t even have to happen.  All that was required was for the owner to want to make that connection.

The fact is that a horse will vary from day to day in how lively, enthusiastic, supple or willing he feels and there can be many reasons for this: working hard the day before, a slip in the field, more time than usual in the stable, the weather, the time of day, his social relationships and the amount of sleep he’s had, to name only a few of the possibilities.  It is just unfortunate that we, with our pattern-recognizing, all-too-human brains, are likely to come to the wrong conclusions about the reasons why, because of what we want to believe.  If we have given the horse something we believe will improve his performance – and especially if we’ve paid a lot of money for it – we are likely to think that any subsequent improvement in performance is a result of what we did.  As you can see, the fact that a change in behaviour followed an intervention does not prove that the intervention caused the change, and this is why the scientific method is necessary.

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Ape, Not Monkey Comic–What’s the Harm?

Alternative Medicine Whats The Harm

A nice reminder from Ape, Not Monkey of something we rarely consider. Many alternative ad folk remedies make use of plant and animal parts which, in addition to being of questionable safety and efficacy, may come from endangered plant or animal species. Ben Radford at Live Science has several examples, including the odd fact that the introduction of viagra to Kenya may have reduced poaching of rhino horn there.  The World Wildlife Fund, International Fund for Animal Welfare, and a number of other conservation organizations have also addressed this problem in their advocacy efforts.

While this issue is not my central objection to unproven alternative therapies, it is yet another reaon why the widespread use of unvalidated traditional remedies should be discouraged. Even with government oversight and the necessary efforts of advocacy groups, it is difficult enough to control the mainstream pharmaceutical industry’s efforts to exploit the possible medicinal value of natural plant and animal substances. The unregulated CAM industry, which seems to be automatically assumed to be “green” and more environmentally friendly than scientific medicine, is likely to be as great or greater a threat to endangered plant and animal species if no effort is made to ensure that only renewable and sustainable sources of raw materials are used. It is especially tragic to lose forever animal or plant species due to their exploitation for likely ineffective folk remedies.

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Does the Truth Matter?

One of the most common responses I get when I point out the lack of evidence for particular CAM therapies is, “So what? If it doesn’t do any harm and if people feel better, even just because of a placebo effect, then why do you want to convince them this stuff doesn’t work?”

Of course, the first answer to this has to be challenging the assumption of safety which seems to adhere to most CAM therapies, and I have done that at length. However, beyond that issue, it seems to me a fair question whether the truth matters when it takes away something benign that people want to believe and which might offer some relief from symptoms via a psychological mechanism, if not by way of actually changing the underlying disease process. I have several answers to this question, some personal and philosophical, others more pragmatic and directly relevant to medicine.

On a personal level, I share the sentiments of R. Barker Bausell, author of Snake Oil Science. He sees investigating the truth about the claims of alternative medicine as part of the larger project of science, and his research and writing are motivated at least “partly [by] a common professional objective for a scientist: to be able to claim a personal victory in one small skirmish in the perpetual struggle between knowledge and ignorance.” Though I understand that many, perhaps most, people don’t share the sentiment, a lot of us in science are driven by a visceral sense that truth matters, and that even unpleasant truths are to be embraced and comforting untruths disdained. I don’t see imparting this sense to others as a core goal, or justification, for challenging bogus medical claims, though I do hope my passion for what is true may resonate with some readers. But I must be honest and confess that this feeling is a large part of why I engage in my various projects promoting science-based medicine.

On a more practical level, there is clear evidence that the comfort taken from untrue beliefs in medicine does harm beyond the direct damage particular medical therapies may cause. While some turn to CAM only when they have exhausted the options provided by science-based medicine, CAM therapies are often promoted as an alternative to scientific medicine. However, when CAM is used in lieu of the more effective, better understood therapies of scientific medicine, people suffer and sometimes die unnecessarily. We see this happen in the asthma patients who have poorer compliance with drug therapy, and poorer quality of life scores, then they substitute herbs for medicine, and in the cancer patients who eschew effective mainstream treatment or palliation in favor of alternative therapies, leading to greater suffering and earlier death. What is more, because CAM therapies are so amenable to placebo effects and to false assessments of real efficacy, even casual experimental use in conjunction with conventional therapies can lead to a belief in not only the efficacy of the alternative interventions but create sympathy with the philosophical underpinnings of these interventions and skepticism of the underlying foundations of science.

CAM proponents frequently emphasizes supposed philosophical differences between alternative medicine and science. Some of these are marketing points rather than true differences, such as the nonsense about CAM treating the whole patient rather than just the disease, or scientific medicine treating only symptoms while CAM treats root causes of illness. However, there are some genuine philosophical differences between science as an epistemological approach and the world view of many CAM adherents. CAM often rests on a foundation of vitalism, the notion that invisible spiritual or “energy” forces are the true source of animation for living beings, and that disease is not a manifestation of disorders in the physical body but in these mystical forces. Vitalists claim to be able to sense and manipulate such forces, but these claims are never demonstrable by any objective means and must be accepted on the basis of faith alone.

This is in contrast to the position of methodological naturalism, in which scientists agree to put aside any personal intuition or revelation of a spiritual nature when investigating and treating the causes of disease, and focus solely on mechanisms and causes which can be objectively and repeatedly demonstrated to anyone. The claims of some CAM advocates that this approach is doomed to failure because it ignores the “real” nature of life and health are belied by the astounding success of the technology and medicine it has generated. Millennia of vitalist approaches to medicine failed to achieve the improvements in health and longevity a naturalistic approach has accomplished in only a couple of centuries. There’s a reason why mystical health care theories have had more success being adopted in the treatment of chronic diseases, particularly involving subjective symptoms like pain, and have failed to be widely accepted in acute, life-threatening situations. Homeopathic birth control hasn’t caught on too well either, so perhaps there is more to be said for “reductionism” than CAM proponents often credit.

Yet vitalist philosophies have an emotional and aesthetic appeal, and I understand the historical and psychological reasons they are so attractive and widespread. Nevertheless, I feel the evidence of history conclusively demonstrates naturalism to be a more accurate and successful model of reality, and there are real dangers in choosing to ignore this reality and adhere to comforting but unsuccessful paradigms when dealing with health and disease.

