Search Results for: avma homeopathy

Dr. Barbara Royal Reminds us that the AHVMF Opposes Science-Based Medicine

I write regularly about the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA) and its fundraising arm the American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Foundation (AHVMF). These organizations are very much the tip of the spear for pseudoscience in veterinary medicine. Unfortunately, despite peddling … Continue reading

Posted in General | 9 Comments

BSAVA Statement on Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Organizations representing veterinarians are fundamentally political in nature, and their leaders respond to the will of their constituencies. I have often written about the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) in the context of alternative therapies and evidence-based medicine. While the … Continue reading

Posted in Law, Regulation, and Politics | 1 Comment

The 2012 AHVMA Annual Conference: An illustration of Conflicts between Science-Based Medicine and Holistic Veterinary Medicine

In response to my criticism of individuals offering or promoting alternative medicine for pets, it has been pointed out that the community of such vets is diverse, and that one cannot fairly assume that all share the beliefs or practices … Continue reading

Posted in General | 20 Comments

On CAVM Research and Plausibility

I have been participating in a discussion on the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) about the AVMA’s failure to take a scientific and principled position on homeopathy, and it prompted me to outline a few thoughts on the subject of whether … Continue reading

Posted in General | 2 Comments

Leader of Holistic Veterinary Foundation Expresses Troubling Ideas About Science

The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA), and the associated foundation (AHVMF) appear frequently in articles on this blog. These organizations represent a large portion of alternative veterinary practitioners, and the AHVMF is involved in significant efforts to spread the … Continue reading

Posted in General | 12 Comments

Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine and Teaching Alternative Medicine: What Future are we Preparing Veterinary Students to Create?

A key focus of this blog is to promote a science-based perspective for veterinary medicine. I believe that relying more on science and less on habit, tradition, intuition, and personal experience will lead to better care for our patients. While … Continue reading

Posted in General | 9 Comments

Animal Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a pleasant-sounding term for an approach to health and disease that is quite different from that of science-based medicine. It is an example of an alternative philosophy that has great appeal for from a certain perspective but which, … Continue reading

Posted in General | 32 Comments

More Philosophical Nonsense from Homeopaths

While some of the disagreements between skeptics and proponents of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are disagreements about details, interpretation of data or the finer points of methodology, it is often overlooked that fundamental, irreconcilable philosophical differences also exist. Some … Continue reading

Posted in Homeopathy | 2 Comments

Benefits and Risks of Neutering–An Evidence-Based Approach

In 2010 I published an extensive narrative review of the research concerning the benefits and risks of neutering. Since then, there has been a proliferation of studies and reviews attempting to refine and strengthen the evidence and allow better individualized … Continue reading

Posted in Topic-Based Summaries | 26 Comments

From Science-Based Medicine–Veterinary Chiropractic

People are sometimes surprised to learn that all the heavy hitters of alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, etc., are inflicted on animals as well as humans. I’ve written about veterinary homeopathy, and the associated manufactroversy, in a previous post, … Continue reading

Posted in Chiropractic | 19 Comments