Search Results for: avma homeopathy

American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation gives $10,000 to University of Tennessee Veterinary School to Promote Alternative Medicine

Last fall, I wrote about the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation (AHVMF), an offshoot of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association (AHVMA), which is devoted to raising money for the promotion of alternative therapies. The AHVMA is a vigorous advocate … Continue reading

Posted in General | 15 Comments

Nativis Voyager–A “Revolutionary” New Cancer Therapy for Dogs?

The Nobel Disease is a well-known tongue-in-cheek reference to the apparent tendency of Nobel laureates, who have obviously made substantial legitimate contributions to scientific knowledge, to develop strong irrational attachments to questionable theories or outright pseudoscience in their later years. … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous CAVM | 22 Comments

Neoplasene: Benefits Unproven and Risks Severe

Two years ago, I wrote about an herbal product called Neoplasene, an excharotic derived from bloodroot that is marketed for treatment of cancer. I pointed out in that article that apart from a couple of in vitro studies suggesting the … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 92 Comments

Veterinary Arthritis Treatments

Over the couple of years of producing this blog, I have written about many different subjects. Some have come up repeatedly, and because they represent common and important issues, I thought it might be useful to collect related posts I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Topic-Based Summaries | 56 Comments

Is Recommending Glucosamine for Arthritis Evidence-Based Medicine, or Wishful Thinking?

In January, I discussed growing skepticism about the benefits of oral glucosamine and chondroitin as a treatment for arthritis in dogs and cats. In that post, I made reference to a short feature I wrote which appeared in the Journal … Continue reading

Posted in Herbs and Supplements | 19 Comments

Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Veterinary Hospice Care

There is a brief commentary (subscription required) in the current issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) on the subject of veterinary hospice care. I’ve written about this subject before, and I think it is one … Continue reading

Posted in General | 1 Comment

American Animal Hospital Association Promotes CAVM and Quackery

The American Animal Hospital Association promotes itself as an organization which accredits veterinary hospitals and claims, “The Standards developed and published by AAHA are widely accepted as representing those components of veterinary practice that represent high quality care…Because of the … Continue reading

Posted in General, Miscellaneous CAVM | 29 Comments

Politics Trumps Science: Continuing Education Credit for Pseudoscience thanks to the AHVMA

I’ve written before about the ludicrous subjects the American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association offers “continuing education” courses on, including “Earth Acupuncture” to heal the Earth by poking sticks in the ground and adoption into a fake Native American religion to … Continue reading

Posted in General, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 29 Comments

CAM and the Law Part 2: Licensure and Scope of Practice Law

This is a cross-post from Science-Based Medicine- CAM and the Law Part 2: Licensure and Scope of Practice Law This post is intended to illustrate a bit about how medicine, including alternative medicine, is defined and limited legally by state … Continue reading

Posted in Law, Regulation, and Politics | 4 Comments

Holistic Vet Asks, “IF CAM doesn’t work, why is it allowed?”

A certain “holistic” veterinarian about whom I’ve written before (here, here, here, and—well, you get the idea) has asked a couple of good questions on his own blog, though not surprisingly I don’t find his answers at all convincing. I’m … Continue reading

Posted in General, Law, Regulation, and Politics | 7 Comments