Similarly, many CAM advocates hold to an extreme relativism born of the post-modernist philosophical movement. This sees all models of reality as purely social constructs with no sound basis to give preference to one over another. Any attempt to assert one model is more faithful to an objective physical reality than another is dismissed as merely an attempt to justify a particular social and political power structure, to the advantage of one cultural group over others. Thus, even claiming objective reality exists and can be described is denounced as a form of political and cultural oppression. All points of view are held to be equally valid, and no truth claims are defensible.

This philosophy has had much success in the rarefied air of academe, though even there it is beginning to fray. It is buttressed by the reality that all of our models of reality are in fact  influenced by cultural factors, and that oppression is often justified by its intellectual apologists through the promulgation of scientific and pseudoscientific theories. However, postmodernism throws the baby out with the bathwater, and in an attempt to eliminate xenophobia and ethnocentrism it eliminates any hope of understanding the universe or improving our lives. Again, the history of science, technology, and medicine clearly and forcefully demolish the notion that there is no objective reality and that we can have no true knowledge of it. Such a perspective has no usefulness, and should have no place in medicine.

On a more practical level, one reason to care about the efficacy of CAM methods is simple economics. A 2009 study from the NCCAM found Americans spent $33.9 billion on “alternative” therapies (though the definition used in the study was quite loose). This is a lot of money to put into treatments of dubious effectiveness, and even if they have some positive effects in terms of subjective symptoms like pain or nausea, I think it is fair to wonder whether such resources could be better spent discovering more effective therapies or making health care more available to those who cannot afford even basic care.

Finally, Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst make the case in Trick or Treatment: The Truth about Alternative Medicine that it is nearly impossible to benefit from the placebo effect of a medical therapy without either lying to the patient or at a minimum deliberately ignoring the evidence against the placebo therapy. Most CAM practitioners obviously genuinely believe their methods work. However, maintaining this belief requires ignoring the principles and practice of science and evidence-based medicine. In today’s world, with the knowledge that scientific research has accumulated in the last few hundred years, sticking with such an attitude requires a kind of deliberate ignorance. CAM practitioners who utilize clearly disproven methods or concepts, such as homeopathy, the vertebral subluxation, and so on, must reject the very principles of science and the most basic, and well-established scientific understanding of the world. This is an act of faith that makes their approach more of a religion than a medical science.

There are those who honestly try to apply the principles of science and evidence to CAM. Unfortunately,  there are few CAM therapies that one can honestly justify in this way. Acupuncture for pain and nausea, chiropractic for idiopathic back pain, and a few well-studied herbal remedies and nutritional supplements are about all CAM can justly claim to be supportable by any sort of real research evidence, and even some of these claims amount to a primarily psychological, rather than disease-modifying, set of effects. There are important ethical questions associated with the use of placebo therapies, whether in mainstream medicine (where antibiotics and vitamins are often used to this end) or in CAM (where arguably the majority of the benefits seen are placebo-based). As I’ve argued before (here and here), the benefits may well be outweighed by the harm done to the caregiver/patient or client relationship by introducing deliberate deception, or even more the more subtly disingenuousness in sticking with what one’s experiences and intuition say and ignoring robust evidence against one’s approach, into this relationship. Though it is a philosophical point, and as such not provable in any objective way, I cannot help but feel that we are better served by honesty and a commitment to the truth than by accepting the short-term benefits associated with deceiving others or even ourselves.

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Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer

There are many excellent books out there on skepticism generally, on the specific mistakes we tend to make in our judgments that lead us to believe what isn’t true, and on the more specific questions of CAM and evidence-based health care. As part of an ongoing project, I am re-reading a number of the classics in the skeptic’s bookshelf, including the almost iconic Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer.

I came from a position of vague but rather superficial skepticism, to a deeply held and (I hope) methodologically rigorous position on how best to evaluate medical claims through a process that stretched out over years and is still ongoing. The first and key step in this process was coming to understand the nature of how we form and maintain our beliefs, and where this process so often goes wrong. The first book that really hit home for on this subject was Thomas Kida’s Don’t Believe Everything You Think, which I hope to review in the near future. However, many skeptics cite Shermer’s book as the seminal popular work on the subject, and it certainly does an articulate and cogent job of making the case that uncertainty is inevitable but real knowledge can be gained despite the limitations of our cognitive processes if we follow the tenets of sound scientific and skeptical method.

As Shermer puts it, “unless we rigorously use human reason both to discover and acknowledge nature’s factuality, and to follow logical implications for efficacious human actions that such knowledge entails, we will lose out to the frightening forces of irrationality, romanticism, [and] uncompromising “true” belief…” He goes on to argue, and demonstrate, that skepticism must not be merely destructive of fale ideas but a positive approach to knowledge; “Skepticism is not a position; skepticism is an approach to claims…Proper debunking is done in the interest of an alternate model of explanation, not as a nihilistic exercise. The alternate model is rationality itself, tied to moral decency…”

Shermer makes effective use of personal experiences and anecdotes, his own of those of others, to illustrate, though not to prove, his arguments. I certainly fall into the category of scientists and intellectuals who find it difficult to write in a style that is engaging to those not similarly inclined, but Shermer has the ability to make complex ideas, and even ambiguity, clear and accessible. He begins by introducing the skeptical and scientific approach and contrasting it with pseudoscience. He then summarizes the barriers to thinking and reasoning soundly which these approaches are intended to correct.

There follows a series of chapters illustrating the application of the skeptical method to a variety of “weird” ideas, including near-death experiences, alien abduction, creationism, and Holocaust denialism. Many of the specific arguments and points of evidence may not be new to those already familiar with the methods and arguments of skepticism applied to these topics, but they are solid, persuasive summaries and reference sources. One of my favorite chapters, though it seems a little dated, is his critique of the Objectivist movement founded by Ayn Rand as having characteristics of a cult. This is a particularly interesting commentary coming from a self-identified libertarian.

Finally, he reviews how people come to and maintain false beliefs, and makes what I believe is a telling point of great relevance to medical professionals, which is that smart and educated people are not immune to such beliefs. As he says, “Smart people believe weird things because they are skilled at defending beliefs that arrived at for non-smart reasons.” Skepticism is an epistemological position that one often arrives at, contrary to popular belief, out of a deep personal humility that arises when one begins to understand how tenuous and unreliable our perceptions, memories, and judgments all too often are. Such humility comes hardest for those who most need it, those who are intelligent, educated, and recognized by others as such.

I highly recommend reading Why People Believe Weird Things not only for those interested in the specific subjects addressed but also those who want to better understand how we all come to our beliefs and how we can guard against the natural human tendancies that sometimes lead us astray.

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Warning Signs of Quackery Ahead

Though it’s certainly not an original observation, I’ve begun to see some repeating patterns of behavior associated with unreliable and unscientific medical claims, and I think it might be useful to review some possible warning signs that one is dealing with quackery or nonsense. Certainly, not all of these markers will be found in the claims or marketing of every unsubstantiated medical approach, and some of them may well be found attached to legitimate or correct claims. However, viewing hem as risk factors or red flags can help one to separate the pseudoscientific from the scientific and the truly helpful from the nonsense.

1. The Galileo Complex-

Most idiosyncratic ideas that conflict with the mainstream understanding of reality turn out to be wrong. As Michael Shermer puts it: “History is replete with tales of the lone scientist working in spite of his peers and flying in the face of the doctrines of his or her own field of study. Most of them turned out to be wrong and we do not remember their names…The person making the extraordinary claim has the burden of proving to the experts and to the community at large that his or her belief has more validity than the one almost everyone else accepts.”

The exceptions stand out precisely because they are exceptions. People with questionable ideas like to compare themselves to Galileo or other historical figures who were widely doubted and whose ideas were vilified and suppressed in their own era but who were later vindicated by science and history. This is a neat little bit of self-aggrandizing spin that is a lovely example of the availability heuristic and cherry picking fallacies. Because such cases are unusual, they stand out in our minds, which makes us likely to see them as more common or representative of the norm than they are, and because we wish to validate our own ideas we tend to notice and cite only those examples which support our claims and ignore those which do not. So any book, web site, or lecture which makes comparisons to Galileo or other such figures should be suspect in terms of the soundness of the reasoning and the intellectual honesty and humility of the author.

A lovely example of this is a book by a lawyer who often defends alternative medicine providers against government regulation, Richard Jaffe, who titled his own book about his work Galileo’s Lawyer.

2. The Dan Brown Gambit-

Despite some worrisome signs of growth and the lax oversight by government thanks to effective legislative lobbying, alternative medicine is a fairly small, largely marginal element of healthcare overall. It tends to serve primarily affluent clients with chronic complaints, often involving largely subjective symptoms such as pain or fatigue, and people with philosophical predilections towards it such as postmodernist liberals, some varieties of libertarians, and those generally suspicious of modernity, materialism, and methodological naturalism. Mainstream science-based medicine has earned the confidence of people by producing unequivocal results, it is generally preferred by most people unless they have one of these philosophical objections to it or a condition which science does not yet have clearly effective treatments for.

Unable to accept this fact, many CAM advocates argue that their methods are better but have failed to replace scientific medicine due to a conspiracy of suppression by the medical-industrial complex. A nice example of this comes from one of the more extreme alternative medicine sites, Shirley’s Wellness Café:

“Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. – The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks. Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public – from infants to the elderly – who MUST be thoroughly medicated and vaccinated…at any cost! Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine? Because they are serving the industry, and the industry cannot make money with herbs, vitamins, and homeopathy. They cannot patent natural remedies. That is why they push synthetics. They control medicine, and that is why they are able to tell medical schools what they can and cannot teach. They have their own sets of laws, and they force people into them. That is a mafia. This sensational expose’ also uncovers the truth behind vaccines, AIDS, cancer, the World Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, and more. Dr. Lanctot, M.D is the author of The Medical Mafia  How To Get Out of It Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth.”

These arguments resemble those found in many Dan Brown novels, in which thin threads of evidence are used to claim that venal cabals of robber barons collude with doctors to maintain people in a state of constant illness, despite the availability of cheap, natural cures for all diseases, solely because of their devotion to profit and power. This is closely related to both the Galileo Complex and what I have elsewhere called the David and Goliath Myth. As in most every other human endeavor, claims of shadowing conspiracies to silence the truth ought to be viewed skeptically, as they are often a cover for the simpler fact that vacuous and mistaken ideas fail to find acceptance because people simply aren’t fooled by them.

3. Deep Secrets-

Difficult to disentangle from the phenomena already cited is the slightly twist on the underlying theme I call Deep Secrets. Many advocates of alternative medicine will claim they have found simple and obvious knowledge that has been hidden from the rest of us, either by our own slavish acceptance of the propaganda of the Medical-Industrial Complex or because the secrets have been actively suppressed. A couple of examples of this are Dr. Andrew Jones book The Veterinary Secret, Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About, but there are many others. Claims of secret wisdom uncovered by lone geniuses and available to you free (as long as you buy their book, DVD, etc), should always raise one’s suspicions.

4. The One True Cause of All Disease-

Harriett Hall at Science-Based Medicine has written eloquently about this phenomenon. Many CAM proponents claim their method is based on understanding the “true underlying cause of disease,” while scientific medicine is merely treating symptoms. Most times, this “true cause” is some sort of perturbation of a vitalist energy detectable only by the intuition of the practitioner. While people prefer the simple and definitive to the complex and ambiguous, reality is under no obligation to conform to our wishes for it, and reality is often complex and ambiguous. If there were one simple and obvious true cause for all illness, I cannot imagine that it would not have been found and manipulated at some point in human history with such great success as to eliminate all disease and displace all other models of health and well-being. The failure of this to happen is one of the better bit of evidence against the claim. And I have wondered aloud before how CAM proponents rationalize the use of multiple therapies concurrently each of which is based on totally incompatible One True Causes of disease. A cause for doubt if ever there was one.

5. If It Sounds Too Good To Be True, It Is-

An old maxim, but a sound one. People will often investigate with a sharp, critical inquiry the details of a new electronics or automotive purchase looking for solid evidence on which to make a choice, and yet the same people will throw common sense and skepticism away when fed an appealing line of pseudoscientific sales patter by an alternative medicine advocate. Practitioners of scientific medicine are often at the public relations disadvantage of having to be truthful with our patients and clients, including admitting to the limitations of our knowledge an ability to solve their medical problems. Anyone who claims dramatic and unprecedented success with no risks should be pressed to produce more than their word or the testimonials of fellow believers to back up such claims, because such claims so often prove false in every area of human endeavor and medicine is no exception.

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Probiotics for Herpesvirus Rhinitis

I’ve written before on the subject of probiotics, bacteria or yeast fed to people or animals with the intent of affecting health in some way. I consider them to be in a bit of a gray zone between mainstream medicine and CAM. There is some plausibility to the underlying idea, and there is some clinical evidence that probiotics can be helpful for GI problems such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea and community acquired diarrhea. However, the wild claims that are sometimes made about probiotics of “boosting the immune system” and treating virtually any disease whether related to the GI tract or not fall into the realm of CAM.

A colleague recently went to a continuing education conference and reported that one of the speakers suggested a particular probiotic product, Fortiflora, can help with symptoms of Herpesvirus rhinitis. Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) is a ubiquitous viral infection that in some cats can cause chronic, recurrent rhinitis, with sneezing, nasal discharge, and often concommitant conjunctivitis (red, watery eyes). These symptoms come and go, especially with various kinds of stress, and there is no cure and limited benefit from vaccination and oral medications.

I was curious about the evidence for the claim that Fortiflora might help cats with herpesvirus rhinitis since the disease is a common and frustrating one and since the idea that bacteria (specifically Enterococcus faecium) fed to an animal to affect the makeup of the normal GI microflora should help nasal and eye symptoms doesn’t seem to make sense at first glance. My colleague was kind enough to ask the speaker at the conference to send the research paper he had written on the topic, which I reviewed(Lappin MR, Veir, JK, Satyaraj E, Czarnecki-Maulden G. Pilot study to evaluate the effect of oral supplementation of Enterococcus faecium SF68 on cats with latent feline herpesvirus 1. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery 2009;11(8):650-4). The experiment was only a small pilot study, and more research on the subject may be warranted, however the existing data do not provide much support for the notion that this product has a role in the treatment of herpesevirus rhinitis.

The study involved 12 cats which had previously been documented to have FHV-1 infection and symptoms of conjunctivitis. The subjects were randomly allocated to a group supplemented with Fortiflora and a control group given an appropriate placebo. They were subjected to stresses such as housing changes and spaying or neutering, and the frequency of clinical symptoms was monitored, as well as measures of GI microflora diversity and PCR to look for shedding of active FHV-1.

Prior to the onset of the study, the cats in the treatment group had a lower rate of conjunctivitis than the control group (13% vs 21%), though this was not statistically significant and might have been due to random chance. There was no significant change in conjunctivitis symptoms for the treatment group during the study (up to 16%), but the placebo group appeared to worsen (up to 29%) which created a significant difference between the groups in symptoms during the treatment period. Of the 6 cats in the supplementation group, conjunctivitis got significantly better in one and significantly worse in another during the treatment period. Of the control cats, one’s symptoms got significantly worse. There was not significant change in symptoms for the remaining 9 of the cats. Respiratory signs were rare in both groups and no differences were measured. With such a small number of cats in the study, it is difficult to view such mixed results as definitively showing or disproving an effect of the treatment on symptoms.

Microbial diversity in the feces (based on PCR) decreased significantly in the placebo group, though there were no significant differences between the level of diversity when the placebo and control groups were compared at any point. Despite some claims of relevance for overall immune function, there is no sound evidence that such measures of diversity represent clinically significant effects on susceptibility to disease. This is typical of studies of probiotics which tend to show that their use does something but which doesn’t tell us what if any real-world significance these effects might have.

Some intermittent shedding of active FHV-1 virus was detected in some cats, but there were no differences between individuals or groups in this measure. There were also no detectable differences in FHV-1 antibody levels or other measures of immune function between groups.

So overall, the study provides little support for the thesis that Fortiflora boosts general immune function in a way that would be clinically useful for cats with FHV-1 rhinitis. Certainly, the additional research the authors suggest is needed may provide greater evidence for this hypothesis, or it may show no meaningful effect. The authors are clearly good scientists, and they are careful in their paper not to make dramatic claims not supported by the data. They tend, as we all do, to interpret the results of their efforts in the most positive light, which is why independent replication of new findings is so important in science. However, the problem with traditional “opinion-based medicine” is to that the theories and opinions of smart and experienced scientists such as these authors are given great weight by those of us in general practice, and there is a tendency to make changes in clinical practices not justified by the quality of the data. This paper is interesting, and the line of inquiry may lead somewhere eventually, but it does not justify the widespread use of Fortiflora for FHV-1 rhintis.

The argument that probiotics “boost the immune system” in general is not a very convincing one, as illustrated in a critique of the concept by Dr.Mark Crislip at Science-Based Medicine.  There is no clinical trial evidence that shows resistance to infectious disease can be enhanced in a healthy, normal person. Certainly, white blood cells and inflammatory mediators can react in a variety of ways to all kinds of stimuli, in test tubes and in living organisms. But the connection between these reactions and a meaningful improvement in resistance to disease has yet to be made. Probiotics undoubtedly have some benefits, however the GI microflora and its role in immune function is a dazzlingly complex subject which science is only beginning to understand. Most of the normal organisms present in healthy people and animals have not been identified, and the ecological niche or function of these organisms isn’t known. The effect of tinkering with this complex system without understanding it is ultimately unpredictable, and the assumption that such tinkering must be beneficial is unwarranted. As our basic understanding of the topic improves, I hope targeted probiotic therapies for specific problems will continue to emerge. But at this point, there is little scientific justification for the widespread use of such products for nearly any condition with the assumption of safety and efficacy.

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Balancing Doctor Expertise and Patient Autonomy

My recent brush with the “healthcare choice” concept, as well as a podcast interview I listened to with Dr. Paul Offit on Point of Inquiry put me in mind of an interesting and challenging puzzle in the philosophy of medical practice; the question of the tension between the role of health care providers as experts and the autonomy of patients of veterinary clients. I subsequently ran across an articulate and cogent discussion of this problem from the Annals of Internal Medicine, Physician Recommendations and Patient Autonomy: Finding a Balance between Physician Power and Patient Choice, which I highly recommend to anyone interested in understanding the complexities of the relationship between healthcare providers and patients.

Briefly, human medicine has traditionally followed the paternalistic model, in which the doctor is viewed as an expert with knowledge and skills the patient does not have. The doctor is expected to determine what is best for the patient and make the treatment decisions, which the patient is expected to accept. The disadvantages of this approach are obvious. As the authors of the article from the Annals put it, “it can be difficult to determine what a patient’s best interests are; inappropriate biases caused by sex, race and socioeconomic status can affect decision making; and patients can be deprived of the opportunity to make decisions that reflect the reality of their conditions.” The paternalistic model ultimate fails to give appropriate respect to the rights of patients to control their bodies and lives.

Many decisions made in the context of health care are not truly medical decisions so much as decisions about values. Quality of life, physical and emotional suffering, tolerance for risk, and many other factors affect the appropriateness of a given treatment plan that are subjective and truly accessible only to the patient. It is widely understood now that the paternalistic model is not ideal, and for at least 30 years most physicians have been trained in a more patient-centered model in which patient autonomy is properly valued.

What is less well-recognized, however, is that there are strengths and benefits associated with the paternalistic mindset. The reality is that despite the easy availability of large quantities of raw information, a deep and accurate understanding of medicine and the basic scientific principles underlying it is not readily available without the years of study and training health care providers undergo. The Internet has convinced us that we can quickly be experts in any area regardless of our personal abilities, skills, and experiences, but this is an illusion. Knowledge without understanding is dangerous because it leads us to confidently make poor decisions. The reality is that in the complex world of modern medicine even professional physicians can easily be overwhelmed by the required and ever-growing knowledge they need to make sound decisions, and lay people will only do poorer in judging the potential risks and benefits of particular interventions, no matter how much time they spend Googling the issue.

The alternative patient-centered or independent choice model of medicine has the obvious strength of giving proper respect to the autonomy of the patient and their feelings and values. However, in its extreme form it explicitly prohibits the doctor from offering recommendations or counsel, and limits the role of the provider to a neutral recitation of the statistical and technical features of various options among which the patient must choose entirely independently. This abdicates any responsibility for the welfare of the patient so long as autonomy is preserved.

There are some differences between human and veterinary medicine in how this tension between reliance on doctor expertise and authority and the autonomy of veterinary clients plays out. The paternalistic model was never fully realized in veterinary medicine due, in part, to the role of the animal patient in the lives of the clients. Traditionally dominated by agricultural applications, veterinary medical decision-making was long constrained by the need to focus on the utilitarian or economic value of the patient. Even non-agricultural animals were often viewed in a more utilitarian way than is now the rule, and the dominant model of companion animal medicine was not unlike that of auto mechanics. People would bring their dysfunctional pets to be repaired or, if this was not possible or the economic cost was too high, to be destroyed.

The profession has changed greatly, and now companion animal medicine is far larger a domain than agricultural practice, at least in terms of the number of veterinarians if not the total economic value of the industry. The prevailing model is much closer to that of pediatric human medicine than auto repair. Pets are commonly seen as individual family members, and the focus is on their health and well-being rather than their utility in most cases. Of course, economic limitations are still far more stringent than in human medicine, and the resources available are less, but very similar principles apply. The decisions made affect the patient directly, but the patient cannot themselves make decisions or even express their wishes. The interests of clients and patients sometimes conflict, and the veterinarian must attempt to serve both while maintaining acceptable professional and ethical standards and an economically viable practice.

The issues discussed in the Annals paper often arise in companion animal medicine. Many decisions, especially involving quality and end of life as well as economics, are value decisions rather than medical decisions, and so the autonomy and independence of the client must be respected. However, the doctor does have knowledge and understanding not available to most clients, and so ought to be able to offer guidance as well as factual information to assist in decision-making. What is more, the veterinarian has a duty to the patient, and protecting the patient’s interests sometimes requires working against the desires of the client.

How, then, do we negotiate the complexities of the veterinarian-patient-client relationship in a way that safeguards the interests of the patient, respects the values and autonomy of the client, makes optimal use of the expertise of the veterinarian, and is economically tenable for all parties? I cannot claim to have a comprehensive answer, but as always I have a  few thoughts.

To begin with, veterinarians should be trained to explicitly acknowledge the questions and issues involved. Very little time in vet school is spent discussing these concerns or how they might be addressed, and most veterinarians end up stumbling into an approach that seems to work for them with little or no guidance. As a consequence, practice styles range from those veterinarians who only discuss options they wish the client to pursue and who freely tell clients what they ought and ought not to do, to veterinarians who try to practice a strictly “independent choice” model and never make an explicit recommendation or voice any personal opinions in the consultation room. As is so often the case, the best solution seems to be between the extremes, and it is likely to be an ever-evolving, self-aware process rather than a rigidly fixed formula or algorithm.

The Annals paper discusses at length what the authors call the “enhanced autonomy” approach. Essentially, this involves trying to integrate the factual details of the medical situation with the values, feelings, and interests of the doctor and the patient through open and careful communication. While the patient must ultimately make the final decision about their own care, the doctor is not obligated to ignore the medical facts as they understand them, nor their own judgment. The authors describe the advantages of their model in this way:

“The independent choice model reflects a limited conceptualization of autonomy. Under this model, it is thought that an independent choice is best made with no external influence, even when one’s competence to make the choice is limited. However, autonomous medical choices are usually enhanced rather than undermined by the input and support of a well-informed physician. Only after a dialogue in which physician and patient aim to influence each other might the patient fully appreciate the medical possibilities…Enhancing patient autonomy requires that the physician engage in open dialogue, inform patients about therapeutic possibilities and their odds for success, explore both the patient’s values and their own, and then offer recommendations that consider both sets of values and experiences. This model is “relationship-centered”….rather than exclusively patient-centered. It denies neither the potential imbalance of power in the relationship nor the fact that some patients might be inappropriately manipulated or coerced by an overzealous physician. It assumes that an open dialogue, in which the physician frankly admits his or her biases, is ultimately a better protector of the patient’s right to autonomous choice than artificial neutrality would be. Because the biases of a physician will probably subtly infiltrate the conversation even if he or she tries hard to remain neutral, it may be better to explicitly label these values than to leave them outside of the conscious control of either participant.”

Such a model is well-suited to companion animal medicine as well. It requires first and foremost open acknowledgement of the roles both client and veterinarian play in making decisions for the patient. The veterinarian has knowledge and competence the client does not. They are able to appreciate the complexities of the medical situation, and they have the emotional objectivity to view potential outcomes realistically. The veterinarian also has a responsibility to advocate for the interests of the patient and to adhere to their own ethical and professional standards. Finally, the veterinarian has a fiduciary responsibility to the client.

The client has the ultimate responsibility for caring for their pet in a way consistent with their own values and resources. They understand the pet and their interests in a direct and personal way not available to the veterinarian. Therefore, the client must be the ultimate decision-maker regarding their pet’s care. However, part of their responsibility to the pet is to be aware of and attempt to compensate for the interference of their own interests with those of the pet. And as part of the duty to give the best care possible, the client should understand and acknowledge the need for the guidance the veterinarian can offer out of their deeper understanding of the medical questions at issue.

Interestingly, this model for the veterinary-client-patient relationship shares some features with the principles of evidence-based veterinary medicine. One widely used definition of EBVM, which I have cited before, is “the integration of the best research evidence available with clinical expertise as well as the unique needs or wishes of each client in clinical practice.” Balancing the best available information, which of course is primarily the province of the veterinarian, with the needs and wishes of the client requires both the client and the veterinarian to accept the limitations of their own knowledge. The client should defer in matters of medical fact to the veterinarian, who is in a better position to understand the medical issues in a deep and meaningful way. The veterinarian, in turn, should acknowledge the limitations of their own knowledge and experience and rely on the best and highest level evidence available to guide their recommendations. The doctor must also defer to the client in areas where the core issues are those of values rather than medicine, while of course still staying true to their own ethics and understanding of appropriate standards of care.

These negotiations between the interests and competencies of the parties involved are complex and situational, and they require explicit, clear communication, thoughtful self-reflection, and a willingness to consider and integrate factual information with sometimes contrary interests, values, and perspectives. This all makes the activity both difficult and sometimes frustrating and also richly rewarding.

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More Hypocritical Nonsense about “Healthcare Choice”

Readers of this blog will be familiar with Dr. Shawn Messonier and his style of promoting alternative veterinary medicine by lying about scientific medicine and veterinarians who practice it (e.g. Here, Here, and Here). The latest example of this behavior is also a fine example of the bogus CAM marketing approach known as “healthcare choice.” I written about this strategy before, but in brief it is the claim that any argument against alternative methods, and certainly any attempt at regulation that requires proof of safety and efficacy before marketing a medical intervention, is an unjust suppression of people’s right to choose their own form of health care. Usually the argument is paired with accusations or implications that anyone who questions whether CAM works or is safe is only interested in protecting their own income.

Dr. Shawn makes this argument in its classic form in a recent blog post.

“As an integrative, naturopathic doctor, my practice is all about choice. While I hope I can convince my pet owning clients that using natural therapies whenever possible is the better, safer, usually less expensive, and healthier way to go, ultimately the choice of therapy chosen is up to the client.

If the client chooses a more conventional drug therapy, that’s her choice and I will never interfere with that choice…

It seems to me however that skeptics who rally against natural therapies don’t want their patients or clients to have this choice.
For many of these skeptical doctors, it’s “their way or the highway!”

They consistently try to talk patients out of a more natural approach to healthcare, all the while demeaning and insulting this choice, as if this choice is invalid or irrational…

The only answer I can come to after researching this question is this: economics.

If a doctor only offers one choice, in this case conventional drug or surgical therapy, and you choose a more natural approach, that means you will have to find another doctor. Your current doctor loses your business, and your choice punishes his pocket book. He won’t like that and will do anything to keep you as a patient.”

This argument is, of course, merely a cynical attempt to convince pet owners to choose Dr. Shawn’s methods by hypocritically claiming to offer more “choice,” which sounds better than admitting he has nothing but his word to offer as proof that his alternative methods actually are better for his patients. He criticizes conventional veterinarians for trying to talk clients out of using unsupported or outright quack therapies yet he admits to trying to convince his clients these therapies are better than scientific medicine, to which end he has many books, a radio program, and of course his web site, all of which are ways he makes his living. The argument is blatantly hypocritical on the face of it.

On his website, the good doctor discourages vaccination; claims commercial diets are full of toxins that lead to cancer; refers to pets taking conventional drugs as “pharmaceutical cripples” and encourages pet owners to “say NO to drugs,” and in many other ways discourages conventional medical therapies. Granted, he also makes use of many of the treatments provided by sound scientific medicine, and his practice philosophy seems to consist mostly of adding the unproven and the opinion-based on top of conventional medicine, but this is not about giving pet owners more choice, it is about pushing his own beliefs and opinions and then slandering anyone who challenges him to back those up with real evidence. If trying to convince clients about what one believes to be the true facts regarding a particular treatment is “interfering” with teir choice, than Dr. Messonier is as guilty of this as anyone.

CAM practitioners often claim to promote choice while actively claiming scientific medicine is mistaken and causes great harm. And it is not unusual to find statements such as the following from self-professed “holistic” veterinarians:

“Use of Other Modalities and Medications

The treatment program that we use is not compatible with the simultaneous use of conventional drugs such as antibiotics, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, etc. As the cases progresses, you may be guided in the gradual discontinuance of some or all these medications. This is necessary so that our methods can take full effect. In addition, if other symptoms appear during treatment (or older, previous conditions return) you will be expected to contact us for appropriate response rather than use drugs that you may have used before. The reappearance of older problems can be a very good sign that the body is beginning to heal and this is usually a very delicate and important time. The use of conventional medications and treatments might make this healing impossible!”

However, the “health care choice” argument is wrong in many ways besides merely being hypocritical. It evades the underlying issue of what the choices being offered actually are. If a client is told that an unproven treatment is safe and effective and that conventional preventative or treatment interventions are toxic and harmful not helpful, then they are being deceived, intentionally or by the genuine mistaken beliefs of the practitioner. A choice to rely on placebos or therapies that don’t work and may very well do harm based on an “educational” harangue is not a true informed choice in an meaningful sense. The whole point of evidence-based medicine is to support our recommendations with objective scientific research, not merely our own biases and opinions. And the motivation behind practicing evidence-based medicine is better patient care, not simply making money.

Alternative therapies have not earned any special exemption from rigorous objective testing or criticism. They should be judged, as scientific medicine is judged, on their merits, not on the strength of the faith their proponents have in them. Viewing the implausible skeptically and asking for evidence rather than taking Dr. Shawn’s or anyone else word for the safety and efficacy of alternative methods is the right way to protect the well-being of our patients, an trying to label it an unfair restriction of consumer choice motivated by greed is simply another example of the unprofessional, hypocritical, and vapid marketing strategies many CAM proponents have to rely on absent the real convincing evidence they fail to provide.

Dr. Shawn has the zeal of a true believer, and the inability to consider the possibility he might be wrong. Claims like his of offering more freedom of choice than conventional veterinarians are simply a marketing strategy based on caricaturing and slandering veterinarians who practice science-based medicine and evading the challenge of backing up their medical practices with something more convincing than their own opinion and experience. Such language is unfortunately often effective in a society that sees choice as automatically a virtue and that likes simple, personalized arguments rather than complex, nuanced, and fact-based ones. We who adhere to the standards of evidence-based medicine are at the disadvantage of not being able to make any claim we like regardless of whether we can support it, and those of us who believe in challenging ideas and arguments rather than people and their motives are at a disadvantage in such debates as well. Rarely do you see too sober, polite, and well-informed adversaries arguing complex scientific issues on daytime television, since it is far less compelling to watch than vapid appeals to emotion like the “healthcare choice” argument. More’s the pity.

Posted in General, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 14 Comments

Risks of Herbs and Supplements Finally Getting Some Attention

Some of the most popular forms of alternative medicine are the myriad herbs and “dietary supplements” (a faux category created by the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education [DSHEA] act to allow marketing of unproven drugs without regulatory oversight). These nostrums are potentially more useful than outright quackery like homeopathy or “energy medicine” because they contain actual physiologically active chemicals. Unfortunately, that means these are also the most likely for of CAM to cause direct harm.

There have been numerous examples of this kind of harm in the past. Kidney failure caused aristolochic acid in traditional Chinese medicines, lead poisoning from contaminated Ayurvedic and Chinese preparations, and deaths from ephedra-containing supplements such as ma huang are among the most dramatic and well-publicized examples. Below is an extensive list of references regarding these and other such examples.

Despite this, the perception that such preparations are “safe and natural” still seems widespread, and it seems difficult to disabuse people of this notion. However, I am encouraged by a number of recent indications that the risks associated with untested and unregulated supplement use may be getting more attention. I recently wrote about an article looking at the association of herbal therapy with poorer compliance and quality of life in asthma patients.

Another article on the subject that recently caught my attention was entitled Dietary Supplement Polypharmacy: An Unrecognized Public Health Problem?, published in eCAM. The article is essentially a series of anecdotes, so of course it proves nothing about the overall impact of herbal remedies. However, the theme that emerges from the cases reported strikes me as key to understanding the risks of such treatments. The cases almost all involved people who took herbal preparations for more psychological than medical or rational reasons. They generally took a variety of supplements, often with no systematic dosing or schedule or even any understanding of what they were taking or what the intended effects or possible side effects were. This is only possible because these people accepted the baseless notion that somehow because they were “natural” these preparations could be expected to have beneficial effects without any risk, any dose/response relationship, or any of the usual limitations know to affect pharmaceuticals.

Ironically, the people discussed in the article also commonly reported turning to herbs and supplements because of fears of the side effects of conventional medical therapies. This is similar to the attitude reported in the study of asthma patients. Clearly, any therapy that has measurable effects is going to be tinkering with a complex and massively interconnected system, and this makes it highly likely that unanticipated or undesirable effects will occur as well. In scientific medicine, it is understood that all therapeutic decisions require a cost/benefit analysis, and that while it is appropriate to avoid unnecessary interventions that might do more harm than good, there are clearly many circumstances in which the risks of a treatment are far outweighed by the potential benefit. CAM advocates and users seem to have the notion that these rules only apply to conventional medicine, and they tend to have an exaggerated awareness of risks while taking the benefits for granted. They then fall prey to the irrational and demonstrably false notion that CAM therapies are exempt from the rules of pharmacology and physiology that constrain scientific medicine and that they can somehow get something for nothing–benefits without risk. This is a dangerous notion which must be debunked so that the true potential of herbal medicines can be developed in a rational and scientific way and unnecessary risks be avoided.

Finally, the cases illustrate the sense many CAM users have of not being in control of their medical care when dealing with conventional, scientific medicine. Being able to change their diet, take supplements or herbal remedies guided by their own internal sense of how they are responding, and so on gives them a feeling of having some control over their bodies and their care. This is a challenging psychological issue. Scientific medicine has rightly moved away from the paternalistic model and acknowledges that patients have the ultimate right to make decisions about their own care. However, it is also an undeniable fact that health care have factual knowledge and a overall perspective that make their assessments and decisions about specific interventions generally more reliable than those of lay people with a personal and intense emotional investment in their or their pets health.

Somehow, scientific medical providers need to do a better job of dealing with the psychological aspects of disease in their patients or, in the veterinary domain, their patients’ owners. We must understand and manage the normal psychological factors that lead people into use of unproven or bogus therapies while maintaining a solidly scientific and evidence-based standard for the medicine we employ. And we must do all of this within the limitations of time and resources under which we operate. A significant challenge indeed.

Another article I ran across recently that bears of the dangers of herbal medicine use is A review of the potential forensic significance of traditional herbal medicines in the Journal of Forensic Sciences (Byard RW. 2010:55(1);89-92). This is a nice summary of some of the specific dangers of unregulated and unscientifically used herbal preparations, including direct toxicity, heavy metal poising, adulteration with toxins, interaction effects of multiple active compounds taken together, and interactions with conventional medicines. These risks are exacerbated by the facts that many users of herbal remedies don’t tell their doctors what they are taking (or they may not know themselves), most doctors know little about the possible risks of such remedies, and there is no meaningful regulatory control over the preparation or marketing of these products.

On this last point, a revision to DSHEA has been proposed in the Senate by Tom McCain (R-AZ) and Byron Dorgan (R-ND). While not perfect, this bill would improve the FDA’s ability to monitor dietary supplements and other currently under-regulated supplements and to force removal of these from sale if there is evidence of harm. Given the power of the supplement lobby and their biggest legislative boosters, Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Orin hatch (R-UT), and the general anti-regulation mood of the country, I am not overly optimistic this will become law, but I am encouraged at least that mainstream political figures are at least willing to talk about the inadequacy of consumer protections in the area of herbs and supplements, and this alone may raise awareness of this underappreciated risk.
Coon JT, Ernst E. Panax ginseng: A Systematic Review of Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions. Drug Saf 2002;25(5):323-44 Drug Saf 2002;25(5):323-44

Cupp MJ  Herbal remedies: adverse effects and drug interactions. Am Fam Physician 1999 Mar 1;59(5):1239-45

Debelle FD, Vanherweghem JL, Nortier JL. Aristolochic acid nephropathy: a worldwide problem. Kidney Int. 2008 Jul;74(2):158-69. Epub 2008 Apr 16.

Emery DP, Corban JG  Camphor toxicity. J Paediatr Child Health 1999 Feb;35(1):105-6

Ernst E Adverse effects of herbal drugs in dermatology. Br J Dermatol 2000 Nov;143(5):923-

Fugh-Berman A Herb-drug interactions. Lancet 2000 Jan 8;355(9198):134-8

Huang WF, Wen KC, Hsiao ML. Adulteration by synthetic therapeutic substances of traditional Chinese medicines in Taiwan. J Clin Pharmacol. 1997 Apr;37(4):344-50

Lai MN, Lai JN, Chen PC, Tseng WL, Chen YY, Hwang JS, Wang JD. Increased risks of chronic kidney disease associated with prescribed Chinese herbal products suspected to contain aristolochic acid. Nephrology (Carlton). 2009 Apr;14(2):227-34.

Lawrence JD.  Potentiation of warfarin by dong quai. Page RL 2nd, Pharmacotherapy 1999 Jul;19(7):870-6

Means C.  Selected herbal hazards. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 2002 Mar;32(2):367-82

Norred CL, Finlayson CA Hemorrhage after the preoperative use of complementary and alternative medicines. AANA J 2000 Jun;68(3):217-20

O’Connor A, Horsley CA. Yates, KM “Herbal Ecstasy”: a case series of adverse reactions.  N Z Med J 2000 Jul 28;113(1114):315-7

Pittler MH. Ernst, E Risks associated with herbal medicinal products. Wien Med Wochenschr 2002;152(7-8):183-9

Poppenga RH. Risks associated with the use of herbs and other dietary supplements. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract. 2001 Dec;17(3):455-77, vi-vii

Pies R  Adverse neuropsychiatric reactions to herbal and over-the-counter “antidepressants”. J Clin Psychiatry 2000 Nov;61(11):815-20

Prakash S, Hernandez GT, Dujaili I, Bhalla V. Lead poisoning from an Ayurvedic herbal medicine in a patient with chronic kidney disease. Nat Rev Nephrol. 2009 May;5(5):297-300.

Raman P, Patino LC, Nair MG. Evaluation of metal and microbial contamination in botanical supplements. J Agric Food Chem. 2004 Dec 29;52(26):7822-7

Ruschitzka F, Meier PJ, Turina M, Luscher TF, Noll G  Acute heart transplant rejection due to Saint John’s wort. Lancet 2000 Feb 12;355(9203):548-9

Saper RB, Phillips RS, Sehgal A, Khouri N, Davis RB, Paquin J, Thuppil V, Kales SN. Lead, mercury, and arsenic in US- and Indian-manufactured Ayurvedic medicines sold via the Internet. JAMA. 2008 Aug 27;300(8):915-23.

Shad JA, Chinn CG, Brann OS Acute hepatitis after ingestion of herbs. South Med J 1999 Nov;92(11):1095-7

Smolinske SC J Am Med Womens Assoc 1999 Fall;54(4):191-2 Dietary supplement-drug interactions.

Yang HY, Wang JD, Lo TC, Chen PC. Increased mortality risk for cancers of the kidney and other urinary organs among Chinese herbalists. J Epidemiol. 2009;19(1):17-23. Epub 2009 Jan 22.

Zhang SY, Robertson D. A study of tea tree oil ototoxicity. Audiol Neurootol 2000 Mar-Apr;5(2):64-8

Kidney failure from aristolochia in TCM herbals preparations.

Lead, mercury and arsenic in herbal preparations.

Lead in TCM preparations.

Lead in ayurvedic preparations.

Lead in herbal preparations.

Tea Tree Oil Can be toxic to cats.

Toxic metals in Brazilian herbal preparations.

Contamination of herbal products with undisclosed pharmaceuticals.Widespread contamination of supplements with undisclosed toxins and parmaceuticals

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 12 Comments